Female lead’s Delusion of Starting Over

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Chen Ya: Ye Chen, You’re an Idiot

“What’s wrong? You seem a bit unhappy,” Cao Yingying propped herself up, looking at Lu Li with concern.

Lu Li didn’t hide his feelings, saying, “Yeah, some dead woman actually wants to use me as a tool. I just can’t understand, I have her by the balls, and if necessary, the survival of the Chen family could be decided in a moment by me. What right does that guy have?”

“Is it Chen Ya? What happened?” Cao Yingying was curious.

Lu Li recounted the events, leading Cao Yingying to frown and shake her head with a laugh, “Really a true businesswoman, huh? Even at this time, she hasn’t clarified her stance, still playing little games!”

A glint of coldness flashed in her eyes, scheming against her man.

“What do you plan to do?” Cao Yingying asked.

Lu Li shrugged and smiled lightly. He had been negligent, bringing such negative emotions into the room, making his girl worry with him. It wasn’t right; it really wasn’t.

“Give her a day. If Chen Ya still can’t make the right choice, then both she and her assets are done for.”

Holding a royal flush, it’s time to play it when necessary. This time, he was somewhat annoyed by this so-called heroine. He never had much fondness for her to begin with, and now, seeing her fail to grasp the situation and even thinking of using him, his patience had worn thin.

The terms were laid out clearly; whatever choice this woman makes, Lu Li couldn’t care less. The initiative would always be in his hands.

Although Lu Li didn’t despise Chen Ya as much as he did Zhang Ziqin and Lu Ya—after all, by the time Chen Ya appeared, he was already numb, just acting to complete the mission—still, to say he had no dislike for someone who humiliated him would be a lie.

“Mhm!” Cao Yingying nodded silently.

“Alright, it’s getting late, let’s sleep. Look, Xiaoyi has already passed out. After all that fuss, aren’t you tired?” saying so, Cao Yingying yawned too. They had indulged a bit too much today. Although Lu Li was young, there should be limits!

Some things need to be considered for the long term!

Lu Li assured her there was no need to worry, his body had been enhanced to beyond human limits by that damn system. He wasn’t tired at all, even ready to take Cao Yingying for a 10-kilometer night run.


The next day, around noon, the sun shone brightly.

The Chen family’s estate was bustling with visitors, many of whom had set aside their own affairs to attend. The Chen family still had face.

This was true before, and even more so now. Despite being targeted by two major families, the Chen family emerged unscathed, adding a layer of mystery to their already infamous reputation in the underworld.

Nobody knew what kind of power lay hidden behind the Chen family, and the unknown was the most awe-inspiring.

“Auntie, has Lu Li not arrived yet?” Ye Chen’s eyes were haughty, but deep hatred lurked within as he asked.

“Why should he come? Knowing full well this banquet is a trap, do you think Lu Li is stupid? Or do you believe you’re the only smart person in this world?” Chen Ya glanced at Ye Chen with disdain, her lips curling into a slight smile. After today, she would be seen as an unfilial daughter by everyone.

And Ye Chen… hmph, without saying more, there wouldn’t be a place for him in the Chen family anymore.

She had been too presumptuous, thinking she could just use a few words to make Lu Li take the lead without giving anything in return. It was utterly despicable.

Know your place! At best, her relationship with Lu Li was one of cooperation, and Lu Li didn’t have a good impression of her. She couldn’t afford to upset him anymore.

Yes! That’s it.

With all the leverage in his hands, even if it was just for her own sake, for the Chen family’s survival, she had to do it.

Ye Chen’s mockery of Chen Ya’s ridicule passed with a laugh. His aunt was always cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

“Just a coward, no matter. It’s even better if he backs down. Though we can’t embarrass him publicly, our chances of working with the Zhong family to deal with him are greater now.”


Chen Ya’s scornful gaze flicked over Ye Chen. Still as overconfident as ever! Lu Li doesn’t even consider you, let alone the Chen family. Where does your confidence come from?

Turning her head away, Chen Ya couldn’t bother to look at her bothersome nephew any longer. Today was the day she would show her determination to Lu Li.

She had to act on her own to regain the favor she had lost in front of Lu Li.

He clearly disliked her, even loathed her, all because of this damned blood relation.

Today, she would sever what should have been severed in the previous life.

“Welcome to the banquet at the Chen’s. In just a month, we’ve had the honor of your visit twice, and for that, my family is grateful,” Chen Ya was the first to speak at the event.

Her words were pleasant, and the guests were all smiles.

“Miss Chen is too polite. Attending the Chen’s banquet is our honor.”

“Indeed, what inconvenience? We’re honored to be here.”

“Miss Chen is being modest…”

“Miss Chen’s radiance makes it a privilege for us just to see her.”

Various polite remarks came from around, to which Chen Ya responded with a sweet smile, her manners impeccable.

Having been in this circle for many years, she knew exactly what expression to wear at any given time.

“Today’s banquet was specifically requested by my father. The reasons behind it, I dare not share in front of our esteemed guests. Let my father’s proxy, Mr. Ye Chen, explain to everyone!” The trap was set, waiting for someone to fall in.

Ye Chen’s face lit up with joy. His aunt was setting the stage for him! Raising his profile, making it easier for him to converse with these influential figures.

Old Master Chen also showed approval, satisfied with his daughter’s performance.

The guests, however, were slightly frowning. They had heard about Ye Chen offending two major families, but at this time, the Chen family chose to let Ye Chen speak. Was this a sign of change in the Chen family?

Whispers filled the air.

Chen Ya’s lips curled into a mocking smile as she stepped down from the stage.

“Auntie, thank you!” Ye Chen said softly as he passed by Chen Ya.

See? His aunt was cold on the outside but warm inside. This wasn’t pre-arranged; his aunt was indeed advocating for him!

Chen Ya smiled faintly, “Make sure you perform well!”

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