First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 260 Baby Dragon Goddess!

Chapter 260 Baby Dragon Goddess!

After Ouroboros introduced herself, the wives fell into an understandable silence.

Well... understandable for everyone except the newborn herself.

'Is this a shock for them? All of the children I created were capable of speaking immediately after conception, so why are they behaving so oddly?'

It was worth mentioning that the first dragons were created because Ouroboros wanted to replicate what the creator did and made her own life forms.

As a result, the first few dragons emerged into this world as fully formed beings who were comparable to godkings in terms of power.

She had no idea that such a thing was completely out of the norm for any species.

Bekka: "Hmm... How about Jasmine instead?"

"... I do not understand."

Valerie: "Ouroboros is kind of a scary name for such a cute little girl, no? We're trying to think of something more fitting. Maybe Eva?"

Lailah: "Do you have any ideas, Seras? You did birth her after all."

Seras: "I am just happy that she was delivered safely. I was going to allow husband to name her."

The eyes of the wives travelled to the slumbering dragon who was not at all likely to wake up anytime soon.

"I suppose we should wait for him then." Eris said with a nod.

'What is wrong with my name...?' She wondered.

Suddenly, the baby glanced at the battlefield that had just been destroyed. "Ah, one of you should collect that for origin."

Her small fingers pointed to the corpse with a small ethereal ball floating just above it.

"I'll get it." Audrina said.

She vanished right before their eyes and reappeared beside the body of pride.

Audrina carefully took the ethereal sin into her hands and prepared to leave when she noticed something interesting.

She glanced at the weapon that was casually lying next to Lucifer's corpse and wondered if Seras would like to have it.

Just as she reached down to pick it up, the spear was suddenly engulfed in flames and disappeared.


She kicked the left half of pride's body a few times to make sure he was really dead.

If it hadn't been him who sent that weapon away, then who did?

Finally, Audrina decided that maybe it just wasn't meant to be, and she returned to the rest of her family with sin in hand.

"Should I give this to him now, my daughter?"

"... Daughter?" She asked.

The vampire smiled warmly and lifted up her newest child into her arms. "Yes dear, immortal dragon goddess or not you are still my newest daughter and I love you very much."

Ouroboros was stunned when she received a small smooch on her chubby cheeks and a warm nuzzle of affection.

Bekka: "That's not fair, why did you get to kiss her first?!"

Seras: "I pushed her out so that should have been my right!!"

Lailah: "Give her to me right now! I've been holding myself back this entire time!"

Valerie: "I wanna sniff her!"

Lisa: "As do I! New baby smell is one of life's greatest treasures!"

Soon little Ouroboros was in the center of a tug of war with all of her mothers trying to sniff, kiss, or nuzzle her.

She maintained a thoughtful expression the entire time, and seemed as though she was not uncomfortable with the affection.

'Curious...very curious.'

It took a full ten minutes for everyone to settle down and Ouroboros ended up sitting in the lap of Seras.

Once the girls got their fill, the baby was finally able to answer Audrina's question from earlier.

"You cannot give that sin to origi... to father right now. His body is in too brittle a state to handle any influx of energy and he will inevitably break down."

The girls nodded slowly in understanding before Lisa asked another question that they had always wondered.

"How did you know to come here? You said that husband called you but what exactly does that mean?"

Ouroboros leaned back into her mother's embrace and put her hand on her little chin as she tried to think.

"I believe.... he gained some sort of enlightenment after absorbing the power of gluttony, as that was in essence a part of my divinity. When that occurred, he was overcome with such a sense of anguish and mourning that it reached me all the way inside of my pocket dimension.

When I heard him I suddenly felt... wrong. Like the entirety of my grand existence was no more than an incomplete fabrication, and I was not where I belonged. I immediately left my realm and came here, and when I entered his body I learned of my true origins... although... I still am not sure how we came to be split from father in the first place."

Lisa: "We?"

Ouroboros nodded as she continued to allow Seras to sniff her hair like some kind of coke addict.

"Once I fused with father, I could feel that there were more beings just like me. Although... the connection is very faint. I am unable to pinpoint their exact location, but I can say for certain that none of them are within this world."

The wives suddenly became excited, as they were constantly looking for ways to build upon their husband's strength.

Eris: "So if husband continues to have these enlightenments, he'll be able to call all of his fragments and get his original power back, right?"


"BUT WHY!?" They all asked aloud.

"Because I am special." She said without a hint of arrogance. "At the height of my powers I was not bound by a physical form. I was a being of pure and immense energy.

That means that I could travel anywhere at anytime with almost none being able to stop me, but I do not think these other beings are the same as I."

"And what makes you think that?" Lailah asked.

"I would have come across them already. The number of beings who are close to me in power can be counted on one hand, and I always visited them at least once with the hopes of alleviating my boredom.

If father were to have another enlightenment, he would probably be able to communicate with them, but drawing them here is a certain impossibility. "

It seemed like the girls were finally realizing just how powerful their newest daughter use to be, and they felt a bit odd about the fact that they were nibbling on her toes a few minutes ago.

....But she was just so cute!

"Umm... princess?" Lillian asked hesitantly.

"Are you referring to me?" The child seemed to find no problem with a floating talking sword and continued to act as if she was having a normal conversation.

"Y-Yes. You are the third princess of the Tathamet royal family of Samael." Lillian explained.

"Ah...What is a princess?"

The girls gave Ouroboros a brief description of what exactly a princess was but it honestly seemed like the baby could not care less either way.

It seemed like she was virtually a god again but one without any real power, so she didn't consider the title to be extremely meaningful.

"You have given all of your power back to your father, correct? Are you... sad about that?" Lillian asked.

It was a fair question to ask.

Ouroboros was literally one of the strongest deities in all of creation, and now she had been relegated to this childlike form.

"Well I did not give all of it back to him. My soul has managed to retain around six percent of my former abilities and all of my knowledge, so it is not as though I am left with nothing."

She glanced at her sleeping father a few feet away and all of her mothers surrounding her.

"I am also not unopposed to spending time here. I have been alone since before time was recorded, so I believe it may be nice to experience... family."

Ouroboros' words were simple and said without much thought, but it was more than enough to make her mothers' eyes water.

"Aww my baby is just the sweetest!!!"

Seras quickly scooped her daughter up and began cradling her like she was a precious gem.

"I know your siblings will love you just as much as we do! I can't wait for you to meet them!"

While being smothered by her mother's very large breasts, Ouroboros could be seen wearing a slightly concerned expression.

"Siblings... I wonder what they are like."

- 9 Days Later

Antares, The Throne Room of the Golden Dragon

As always, Helios was watching his oldest friend Hajun drink himself to death while he complained over what he considered to be unserious matters.

"That slutty lust demon! How dare he put his filthy fingers all over my sweet Seras!!"

"I have told you countless times before, there is not a man in this world who is capable of forcing Seras into doing something that she doesn't want to do. If she is alongside Abaddon, then it is because he makes her happy."

"Then why don't I feel any better!?"

"Because you are an idiot."

"Fuck you!"

Helios watched his friend take yet another sip of dwarven whiskey and could not help but reflect on his past.

'I wasn't this bad... was I?' Suddenly, he felt like he may have owed Asmodeus an apology.

However... a reminder of his son in law's annoying personality immediately purged that idea from his mind.

'...Nevermind, that bastard will never let me hear the end of it.'

Eventually, Helios realized that he had not seen or heard from Seras in well over two weeks, and such a thing was extremely unlike her.

He sat up from his throne and wiped off his immaculate pink robe. "Get up. We're going to the blood flame territory."

Hajun's eyes suddenly gained a new light and he quickly sobered up as he stumbled back onto his feet. "Tis about time you said something useful! Let's hurry up!"

The dragon king rolled his eyes as the two of them prepared to leave the castle, but they froze when they sensed two incoming presences that they knew very well.

A mass of shadows rose up from the floor at their feet, and a moment later Asmodeus and Yara appeared hand in hand.

"We figured you'd be here sulking, Uncle Hajun. I've been looking for you." Yara said happily.

"So... you did not come to see me then?" Helios asked as he tried to conceal his heartbreak.

Luckily Yara was an expert on diffusing a situation like this. "No father, but it is always a pleasant surprise to see you nonetheless."

Helios nodded silently in satisfaction and showed that he was now sufficiently appeased.

"I'm sorry to make you come looking for me like this, princess. We were just on our way to my daughter's territory."

Asmodeus smiled humorously as he placed a hand on the shoulder of the old dragon. "You won't find her there, my friend. She's in Luxuria."

In the blink of an eye Hajun's mood returned to rock bottom and he gained a stinking expression. "Why am I not surprised... Dare I ask what she's doing there?"

"She's on maternity leave." Yara answered.

Helios / Hajun: "Say what now?"

"Maternity leave." Asmodeus confirmed.





Hajun began to show some signs of getting dizzy and fainting, and Helios had to hold onto him for support.

"M-M-Maternity leave?! W-W-Why would my sweet peach need that?"

As an incubus, Asmodeus felt like he was the most qualified to give an explanation. "Well, when two adults love each other very much OR have ingested copious amounts of alcohol-"


A hard elbow from Yara interrupted his explanation before he could send the old dragon into a coma.

Gently, she took her uncle's hand and spoke to him in a calm and reassuring voice.

"Uncle, your daughter sent us to find you so that you could come and meet your granddaughter."

Helios / Hajun: "She's given birth already!?!?"

"Fufufu~ Yes, she has. I'm told her pregnancy was a rather special one." Yara said with a melodic laugh.

Both her father and uncle were understandably shocked out of their minds, and their eyebrows had almost gone up enough to touch their horns.

While Asmodeus was busy snickering, Yara continued to gently coax Hajun out of his shell so that he did not have a heart attack within the throne room.

"So will you come with us? We can all go and meet our newest grandchild together."

Hajun admittedly did not know what to say, and he opened and closed his mouth several times before he could actually force words out.


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