First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 574 Lailah Is a Reponsible Wife

Chapter 574 Lailah Is a Reponsible Wife

After a short 16-hour nap, Abaddon opened his eyes to see a very unexpected sight.

Somehow, Bekka was awake before him, and running her fingers through his hair.

"I must have been more drained than I realized if even you've beaten me up."

Bekka went from caressing her husband tenderly to pulling on his ear. "You were cuter when you were asleep and weren't trying to pick on me needlessly."

Abaddon started to laugh, but that only made Bekka tug his ear harder.

Eventually, she relented when his hands suddenly traveled beneath the covers to more familiar territory.

"...Have you noticed that it takes much less stimulation to set you off since you ascended again?"

"I will not be blamed for this, since you are the ones who insist on sleeping naked."

"So we should cover up is what you're saying?"

"Don't put words in my mouth."

"What would you like me to put in your mouth?"

As Abaddon pulled the covers back to reveal her breasts, the two suddenly had their potential good times interrupted by a familiar participant.

"I somehow knew things would get like this."

The pair looked to the other side of the bed where Valerie had appeared miraculously, already dressed and surprisingly not wearing her usual overalls.

""Wow...."" they muttered in lustful unison.

Valerie covered her body as she backed away. "D-Don't be like that, you bastards! You've seen me in nice clothes before!"

Abaddon: "Yea, but it's like seeing a shooting star..."

Bekka: "No matter how many times you see it, it still makes you want to take your pants off."

Abaddon: "I don't know if shooting stars have that effect, darling."

Bekka: "Y-You get my point, seeing her made me even more horny."

Abaddon: "Me too."

Bekka: "So we're in agreement then?"

Abaddon: "Yep."

""Get her.""


Valerie held up her hands defensively as two very nude dragons used their tails to yank her into bed.

"I promised Lailah I was going to be responsible and get you guys up!" she cried.

"A certain part of me is definitely up, my love." Abaddon ignored her as he delicately pulled off her tank-top and bra.

"I am positive that's not what she meant!" Valerie complained.

"We'll deal with her later, for now just take these off, would you?" Even though Bekka posed it as a question , she had already begun to forcefully take off Valerie's pants.

"You guys are such freaks!"

""We're fine with that.""

When Valerie was almost completely undressed, Abaddon and Bekka paused before they glanced at each other.

In unison, they turned towards a specific part of Valerie's body and made serious, concentrated expressions.

Their focus was her feet, or more specifically, the heels she was wearing on them.

"".... We're gonna leave those on."" they decided.

"Why are you two like this!?" Valerie was clawing at the bed sheets as she tried to escape the two of them, but it proved to be to no avail.

Abaddon and Bekka had just started to have their way with her when two respective sets of water shot them in their head and back.

Looking up, the two of them found Lailah on the other side of the room, hoisting a large water gun on her shoulder.

"Really, Val... I reminded you how they basically feed off each other, but you still ended up in this condition."

"I-It wasn't my fault, Lailah!" Valerie professed. "The two of them are sheer animals and they took me by force!"

"Your fingers are literally inside of Bekka and your other hand is holding onto our husband's member like you're afraid it's going to run away."

Valerie looked down at her hands and gasped in surprise when she realized that her sister was right.

"T-This is just a reflex!"

"Deviants." Lailah proceeded to spray down the three of them with icy water.

Once they were as good as bathed, Lailah holstered her weapon of mass destruction. "Get up now, guys. We're still in the middle of observing the exams, remember?"

Smirking, Abaddon rose up out of bed and started walking towards Lailah.

At that moment, the all-knowing dragoness realized that she had inadvertently made a mistake.

For she had created one of her biggest weaknesses on accident.

A soaking wet husband.

"Are you sure you don't want to get into bed with us? I think it's been a while since we all got to pamper you."

Lailah summoned a golden shield that she held up warily as she backed away.

"Abaddon Avernus Tathamet, you stop looking at me like that right now...! I-I mean it!"

"Why are you holding up that little toy between us? I just want to talk, love."

"Bull. Shit."

"Aww, that's mean." Abaddon smiled.

Even though their bedroom was large, it wasn't an infinite space.

So eventually, Lailah ended up with her back facing the wall and nowhere left to run.

Even her left and right options were blocked off, with Valerie and Bekka blocking off either side.

She was cornered!



Stuck between a rock, a hard place, and two F-sized soft places!

"T-This isn't funny you guys…we're really supposed to be... o-observing..." Though Lailah had long grown out of her meek persona, she appeared to have reverted back to it as her voice shrank and her gaze dropped to the floor.

This rare cute side of hers set off the hungry beasts around her like sharks who'd smelled blood.

Gently pushing aside the shield protecting her, Abaddon finally pressed his body, and his lips against Lailah's in a passionate kiss.

Bekka started kissing her neck and occasionally snuck in a kiss as well, and Valerie focused on getting her out of her skirt.

In the midst of having her lips ravaged by the pair, Lailah was trying to keep her mind focused on their responsibilities.

But it was hard to focus like this!

Valerie had started touching her in places that she knew would earn a reaction, her husband's angry member was poking her adamantly in the stomach, and she could literally smell Bekka's arousal filling her nostrils.

All signs pointed to her being kept in here for days!

She had to escape or risk walking funny for a week!

Finally, a spark appeared in her mind and she remembered the main reason she had been trying to get Abaddon up.

In the brief second where her lips were being passed between the three of them, she finally blurted out the excuse she knew would save her.

"C-Courtney misses her daddy!"

Like clockwork, Abaddon suddenly paused as his mind went back to his youngest daughter.

Courtney was human, and she had human parents before.

All of this was so new to her.

She wouldn't be used to her father sleeping for 16 hours at a time as a light nap, or going missing for weeks to have sex.

Now that he was thinking about those things, he actually started to feel a little bad.

"I see... we probably shouldn't keep our little girl waiting then, hm?"

Even though he was catastrophically turned on before, Abaddon removed himself from Lailah, who had already been stripped down to only her bra.

As she breathed heavily, she thanked her lucky stars that she married a man who cared about their children just as much as her.

And with Abaddon backing away, Bekka followed his example.

Valerie was the only one who was still on the ground clinging to Lailah's leg with big puppy dog eyes.

"C-Can't we just isolate the room from time again?"

"Bitch!" Lailah hurriedly covered her mouth in the hopes that Abaddon hadn't heard that.

But he had.

Nevertheless, he and Bekka began wiping each other down with towels as if they hadn't changed their plans.

"We could, but I miss our youngest a little too much. So we'll have to pick this up again later."

Tying up his hair, Abaddon glanced at Lailah out of the corner of his eye. "And don't think you're going to get away a second time. Since you're in such a mood to run I'll be sure to hold you extra tightly tonight."

Lailah blushed deeply as her lower half twitched in anticipation.

Just because she was responsible didn't man she didn't want to have sex!

She really, really loved sex!

Twirling her fingers uncomfortably, she finally caved. "W-Well maybe just for a couple of minutes we can-"

"I'm thinking about giving her a gift as an apology." Abaddon opened his drawer and started pulling out his clothes.

"Oh? Spoiling her already?" Bekka asked as she searched through her own dresser for underwear.

Lailah's heart deflated like a popped balloon. "D-Don't ignore m-"

"Is that wrong of me?" Abaddon asked as he pulled on his boxers and pants.

"No, not necessarily..." Bekka smirked. "I just wonder how she'll react to it. It might be strange for her after all."

In Tehom's society, there is no stigma around spoiling your children.

Or there is, but it isn't quite the same as the one on earth.

Unlike humans, they don't place a very large importance on physical things, since there isn't one thing that one person can have that another cannot.

Because of that, their society places values on things like tangible experiences, merit based achievements, and advancements in sciences tech, and magic alike.

Not to mention comradery and family.

Compared to those things, material objects are kind of like air.

You wouldn't really think more or less of someone just because they can hold their breath for a few seconds more or less than you, would you?

Just the same, no one really cares in Tehom if a person has more or less nice things than them.

"What are you thinking about giving her?" Bekka simply picked up a jacket out of her closet and zipped it up all the way to her neck.

Lailah: "Hey!"

Abaddon finally finished pulling on his shirt as he thought about a sufficient answer. "I guess…"

Lailah: "T-This is not funny, guys! One of you better get back over here and touch me!"

Abaddon touched his chest and took out several items from within himself.

Without exception, they were seven ethereal gold spheres with different symbols inscribed in each.

"One of these might fit her nicely, don't you think?" Abaddon smiled. "Though I would like to fix them up a bit first."

Lailah: "I-I hate you all so much!"

The sight of all seven heavenly virtues made Valerie think about something, and she finally picked herself up off the ground as she moved over to him.

Casually wrapping her arms around his midsection, she rested her face on his broad back.

"Hey… are you sure we did the right thing by-"

"Yes." Abaddon answered without delay. "Asherah has been a great friend to us... I wouldn't repay her kindness by killing her children or imprisoning them after they have already conceded."

Abaddon pulled Valerie into his arms and gave her a reassuring smile. "Besides... for some reason I doubt that they will want to interfere with us later on anyway."

Valerie knew her husband wasn't particularly a man who liked to leave things unfinished, so this sort of attitude from him really spoke volumes about his confidence.

Before she could ask him why he felt this way, she noticed his left ear twitching a bit.

That only happened when someone arrived in Tehom.

Abaddon grimaced as he patted Valerie on the head pitifully. "Besides... I think you have bigger problems as of right now."

Valerie's heart dropped to the bottom of her shoes."No... don't say it."

"Your dad's here."


- Asgard, Valhalla

After Abaddon had given the non-important angels free reign to leave heaven, the flock of pigeons migrated to the norse lands for refuge.

Odin, respectable all-father that he was, erected a sort of refugee camp in the heart of Valhalla.

He would have chosen Thrudheim, but... his son was not in the grandest of moods as of late.

Sif had gone missing and the thunder god wasn't exactly taking it well.

But Odin didn't exactly see what the issue was, since if history was any indicator she would pop back up randomly of her own volition.

Perhaps he would have put in some effort to look for her if there weren't so many other more important things to attend to.

After they saw him coming, the einherijar opened the double doors to the outside of Valhalla.

In front of the sacred hall, a large camp ground had been erected, teaming with beautiful angels.

But Odin's eye widened a bit when he realized that there were a few more new additions in the camp than normal.

However, the seven were practically unrecognizable.

Even though they were supposed to be virtuous, upstanding, and pillars of the heavenly faction, all of them looked like they'd had their wills completely broken.

The only one who looked the least bit normal, was Azrael.

'Just what in the nine realms happened to all of you..?'

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