Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 71: Grabbing Every Opportunity (2)

Chapter 71: Grabbing Every Opportunity (2)

The street performance was... subpar. Maybe it was because they could see the wires connected to the prop or the plot that the princess must escape the hold of her fiance who was calm and gentle... but was not her first love and run into the arms of the poor servant that was thrown out of the palace. What self-respecting woman would justify that her father who wished for his daughter's well-being could be evil? Honestly, Mikoto regretted choosing this as their destination to enjoy and excused herself quickly after the play was over to one of Akimichi Clan's restaurants, this one named Porkly Crew, before booking a private booth for themselves.

"Are you annoyed that the play looked somewhat like our situation?" Kai smirked as Mikoto, still brooding and resting her chin on her supported arms only blew a deflated huff and noted, "Our?"

"Well?" Kai just inquired, not even knowing why she must go out of her way to NOT consider a proper date as Mikoto sighed softly and pulled back, "Kai-kun... I'd be seventeen in a few months... do you think... I'm making a mistake?"

This did burden her. While Mikoto did like Kai, and it surely helped that he didn't look or act like a usual boy, most possibly because of the war and one white-maned toad sannin corrupting him, she also felt quite a bit guilty as if she was stabbing her clan in the back by going against their wishes.

"Let's see..." Kai hummed, "For you to make a mistake would mean that you bet on the wrong choice. Not me or Fugaku but... the choice between agreeing to your clan's 'advise' or your own choices, am I right?"

Mikoto was surprised that a joke wasn't thrown in her face and nodded. It wasn't that hard to guess where her real complications lay and she replied, "After I made it clear that I don't want to marry Fugaku... and after father made it clear that he would accept no one that couldn't beat him... he's been real cautious of you. But that's all fun and games. The Clan has a successor now that Sarachi is born."

{A/N: Sa of Sasuke, Ra of SaRada, and Chi of itaChi... so consider a bespectacled duck butt genius with a penchant of questioning life.}

"Yet the elders of the clan think it's a really bad idea for me to have a relationship with any outsider."

Kai nodded. He may not give a rat's ass about her clan or her position but it would be a lie if Mikoto, her, strength, and her potential weren't attractive. After all, why would he be with someone who couldn't attract him? But before he could offer some shakes with her fries, Mikoto straightened her back and looked at Kai with a serious and firm gaze.

"And your 'filthy' dreams did not make it easy for me in the clan. Civilians can have... those ridiculous settings because of the clear social disparity but it's never simple for the Shinobi kind."

And to this, Kai offered a genuine sigh. If he ever hoped to actually make true of his dream... not the one that would fuck the wold sideways but the one that would allow him to fuck the most, he knew he had to... ugh, feel genuine, sentimental emotions and convey them. Most people, after all, are emotional creatures, too...


Kai had them, and he loved them... but acting cheesily on them was one thing he... feared.

But what kind of dream worth its salt wouldn't make the dreamer the slightest bit anxious?

"Mikoto..." Kai looked at the table, feeling a rare moment of speechlessness as he didn't know what to say aside from alleviating the tension with a joke. He grew thoughtful of others and sensed Mikoto's curiousness as she waited.

This was going to be damn hard... but if he was to ever have a harem... it was better to practice now than later and see all the 'opportunities' vanish because he was hesitant in this cutthroat world.

"I, ehm... l-li... admire you." Every syllable felt heavier than his weight adjustable mesh armor.

Mikoto looked dazed for three whole minutes before her lips pursed and Kai could already sense it...

Here it comes...

"Pfft! Hahahahaha~!" Mikoto guffawed as she truly saw his inexperience on the matter and poked, "So all you're good at is looking at those pervy magazines but still have trouble communicating, huh, now that's the Kai... chan I know," she narrowed her eyes leaning forward, "Aw~ poor baby must be feeling too embarrassed, hehe."

Kai's expression grew deadpan in a matter of a second before he exhaled and adopted a lighthearted grin, "Fuck yeah it was embarrassing. But... it is true. That's my dream and while there are a few things I won't do to achieve them, there are many more things I will. You, Kushina, Nono, Tsume, Sensei, and many others."

"That's not affection," Mikoto sighed and smiled wryly, "That's infatuation... maybe when you grow up more... and you got over me, what then? I won't care what the clan says, still don't, but I don't want to feel like a fool..."

Now Kai knew why Mikoto might think that since she didn't know about his toxic lover of his past life The Gamer Mind, and he firmed his expression. If anything, Kai would feel relieved himself if Mikoto didn't have doubts. It's not like he lied. He'd been on about his dream from the getgo.

"It may sound crass but I don't think I'd ever get over you. But yes, me wanting more DOES complicate the situation..."

"So, you do understand that," Mikoto had a calm smile as she was happy to hold this rare moment of serious conversation and inquired, "But what if I... or someone else for that matter does not want to be a part of this arrangement? Would you... 'persuade' us in a forceful manner?"

"What? I'm not about to **** anybody. That's a lame move." Kai scoffed with a frown, "You know what, I just realized something. It's your decision to accept or reject and my decision lies in whether I want to keep asking you out or not. It's not like you didn't know what I wanted... and I suppose I should warn you that I'm not going to change."

Mikoto sunk in silence and she questioned after a moment, "You really do like asking a lot with that crocodile mouth of yours..." Mikoto groaned and her gaze grew pointed, "But... even if I know them... the girls... and even if we assume they all agree, I... will be heavily restricted. My eyes will be sealed. That's not... what I want."

"I can unseal them," Kai remarked.

"Maybe you can, maybe you can't... but a shinobi's life is filled with deceit. What you want, however, is a relationship so devoted that it can work with multiple individuals... so, if..." Mikoto's throat felt dry as she wondered if this was a mistake to say or not... but she did say it eventually, "I... want to leave my clan with my honor intact. No seals... no conditions. If I am to ever share a man... who might be the youngest jonin... then I want the entire population to know that he won't be deterred by anything... or anyone."

Kai looked a little stunned before a smile developed over his lips, a predatory one, "That's it? I do feel that you have every right to have your conditions. I am asking a lot, after all. Yeah, sure, I've beaten a couple of Uchiha punks before, I can add Uchiha elders to that list in no time~!"

Mikoto scoffed and rebuked, "I was worried you would say that. No... not that, silly. Although... you can beat a few elders just for fun," she smirked, "While it is left unsaid... even my clan would have to give leeway if the outsider I'm marrying is strong. So strong that his accomplishments themselves make them reassess their conditions. I feel... that you must be that influential if you actually want to accomplish your dream without getting tied down by the conditions of many, many, old coots."

"It's our first date... and you're talking about marriage..." Kai smirked, "How about we discuss consummation, too, then?"

Mikoto's lips twitched while her thinly-veiled blush and the intent of her chakra gave her coyness away as she snorted, "Of course... a kid only has his mind filled with that. It's good that I am here to help you... well, for a foreseeable future. A relationship is much more than just... sexual interactions. I believe I can help you persuade others"

"Oh, about that... I have a top dog already." Kai blinked. His greed knew no bounds... and his sight was already set on someone special... someone really special...

"Huh?" Mikoto blinked in confusion.

{A/N: I hope it wasn't too cheesy but I do feel that it was necessary to have things cleared up. While there are many who may not have conditions like Konan, for instance, hypothetically speaking, there would be others who would feel that they deserved something in return for compromising with others, and hey, that's just life. I feel having a harem in such a dark and gritty world as Naruto is already pushing stuff a bit...}


"Hmph!" Mikoto snorted for the umpteenth time, snatching the tiny cup of sake from Kai's hand, "Children shouldn't drink alcohol!" As her face was ruddy and her eyes narrowed into barely parted slits.

She was more than annoyed that Kai wouldn't name this 'Top Dog' as she stated the names of many, many girls but he denied all of it. None of them, not even Tsunade Senju, was the Top 'Bitch'. And so, as they ordered their food in a form of platters of meat that would even make an Akimichi clan member respect them. Kai ate most of it. His stomach was a gaping hole that demanded more and more food. It was only natural, after all, his physique was rightly into the level of Jonins! He needed nourishment.

He was only a pseudo gamer at best and his stats were a reflection of his training largely so if he skim on nutrition, his physique stat would lower eventually.

"If I am a child maybe I should be drinking milk?" Kai raised his brow and his gaze wandered over to Mikoto's developed breasts that looked quite sizeable even through her rather simple but beautiful dress.

"Beh, stupid, pervert, idiot Kai!" Mikoto stuck her tongue out, adopting childish retorts when feeling embarrassed while being drunk.

Kai smiled at that. It was easy for Mikoto to recover from this state by utilizing chakra and mystical palm over her stomach to quicken the digestion but she seemed intent on getting absolutely wasted, "You know... Kai-chan~" She eyed the boy who'd grown... quite the candy to her, and many other's eyes as a few kunoichi freshly out of the Academy even went as far as to claim they would be observing his growth with great interest.

"If you just tell me the name... I will reward you~ Maybe..." slurring hotly, Mikoto traced the left spaghetti strap of her dress and uttered, "... a peek?"

"Well... I've seen Nono naked a few times," Kai admitted, "So that level of genjutsu doesn't work... and did you forget? I can transform into you."

Mikoto pouted and huffed, "Then why don't you stick it to a transformed shadow clone?!"

Mikoto regretted saying that the very next second as Kai grew dazed and then he muttered in a voice audible to her, "Interesting... would that be considered homosexual... or masturbation? I should have a discussion about this with Jiraiya-san..."

"No, you are not to meet that man anymore!" Mikoto stated hurriedly, not wanting her Kai-chan more corrupted than he already was... because of what she said.

Kai smiled and lied through his teeth, "Sure... maybe if you... hmm, persuaded me a bit... generously, I might stay away~"

Mikoto grew silent, her dark pupils fully focused on Kai as she bit her lower, full lip with an aggravated expression...

"It's... my first..." She whispered. Her flush slowly decreased as Mikoto genuinely wished to be sober during her first kiss.

"So... this is it, huh? Youngest Jonin... if you disappoint my expectations... I would feel really... well, foolish," Mikoto smiled wryly as Kai wiped his mouth and replied somberly, "The only way you'd ever foolish is by vomiting right after kissing someone because you were too drunk."

Mikoto was stunned before she chuckled lightheartedly and then looked a bit awkward, "Uh... yes, since I am older, you should... follow my lead. Come here." She patted the seat next to her, making the situation even more awkward and tense as Kai couldn't stop smirking.

As he sat next to Mikoto, he held both of her hands which she appreciated greatly as locking her fingers with his calmed her nerves a great deal.

Locking their gazes, Mikoto slowly leaned down but not by much. She had indeed grown taller than Kai once again but he was one puberty short, hopefully, for catching up.

Soon, their lips locked together and Kai could feel her breath somewhat stale due to chugging sake a few moments ago. Yet, Kai pressed forward rather boldly, seizing all initiative while Mikoto's eyes wide in shock grew to narrowed slits, and her brain was in a buzz... as she felt a bit of chakra seeping through his tongue that was quick to slip into her mouth. This chakra... made her feel good. Special.

Her vision swam somewhat as she experienced a powerful jolt through the nape of her neck to the base of her spine and she instinctively felt it...

Three tomoes rotated in her eyes.


But Mikoto's hand gently shifted out of his hands and coiled around his neck as she... wanted to feel this more so that she could learn this power!

And when Kai very assuredly leaned her down to make out with her in a little more... assertive position, she gently lay on her back.

'And she wanted to be a top dog,' Kai smirked inwardly.

He was quite happy that the technique he practiced with his bro had such great effects... he only regretted that his 'bro' wasn't here to be proud of him. No worries, Kai fully intended to flaunt the results once he returned to his pad.

As for the technique...

[A Shinobi's Kiss (5/5): Improves upon the use of mouth and tongue using pure chakra. Chakra consumption reduced by 10% at every level. Current Consumption: 2/min.]

Oh, and Kai fully intended to grind out the elemental chakra versions... once he got the actual grind out of his way. After all, he would get to test things on many... many partners. If someone like Mikoto can agree with this then his future was bright indeed!


Shoutout to Nicholas Pelzl and Robby James Overy!!

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