Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 10: Protector of Humanity

Chapter 10: Protector of Humanity

A large fist-sized hole was created on the stomach area of a beast.

Nothing was left on that hole. Due to this, the beast slowly falls on the ground and died.

Seeing it, those cultivators around him were in awe. Their jaw was hitting on the ground. They rubbed their eyes and once again look at the dead beast. Then they look at Fei, he was still fucking body refining the 9th layer and he killed ranked 6th beast.

But only Fei knows that his consumption was too great, nearly half of his spiritual qi inside dantian emptied. It was great that while running, he was only using his body and a little bit of Qi to support stamina.

Fei walked near white lotus, she was holding a child on her hands and let the middle-aged woman on the ground. He saw the child was exhausted and sleeping in white lotus arms.

He then walked near them and moved his lips slowly in low voice saying "Space-Time Physique"

Only white lotus and middle-aged women could hear him, white lotus didn't care much but the middle-aged woman's expression changed very much. It was a little shocking and little gloomy.

Fei watched the change in her expression and said "Only I know this information, I do not know why you are living this life. I don't what your strength is or from which realm are you from but today I despised not because of any other thing just because you watched until so many people died in front of you and did nothing. If you don't protect people who need protection then you aren't worth being called a cultivator"

Saying all Fei walked a little away, watched her hesitating expression, and said "Lotus don't let a single people die"

Fei slowly walked towards monster beasts; there were still more than five hundreds of monster beasts.

A black sword slowly appears on his right hand, although half of his Qi was exhausted still half was enough to kill all of these beasts.

He spiritual qi inside of his dantian spur with thunder on its. It was his spirit root that was passing him thunder qi.

His thunder qi passes through hand to his sword and sword was covering by thunder and it was red thunder. Though his thunder is actually a black thunder when it comes to using in the sword, it is covered by sword aura.

Level 1 Sword Aura + Black thunder = Red thunder

His red thunder was not only destructive but also sharp. He performed Overlord Dragon Sword Art.

"Hidden Dragon Claw Collides"

Red thunder dragon claw phantom was out of his sword tip. It took a straight route and killed nearly fifty demon beast with a single claw.

After killing fifty monster beasts, he jumps high in the sky, swings his sword from top to bottom, and a huge tail crashes into monster beasts.

"Dragon Tail Flings"

At the sideline

All of them were speechless on Fei killing so much of the beast all by himself.

"Brother Fei Awesome" Zhao San from the back shouted and cheered for him.

"Eh! Isn't he a little brother of yours?" Xiao Zhen looked at Zhao tan and said

Zhao tan embarrassedly said "Yes"

"Then let's ask him about that person," Xiao Zhen said and with his group moves towards Zhao San.

While middle-aged women looked at white lotus and said "You are from the dragon race, why to follow him?"

Hearing the dragon race name from a middle-aged woman, lotus suddenly became alert and a murderous aura was released from her "Who are you? How do you know I am from the dragon race?"

"You don't need to get angry, I just know but I want to ask you why High-level Flood Dragon would follow Body refining peak cultivator even so happily," Middle-aged woman asked with a smile on her lips

"Because he is a good person" White lotus blushed and said

Seeing white lotus, blushing middle-aged woman was left speechless.

She then looked towards a young man fighting against monster beasts all by himself. Then she remembered those words from his mouth 'If you don't protect the people who need protection you aren't worth being a cultivator'

"Did I do wrong? I just choose these peoples to live for my son's live" Middle-aged woman murmured in a low voice that almost no one can hear.

"Roar" A huge beast like an elephant was running towards common people trying to kill them. Sensing the danger, the white lotus disappears from her position and appeared in front of that beast.

"Freeze" White lotus chant some word and huge ice-covered the huge beast, freezing it to the bones.

She then clenched her little fist and punch slowly. It was like kid punching as she is a kid but that punch breaks the whole chunk of ice into pieces.

White lotus also saw other beasts attack common people, as she freezes all of them in ice and breaks them one by one like she is playing with them.

Seeing her playful expression, all other cultivator was left in awe. First, a young boy who punched ranked 6th beast like its nothing, and now a young girl is freezing these beasts and killing them like playing.

"So powerful" Qin Huifang was very much interested in white lotus, seeing white lotus powerful ice abilities.

Fei didn't know what white lotus was doing as his mind was only on killing them, he all attacks of overlord dragon sword art one after another.

"Hidden Dragon Claw Collides"

"Dragon Tail Flings"

"Ferocious Dragon Hunts"

One after another, a large amount of qi was pouring out of Fei dantian leaving him almost empty. Fortunately, he had Qi recovering pill which can be used only two times a day.

It instantly filled his dantian and he started attacking again and again.

"Roar" A huge flying beast rushed towards Fei, it was Wind Eagle.

It is known for its strength and speed. Mainly because of speed, it is mostly used pet for humans.

"I need a flying pet and you seem perfect for it" Fei mysteriously smiled and look at the eagle.

Seeing Fei smiling at the eagle, many people were confused at first then bell in their mind rang and they all said the same thing at the same time "No Way"

"He is really doing it" Zhao San happily cheered then was punched by his elder brother.

"Don't you see we already have enough trouble to handle" Zhao tan fiercely roared at his little brother

"But he is really doing it" Zhao San made a painful expression and said

At the same time

"Caw" Eagle cried and slashes forward its claw towards Fei.

Fei smiled and clenched his fist, normally he still doesn't have enough power to make the eagle submit, and using a sword may be life-threatening for the eagle.

Fei was dead set on receiving eagle as his pet since it could hold him and fly. Fei didn't hesitate for a second and run dragon elephant phantom producing a powerful aura from his body that even far away from middle aged woman felt.

"Who is this guy? It feels like the oppression of a legendary dragon elephant but why does this guy have it" Middle-aged woman frown and murmured

With a powerful aura, strange energy flows out of the dragon elephant phantom and entered his body making his body extremely powerful.

His body endurance, strength, speed, and defense everything was maxed out enough to pull that eagle down.

Fei speed was very fast; he used lighting leg and soar his speed to the fullest.

Fei was not faster than Wind eagle, it's just that wind eagle had already set its target to Fei so in the midway; it's very hard to dodge Fei.

Fei already knew this; he was on top of wind eagle, positing his fist he punched out very hard on its back.



With a sharp cry from the eagle, when Fei's fist land on its back, with injuries it fell down.

Fei didn't want to waste time so he came down and used the pet contract "Follow me let your wings spread throughout the sky"

It's not that wind eagle was refusing, it's like someone was manipulating it. It was not like pets instead of hypnosis.

Fei then urged dragon elephant phantom again "Dragon elephant suppressing the gods"

A powerful aura burst out of Fei unlike previous it was to pressurized others. His aura burst inside the eagle soul, making it trembles, losing hypnosis completely.

Though the eagle was hypnotized, when the dragon elephant aura burst inside its soul, the wind eagle completely surrenders to Fei.

"Congratulation on getting Wind Eagle Pet"

Wind Eagle

Level- Low ranked level 6

Bloodline- None (But due to system contract, it can swallow any bloodline that the Host provides.)

Skill- Wind wings, Eagle Claws

Seeing wind eagle surrendered, the last of the remaining beast fired up and lose their control attacking anyone standing in front of them.

Among the most powerful was 6th ranked beast Thunder Lion, it directly pounced towards Fei with lighting speed and lighting claw.

Fei took a deep breath, stood at a place from where he can cover most of the beast. His sword burst out dragon aura as well powerful qi. He looks towards the attack coming at him and swings his sword saying "Flood Dragon Murdering Sword"

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