First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 245 The Land Of Wrath

Chapter 245 The Land Of Wrath

In the demon continent of Samael, there is a region that is known to be particularly hostile and unfriendly.

The land of wrath is a hellish domain where death and conquest await one at every possible turn.

Both the sky above and the earth below, have been permanently dyed red by the blood of countless men, women, and children.

Other than the dragon king's throne room, this is the most feared place in all of Dola.

Only the foolish or the warlike choose to come to this place of their own volition, as there are only two laws here.

1. Humans are to be killed immediately without any exceptions.

2. Might makes right.

Was your store looted and all of your workers killed in front of your face?

Oh well.

Did men barge into your home and violate your wife and daughters while forcing you to watch?

Tough shit.

In the end, those tragedies would be seen as your own fault, since you clearly lacked the power necessary to protect what you valued.

In the land of wrath the weak are not simply stepped on, they are ground into the dirt and broken down mentally and physically.

The king of greed let out an audible sigh as he looked out the window of his black and gold carriage.

It always annoyed him to come to his elder brother's territory, as he found his way of life to be distasteful and barbaric.

Why waste time on war and bloodshed when there was so much money to be made in the world??

As far as he was concerned, the only time killing served a vital purpose was to protect the wealth that you already had, or to acquire more of it.

It was not something to be done so casually as his brother wrath seemed to think.

"Utterly wasteful... no wonder we're locked in a stalemate with the humans." Mammon muttered.

He had only just entered the land of wrath, and already he could see fights in the streets that numbered anywhere from 5-20 people.

This place was far from beautiful, as the architecture was still largely underdeveloped due to the constant destruction of roads, buildings, and homes.

The only places that seemed to be doing fairly well and thriving were a few seedy bars and inns, as they were either owned by someone powerful, or were being protected by someone who was.

In the streets, demons were ceasing their rowdy activities when they saw a carriage being pulled through the broken road, and a flash of greed shone in their eyes.

While Mammon liked that look, it was only when he was giving it to others and not when it was directed at him.



With a casual snap of his fingers, Mammon manipulated the earth beneath the ignorant demons.

Huge spiked pillars of earth pierced through the bodies of the demons without even giving them so much as a second to know how they died.

20 demons had died in an instant, and Mammon decided to leave their bodies as they were as this carnage had the feel of avant garde artwork.

'Satan should thank me... I have made his domain look a bit less like a shithole.'

Even though the demon lords practiced total neutrality, that did not totally apply to the sin of wrath.

And this was for the sole reason that... he did not really care what happened to the demons underneath him.

If they were weak enough to be killed, then that was that.

All Satan cared about was his own carnage and bloodshed, and he had little to no interest in anyone else's.

Soon the demon lord's carriage stopped right in front of what appeared to be an absolutely enormous colosseum.

This place may have looked like a gladiator's battleground, but it was actually more than that.

It was the castle, sanctuary, and church of the sin of wrath, and he practically never left it.

Day after day, month after month, year after year, he indulged in battle against thousands of his most powerful citizens without end.

But just for today, the colosseum had been closed off to the public, and it was here that the meeting between the sins would be held.

"Let's go."


Mammon stepped down from his carriage while being followed by two of his generals, Belial and Mulciber.

The three of them made their way up the bloody stone steps and entered into the colosseum, where they found a red battlefield that was littered with broken weapons and bone.

In the center of this great structure, there were seven stone thrones arranged in a circle, with four other demon lords already present.

Three of them had two generals standing behind them, and they all seemed to be analyzing each other carefully as if they were anticipating a conflict.

The only one without an entourage was Lucifer, the sin of pride. As he viewed the act of bringing others as a sign of weakness.

"Welcome to my home, you tubby money grubber!" Satan said in a voice full of mockery. "I was expecting you to be the last to show up!"

Mammon's gaze lingered on the orange haired demon for only a second before he glanced at his other siblings.

"So our youngest has yet to show, huh? Would have thought he'd be the first one to arrive after he felt what it's like to die for the first time."

Belphegor and Leviathan glanced at each other but said nothing, undoubtedly because they knew that none of their siblings would believe what they had seen.

In a few moments, they would see it for themselves anyway.

"...Did all of you see it?" Satan suddenly asked.

No one needed to ask what he was talking about, for there was only one possible answer.

They all nodded solemnly, and Satan clenched his fists as he sat up in his stone throne.

"One of the dragon gods suddenly appears right after Beelzebub dies... that cannot be a coincidence.

And then that explosion that completely eviscerated his domain, I believe the humans may have come into possession of dangerous new weapon!"

"Ha!" Mammon laughed heartily and pointed at his brother like he was some kind of joke.

"You believe this backwater world holds a method to contact one of the most powerful divine beings in creation? The sin of wrath has clearly begun to eat away at your already feeble mind!"

"Most dragon gods are entirely neutral." Lucifer reminded. "And those that aren't despise humans even more than we."

"Right..." Satan grumbled as he ran his hands through his fiery orange hair.

"Then what could have gained the attention of such a monstrosity? And why was it so adamant about descending onto this training ground of a world!?"

None of the sins had an answer, and it seemed like they were going to go mad from not knowing.

But all of a sudden, they began to feel something in the air around them.


It wasn't coming from them, rather it was emanating from every demon in the land of wrath and congealing together to create a cloud of despair over the city.

"It took him long enough..." Belphegor grumbled.

Their eyes turned to the sky overhead, and they listened carefully as the sound of wingbeats got louder and louder.

The sky suddenly darkened as a massive snakelike dragon with four heads came into view.

As soon as their eyes landed on the red king in his monstrous draconic form, they knew immediately what he had done.

But even then, they could not believe it.

Satan: "He... has absorbed gluttony!"

Lucifer: "I can see that brother, but...That's not possible..."

Satan: "Then what the fuck are we staring at?!"

Mammon: "Nevermind the sin for now, how has this bastard become a true dragon?"

Abaddon's massive body began to descend slowly from the sky, and his frame shrank down to one that was much more conducive for conversation.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon had become a tall man with richly tanned skin and fiery red hair.

His powerful body was littered with muscles, giving him a physique comparable to that of Satan and Lucifer.

He descended slowly onto the ground, seemingly being carried by nothing more than the wind itself.

As soon as his sandal touched the sand, he was immediately besieged by one barrage of questions after the other.

"Bastard, why do you have the sin of gluttony!?"

"How are you suddenly a true dragon?? That old fart in Antares should be the only one in this world!"

"What is your relation... to the dragon god that suddenly appeared a few days ago?"

Abaddon ignored the questions of Satan and Mammon and instead held unflinching eye contact with the sin of pride.

"Interrogating me as soon as I show up? That's rather rude, no?""

"We aren't close enough for me to ask how your family and parents are first."

"All the more reason why I should not have to answer you at all." Abaddon replied as he took his seat on an empty throne.

He leaned back into the uncomfortable chair and closed his eyes, looking as relaxed as if he were at home.

Lucifer's gaze suddenly became unfriendly and he turned the armrests of his throne into powder underneath his mighty grip.

"You would do well to answer, child. I have allowed you to keep your secrets thus far, but the time for that has come to an end."

"You believe you can force me?" Abaddon asked without even opening his eyes.

"I would be well within my right to. Especially considering the fact that you are no longer one of the seven sins."

After Lucifer dropped that bomb, all of his siblings began to look at him like he was crazy.

"What are you talking about?" Leviathan asked.

The sin of pride looked at his siblings and shook his head in disappointment.

"Pay attention. Though the power that he now possesses may closely resemble our counter parts, it is not.

The powers he has now... they go much deeper than lust and gluttony. So deep that even I cannot see it's end."

Suddenly the remaining four sins were all analyzing Abaddon carefully, and they too began to sense what their eldest brother spoke of.

Lucifer stood up from his seat at a menacing height of 7'0 and came to stand over Abaddon directly.

His golden eyes were burning with power, and it seemed as though he was already prepared for an inevitable conflict.

"You should start talking while you still can, dragon. We aren't close enough for me to ask you twice."

Abaddon continued to idly sit on his throne without opening his eyes, only now a small smirk could be seen on his lips.

What he was thinking about at that time, only he knew.

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