Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 164 Seen a ghost

Chapter 164 Seen a ghost

Leng Shao stood by the wall of the floor to ceiling windows in his office, his hands were in his pocket as he gaze through the windows with a blank look on his face.

He had laid restless on his bed throughout the night as memories of him and Yan Mei constantly replayed in his mind. Her smiles, her laughs, the way she would pout when she wants something. Leng Shao felt a smile tugging at his lips.

It feels like only yesterday that he had met her. The innocent girl whose smiles always brightened his day. He didn't even realize when he started liking her by the time he had realized his feelings for her it was already too late.

She was someone's else's and that person was his best friend. Watching the woman you love in your best friend's arms everyday was torture.

Deep down he knew he had to let go but it's easier said than done. He tried to let go and move on but he just couldn't. So he did the best thing he could, love her from afar.

But now, he thinks it's time to move on and going on this date with Su Bei is the first step of letting go of the past.

The sound of someone knocking on his voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Sir the documents you requested for." His personal assistant said as he placed the some folders on his table.

Leng Shao turned around and nodded, "Thank you. How is the investigation going?"

Leng Shao asked his personal assistant. "Not very good but I'm sure we would get answers soon. "

Leng Shao frowned but nodded. Finding the culprit responsible for Yan Mei's plight five years ago is the least thing he can do for her. He hopes he can find the person soon.

"That…" His secretary trailed off. He didn't know if he should inform his boss.

"What?" Leng Shao asked when he saw the hesitant look on his assistant's face.

"Mr. Wang would be getting married next month. "

Dead silence fell in the room and the assistant fidgeted nervously. He didn't know whether he made the right decision to tell Leng Shao this.

"Hmm. It's that all?" The assistant nodded.

"Then I would leave now." Leng Shao turned to look at the view from his floor to ceiling window.

"Getting married?" He mumbled and heaved a sigh.

They promised each other that were going to be each other's best man when one of them were getting married but now-

Leng Shao rubbed his temples and blew out air. Who would have thought they would turn out this way.


After ordering what they wanted, Yan Mei and Su Bei sat at a table. Su Bei sat on the chair in front of Yan Mei while smiling.

They had an hour of lunch break before Yan Mei had to go back to work so they had time to talk and eat.

"So, how is your husband?" Su Bei asked Yan Mei while raising her brows.

Yan Mei smiled, "He is good."

Su Bei nodded and glanced at Yan Mei's stomach.

"So should I expect to be a godmother soon?" Su Bei asked smirking at Yan Mei.

Yan Mei rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"No." Yan Mei said flatly even though her heart was hurting. She has been taking the bitter Chinese medicine everyday but there was no sign of her being pregnant. Every month her mood dampens when her period comes.

"No? I guess I have to tell Mr.Lei to work hard. I can't wait for you to give birth. I'm sure your kids would be very beautiful and cute!" Su Bei squealed causing Yan Mei to chuckle.

"I met Leng Shao yesterday." Yan Mei said while gazing at her friend.

Su Bei looked up, her eyes flickering with curiosity.

"Oh you did?" Su Bei tried to act nonchalantly but the eagerness in her tone betrayed her.

Yan Mei grinned and nodded. "Yeah I did and I got you a date!"

Su Bei widened her eyes in surprised and blinked trying to comprehend what she has just heard.

"Date? With whom?"

Yan Mei ignored Su Bei and focused on her food.

"Oh c'mon Yan Mei. Don't leave me hanging, tell me. With who?"

Su Bei pouted. Even though she knew the person Yan Mei was talking about. She wanted Yan Mei to confirm so her beating heart can come down.

"Leng Shao." Yan Mei finally said.

"Really? Did he agree?" Su Bei asked excitedly, her eyes flickering with excitement.

"Yes and yes. You really like him?" Yan Mei asked teasly.

Su Bei blushed and nodded. "He is so handsome and such a nice gentleman why wouldn't like him!"

Yan Mei chortled and shook her head at her friend.

"But what if he doesn't like me or I disgrace myself? What should I wear? When is the date? Should I use my savings to buy a nice dress?"

Su Bei mumbled to herself but Yan Mei heard her.

"Silly, you're so pretty of course Leng Shao would like you. We can go for shopping if you like. "

Su Bei smiled and nodded. "Alright, let's go this Saturday."

Yan Mei shook her head, "You're behaving like a teenager right now."

"I'm not!" Su Bei quickly retorted.

Yan Mei couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter, tears filling her eyes for some unknown reason as she took a moment to take in Su Bei's excitement.

She was beaming, it's like she was a whole different person.

"I hope this works for you."

"Me too." Su Bei mumbled softly, a ghost of smile on her lips.

They talked about random things and finished their food. After they finished paying the bill they walked out of the cafe. Unfortunately the moment Yan Mei walked out of the cafe she bumped into someone.

"Sorry…" Her words were cut off when she saw the person.

Yan Mei's face paled and she took a step back.

No, it can't be. He is dead. How…

"You look like you have seen a ghost darling…."

Author's Note: Curious about our MYSTERIOUS GUY? purchase privilege at 1 coin to find out hehe

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