Fated to My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 245: 245 Don’t Make Me Hate You More_1

Chapter 245: Chapter 245 Don’t Make Me Hate You More_1
Moreover, she was in excruciating pain at that time, there was absolutely no pleasure to speak of.

Despite her physical pain, her heart was happy at that time.

That’s because she was deeply in love with him then, even the pain he inflicted on her was willingly accepted.

As time passed, similar circumstances have now emerged, but her feelings are totally different.

Now, even before he touches her, she rejects him strongly.

People might believe it if she were accused of seducing him back then.

But now…

Jian Yufei couldn’t help but scoff, “Ruan Tianling, if I wanted to seduce you, I would not have gone through all the trouble to divorce you! I have long lost any sensation to your touch. Even if I were to seduce other men, I wouldn’t even consider you!”

The man’s face suddenly darkened.

Who was she trying to seduce, Xiao Lang?

“Really no feeling? Then let me test if you still have any!”

Ruan Tianling’s thin lips curved in a predatory manner, his eyes were filled with a violent storm.

He forcefully lowers his head––

“Uh…” Jian Yufei grimaced in pain, her small hands continuously beating on his body, tears of humiliation and anger welled up in her eyes.

But he was determined to conquer her, not caring about her grievance, her pitifulness, her feelings.

Jian Yufei was too young after all, not recognizing that some men are not to be provoked.

Especially the likes of Ruan Tianling, who are lawless and whose dignity doesn’t tolerate any challenge.

Many years later, when she thought about today’s events, she realized how naive she was.

If she hadn’t provoked him with her words, maybe what happened next wouldn’t have occurred.

Sometimes, words are the best weapon to attack others, but it’s a double-edged sword.

When you hurt others, you also hurt yourself.

Jian Yufei’s hand was already aching from hitting him, and she was totally desperate.

This bastard, why doesn’t he just die, Jian Yufei cursed bitterly in her heart.

Suddenly, his cold belt buckle touched her lower abdomen, Jian Yufei cried out in terror, “Ruan Tianling, don’t make me hate you even more!”

“Go ahead and hate, hate as much as you want!” The man’s eyes were bloodshot, his handsome face appeared fierce and wild, his eyes flashing with an arrogant and domineering air.

Regardless of her fear and pleading, he relentlessly did that to her.

Jian Yufei’s eyes widened suddenly, she viciously bit into his neck.

As strong as he was, so was the force of her bite.

Jian Yufei held onto his neck tightly, planning to bite a chunk of his flesh off.

The more pain Ruan Tianling’s neck felt, the more vicious he became.

His hand gripped her neck from behind and he harshly asked, “Do you feel it now?!”

In response to his question was her intensified biting!

“Ha, it seems like you do feel it!” The man became more ferocious, like a wild beast knowing nothing but plunder.

Jian Yufei’s face turned white from the pain, her mouth already filled with the taste of blood.

The two of them continued to bite each other, like fierce beasts fighting each other to death.

Nobody could afford to lose, for failure would result in a bloodbath, being crushed to pieces!

An intense struggle was going on in the closed bathroom.

The maid, who had gone to fetch Jian Yufei’s clothes, arrived late with the newly purchased clothes. When she arrived at the bathroom door, she knocked politely.

“Miss Jian, I’ve brought your clothes. Don’t know who took your old clothes, I couldn’t find them just now, so I had to arrange for new ones to be purchased for you.”

Although there were people in the bathroom, no one responded to her…

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