Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 28: Departure

Chapter 28: Departure


Black cloth man couldn't understand how Fei attack not only break his strongest attack but also nearly killed him. When he saw Fei coming near him with a sword in his left hand, he couldn't help but tremble in fear and start shouting "You can't kill me. I am the son of a Blood controlling sect master. You kill me and you will be endlessly chased by blood controlling sect. Not only your family will also die."

Fei was thinking of negotiating a little bit when he heard this guy threatening his family, his killing intention erupted. He swings a sword in his left and cutting his head. Only then a black cloth man was endlessly regretting threatening others with his family.

Fei didn't care; he took a spatial ring from black cloth man and went towards his group. He was very tired and was about to pass out when two hands caught him. Fei was alert, hardly opened his eyes, and saw Zhao San holding him. Fei than look at others and saw everyone waiting for him, girls except Qin Huifang even had tears in their eyes.

They felt endlessly powerless when they saw Fei using everything he got to fight against the enemy and they were just standing there and watching. After Fei gave them so much, he was already god in their heart. But when they powerlessly watch Fei putting his life on the line and fighting enemy, they felt so useless.

Fei was really putting his life on the line on that fight, due to that cut in his chest. When he again burdened his body so much, his wound was getting bigger and wider causing more blood to flow out of his body. Only after killing enemy, Fei realized that and he was going to pass out just because of that. When he saw his friends waiting for him, he directly closed his eyes and fall unconscious.

At the big mountain

Inside a large palace


A hand strikes boulder near, crushing it into pieces. It was a middle-aged man with a muscular body in a red dress with gloomy aura around him. He roared "Who killed my son? Find him out and capture him alive and his family. I want to peel off his skin and kill his family in front of him."

There were some middle-aged man and woman around him shaking in fear, said "Sect master, the young master was on a mission of collecting ordinary people blood"

"Then, you say ordinary trashes killed, my son?" The middle-aged man was sect master of Blood controlling sect and one who dies in Fei hands was a son of this man. Middle-aged man released terrifying aura asking

"no, no I mean sect master, many righteous sect released mission which means, one of these people must be the one who killed young master," One of a middle-aged man near sect leader said in fear

"Then, find out who killed him" Middle-aged man roared in fury

"Yes, yes sect master" Everyone shuttered in fear and leave

The middle-aged man looked out of the mountain holding broken jade saying "Ao'er I will kill the person who killed you" It seems that jade represents the life of a person, once a person dies, jade will break but that doesn't mean breaking jade will kill the person.

At this time in the stone village, inside a yellow tent, a ray of sun pierced through a small window in a tent.

Inside the tent, a boy was sleeping and in black cloth with an upper naked body. His chest part was bandaged and he looks a little pale. He suddenly opened his eyes and look around "Is this tent?"

At the same time, a girl came in seeing Fei awake, she screamed outside "Brother Fei is awake"

Hearing girl voice, everyone outside rushed inside, and a mischievous boy came near Fei giving him bear hug said "Boss, you're finally awake"

The mischievous boy is Zhao San and he is only one who dares to hug Fei. Fei smiled and pushed him away saying "I'm only interested in a female"

Then only other realized, Fei was half-naked, boys laughed out loud whereas girls blushed. They didn't dare to look at Fei until Fei took out a T-shirt and wear. He then asked, "How long I was unconscious for?"

"Boss, you're unconscious for three days" Zhao San answered in exaggerate expression.

"Three days" Fei murmured and then again asked, "Has anything happened during these days?"

"No boss, there is also no sign of beast waves. It seems there will be no beast tide here. So what are we going to do now boss?" Xiao Zhen was the one who answered.

"Since beast tide has stopped then let's return to sect" Fei calmly answered

Hearing Fei, everyone was nervous they still want to spend time with Fei but now that Fei said they can't refuse. Seeing their expression, Fei smiled and said "We are only going to separate for some time. We will reunite soon. When that time comes, we will turn whole Zhen Qi continent upside down"

Hearing Fei again, this time everyone had a smile on theirs. Fei then again continues "But to reunite and start our group, we have to get opportunities and Secret Realm is one. I want everyone here to attend the Secret Realm, no matter how hard is it?"

"Yes, Boss" Everyone shouted at excitement.

"Okay now let's return" Saying this Fei and his group came out of the tent. They bid farewell to villagers and leave the village. Fei was an indifferent route and the group was an indifferent route. He needs to reach sect within one month, became inner disciples, and participate in the Secret realm.

With many thought in his mind, Fei moves towards the sky-high forest.

He was moving at a very fast speed. On the way, he saw a bunch of different beasts but didn't disturb them. He was running when he smelled something very sweet.

He saw a purple fruit at the southeast. It was purple fruit with red stripes on it. Fei couldn't remember such fruit name but through smell and energy overflowing from it. Fei can guess, this must be treasured fruit. Fei slowly in silent steps tried to get near fruit.


A figure was crashing its body against Fei. With observation spirit, Fei could dodge that attack but part impact affected him with certain scratches in his arms.

"Purple thundering snake"

Fei sucked cold breath while murmuring its name. As the name suggests, this snake in purple color as thunder attribute from birth. It is not only ranked ninth beast but also its speed comparable with ranked one middle-level beast. Until now, Fei has only encountered a low-level beast.

Now encountering beast whose speed is comparable to a low level, Fei was certainly terrified. Among Attack, defense, intelligence, endurance, and speed only speed is unbreakable. If a person has the fastest speed, he can not only counter any attack but also dodge them with no difficulty.

But then again he thought, ranked ninth beast staying near a fruit means that fruit is strengthening itself. To make ranked ninth extremely cautious for fruit means that fruit got to be something extraordinary.

Fei curled up his lips smiling, he summoned bronze skin and move towards the beast. Fei clenched his fist punching out towards purple snake but it only strikes the air.

"Bang" "Peng"

Purple snake tail strikes Fei in lighting speed making Fei fall on the ground. Though it wasn't enough to make him bleed it could slow down him. Fei saw another attack coming towards him.

A pair of wings appeared in his back, dodging attack Fei took out a saber and stab straight. But before his saber could stab, purple snake dodged.

"Mountain Splitting Flame" Fei changed his course towards a purple snake swinging his saber, she slashed down.

"Shh" Purple snake was looking irritated, it swings its tail three, and thunder was appearing around the tail. It also moved towards fei attacking him.

"Three dragon cell" Sensing danger in front of him, Fei summoned three dragon cells in his chest, with his bronze skin total strength skyrocket.


Thunder tail and flame saber collide breaking some trees. Fei saber was splitting flame which was burning snake and snake thunder was attacking fei.

But what most unexpected to snake thunder happened here; Fei didn't dodge to defend, even turned off his bronze skin letting thunder to have direct contact with his skin. "Buzz"

Thunder slowly traveled through his body and spirit roots inside of his dantian start spinning at great speed. "Yahoo" All the thunder in his body, through his meridian traveled towards his dantian. Upon reaching, it sucked directly sucked by spirit root.

After refining thunder Fei was standing as nothing happened. The purple snake didn't understand what is going on? But he surely understands that his thunder isn't working against fei.

Fei ignored snake face, green flame spits out of his body to his saber. Fei look at snake and winds appeared in his feet. He disappeared from there and the next moment he was in front of a purple snake. Though purple snake speed could evade normal attack the next attack sliced it in pieces.

"Fire Eruption Saber"

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