First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 255 Seras Is Scared

Chapter 255 Seras Is Scared

When Abaddon's wives sensed that he had resurrected, they immediately left the manor and headed directly for his location.

With Audrina flying at her fastest speed, they were able to reach him in relatively little time.

The girls seemingly did not care about the audience they had present as they tackled their husband to the ground and began showering him with all of their affection and tears.

Now that he was paying attention, he could feel all of their immense worry and fear, and it very nearly made him dizzy.

The girls were so terrified when they couldn't feel him, they too had forgotten about his phoenix heart skill as well.

Reactions to this reminder varied between slight embarrassment and not so subtle disregard.

Bekka: "Y-You jerk! You could've atleast warned us if you were going to do something so scary!"

"But my love, would telling you 'I'm about to die' not make you all panic even more?"

Valerie: "N-No one told you to say it like that!"

This scene went on for several more minutes, as there seemed to be no end to the amount of tears the girls could shed.

After a while Abaddon finally had to split himself into four, and took each of his wives under one arm while Seras received an entire clone to herself.

While he whispered comforting words in the ears of the girls, he was also trying to calm the nerves of his seventh wife, who was by far the most upset.

Not because she loved him any more than the others, but because she was carrying his child.

Her nightmare of her baby not being able to meet it's father was very real for a moment, and it was even more terrifying than she could have imagined.

As she sat in his lap not saying a word, Abaddon could do nothing but hold her trembling body as he waited for her to speak.

"You cannot imagine how horrified I was... I had become so used to always being able to feel you that I was completely unprepared for the moment where I couldn't."

Seras reached out for one of Abaddon's hands and placed it on her pregnant stomach.

"As your wife and the mother of your child, may I ask you for something selfish...?"


Seras suddenly took her husband's face in her hands and let a single long held tear fall from her face.

"Please... don't ask me to leave your side until this is over. I have never thought myself a weak woman, but I fear that watching you leave again will reduce me to just that."

"...Is that truly all you wish to ask me for, my love?"

Weakly, Seras nodded her head as she clung to her husband even tighter than before. "I will not ask you not to continue fighting, for I am already aware that if you do not then an even worse fate awaits us.

I just... I do not want to feel that fear again... Only knowing that something has happened to you, but not being able to see exactly what... is agonizing."

Abaddon could tell that Seras was making a great effort to be considerate of his responsibility while also establishing her own needs.

She did not ask to fight alongside him, even if that is what she desired internally. Rather, all that she asked was to be in his corner during his final battle.

"My battles with Mammon and Lucifer may be touch and go... can you bear to see me like that?"

Seras briefly looked confused before a glimmer of recognition shone in her eyes. "Ah... about that... would you mind opening a portal home for a moment?"


- 3 minutes later

Abaddon was currently staring at the body of Mammon, or at least what remained.

Seras was very proudly holding the sin of greed by his fat neck, as she presented his body to her husband. "Actually, you only have one battle left to fight. Aren't you grateful for that?"

Abaddon could not answer, as he was too busy looking down at Mammon's sorry state.

His arms and legs had been bitten clean off, and even the skin on his face had been ripped away with razor sharp claws.

To prevent healing, his stumps were burned with incredibly powerful flames and even his vocal cords had been removed.

"Do you get it?" Seras asked proudly. "It's like that movie you showed us one time. He's a turd in the wind!"

"I do... Is this your handiwork by chance?"

Seras was suddenly no longer proud as she lost the ability to meet Abaddon's gaze. "Huh? O-Of course not..."

"You little liar. What were you doing while you're with child?" Abaddon asked exhaustedly.

He turned to look at the rest of his wives who were standing a few feet behind him and let out a disappointed sigh. "And why didn't any of you stop her? You know that she shouldn't be overexerting herself."

A chill passed through the spines of all of the wives when they remembered the look on Seras' face when they reminded her that she was pregnant.

"Honey... you have no idea what it was like." Lisa said solemnly.

"If we did not allow her to fight, we no doubt would have suffered the same fate as Mammon." Lailah added.

"D-Don't be like that, sisters! I wasn't that bad!" Seras defended.

"Yes you were." They all said aloud.

"Tch..." Seras suddenly felt like she'd taken an arrow to the heart and did not offer any further defense of her actions.

'I see... so I am not the only one who has had a hard time, huh?'

Abaddon held out his hand and instinctively called for his sword.

Twirling it in the air, he stabbed it into the chest of Mammon as he looked him directly in the eye.

He had no sympathy for a man who would try to take his home from him.

In the end, he did not even spare another word for the man he had once treated honorably.

'Even Satan had more of my respect... what a revolting creature you are.'

Once the sin of greed had been killed, another ethereal sphere arose from his corpse.

Abaddon reached out to take it, when he was suddenly reminded that his weapon wasn't just a weapon anymore.

"Gross gross gross!! Why did you have to use me for that!? I can feel his insides!" Lillian screamed.

"Ah... Sorry Lilli, it was a force of habit."

"Wipe me off please, my prince!"

Abaddon used blood manipulation to clean off his nanny's 'body' and she finally seemed to calm down a bit.

"Hey, you know that I am no longer a prince, right? There is no need for you to keep referring to me as such."

"Oh... I suppose that's right. Then, kin-"

"Absolutely not. Just call me Abaddon like the rest of my family."

"....I will think about it."

'So stubborn.' Abaddon thought as he rolled his eyes.

"Beloved... why is your sword talking?" Audrina asked.

"And why does it have the voice of a woman?" Lisa asked dangerously.

Abaddon smiled wryly when he realized that he had forgotten to make the proper introductions.

"Girls, this is Lillian." He said as he held up his sword. "She was my nanny as a child, and the first friend I had in either of my lives."

"Hello... I would come out and greet you face to face but... I fear I am a bit indecent at the moment."

Needless to say, the mouths of all of the girls fell open from disbelief.

They had all heard the story of Lillian, both from Abaddon himself and Yara.

None of them could understand how a woman who had died over ten years ago was suddenly dwelling within their husband's weapon.

He took a moment to explain to them what had happened, and the explanation was every bit as insane and unbelievable as they imagined.

Ripping a soul from the afterlife through no more than sheer force of will... it was nothing short of ludicrous.

"I still have not restored her back to life completely yet, but I'm planning on doing so once everything is over."

"I see... nonetheless, it is still nice to meet you, Lillian." Lailah said with a small bow.


Lillian suddenly floated out of Abaddon's grip and performed her own version of a bow. "Please my lady, there is no need to lower your head to a simple nanny."

Once the rest of the girls saw that Lillian was quite kind they all began exchanging pleasantries and introductions, leaving Abaddon to deal with the rest of the euphrates and Leviathan.

"I'm sending you all home. Your first battle has been exemplary and I am quite proud of your efforts. You all have earned a good rest."

While the chimeras were grateful to have received the praise of their god, they were still slightly concerned when he told them that they would no longer be needed.

"God... is there not still one sin left? I do not meant to question you, but are you certain that you do not wish to bring us with you?" Kanami asked shyly.

Abaddon nodded without a second thought, even though he was always touched by the concern of his subordinates.

"I am sure. Pride is not the kind of man one needs to bring an army for. And besides..."

The dragon glanced over his shoulder at his wives who were busy playing with Lillian.

They were rotating her body around while making her talk so that they could try to figure out where her voice was coming from.

"I already have traveling partners for this battle.... and a bit of apologizing to do on the way there."

"...I see... I wish my god luck, on both battlefields."

Afterwards, Abaddon opened up a portal and sent the euphrates home.

Once they had all left, he placed his hand on Leviathan's head. "Now, what am I going to do with you..."

"You're going to stop treating me like a child for one! I am older than you can imagine, damn brat!"

"Right..." Abaddon said, not really paying attention one way or another.

He couldn't really ignore this strange connection that he felt with his aunt, so he needed a place to put her until he could press her for more information.

After taking a moment to think, he finally came up with a conclusion.

Kneeling down, he came face to face with his locust and gave it a set of simple yet dreadful instructions.

"Bagheera, take her to see Malenia."

Bagheera: *Horrified whimpers.*

"You don't have to stay with them. I just need someone to keep an eye on her until I return."

Finally, the locust seemed to relax a bit and nodded in acceptance, allowing Abaddon to send the two of them through another portal without making a fuss.

Well Leviathan did complain, but Abaddon promptly ignored her and sent her through anyway.

Once all of the extras had been sent home, Abaddon felt a small poke in his back, and turned around to find all seven of his wives and Lillian waiting for him.

"You asked me if I could handle seeing your fight with Lucifer, knowing that it will be touch and go..." Seras began. "I cannot say that I will not be in turmoil... but I know that the alternative is much scarier."

All of the wives nodded along in response, as if to confirm that they all felt the same way and there was no way to change their minds.

"I see... then we should get going, yea?" Abaddon said with a small smile.

"U-Umm I have a question!" Lillian suddenly said from within Bekka's grasp. "You weren't planning on using me for this fight, were you?"

"Tempting, but no. For someone of Lucifer's level... my methods will need to be a bit more effective."


Unlike the other sins, Lucifer did not have a city to rule.

He only had a large golden castle situated directly in the center of Samael, but it was considered to be no less extravagant than the dragon king's.

The inside of pride's castle was every bit as beautiful as the outside, but it was largely empty and contained no real personnel other than a few maids to due menial tasks that he considered to be beneath him.

He didn't even have an army, as he felt that there was no demon in this world who would be worthy of carrying a flag with his great name and as a result, he dealt with all battles on his own.

Not that there were very many who would be interested in challenging the number two being in this world.

The only one who was stupid enough to come here looking for a fight was his brother Satan, but his last visit was hundreds of years ago, due to the humiliating defeat he suffered at Lucifer's hands.

Leaving him with no real source of entertainment for several years, and a steadily growing sense of boredom.

As such, he spent a great many days doing exactly what he was doing now : sitting on his throne with his golden eyes closed.

But today, it seemed like he would finally have something to do.

'I was beginning to think you would not come, dragon. Let us begin.'


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