Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 820: Jianxuan Yanchao

Chapter 820: Jianxuan Yanchao

Chapter 820 Jianxuan Yanchao

After Jiang Zihao finished writing the letter, he specially gave it to his sister to read, which was highly praised by Jiang Xinyan.

She said that Jiang Zihao is a warm man, and he will definitely be deeply in love with his wife in the future.

Romantic life, qin and zither and singing, will definitely spend a long life romantically, Jiang Zihao and Xuanyuan Shuang were delighted to hear it.

With such a highly rated letter, can Mrs. Jiang not be moved?

Mrs. Jiang read the letter, tears streaming down her face, she stood up excitedly from her chair.

"Mother, my son and I want to go find the master and the young master, do you agree?"

After the little lady finished speaking, she picked up a handkerchief and wiped away the tears on her face.

"I want to go, but I'm afraid that you are just full moon, and you are tired and busy, can you?"

"Mother, we are ready to leave immediately. Let's go find the master together and celebrate the New Year with them."

"Well, it's enough to keep a few people in the mansion to watch the yard. You tell me, anyone who wants to go can go with us, and those who don't want to go can stay and watch the yard."

Those who like to live a comfortable life will stay and guard Jiangs mansion. There is enough food in this mansion, so they dont want to suffer with it.

"Whether you follow or stay, remember, don't reveal this matter, anyone who dares to disclose it, my wife will never let it go lightly."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Jiang turned around and walked out. The servants behind her hurriedly bowed their heads and saluted: "Your servant understands."

Mrs. Jiang hurriedly left Jiang's mansion with someone overnight, heading north.

When she was really on the road, she felt that she was too impulsive. Along the way, Mrs. Jiang felt uneasy.

Although she already knew that the master and stepson were looking forward to their passing, she was still worried and afraid. It is said that it is a place where birds don't shit.

One day passed, two days passed, three days passed, countless days passed.

Mrs. Jiang and her party walked farther and farther, but she was not afraid anymore, and her mood changed from uneasy to excited.

She will see her husband soon, and she believes that he will take good care of her children.

Mrs. Jiang and her party left Shangni County and headed for the northern border smoothly.

That's because, except for the capital, other places obeyed Chu Lixuan.

Within the jurisdiction of Chu Lixuan, there is peace and harmony everywhere.

But when Chu Lixuan first entered the new capital, many women would admire him.

Boldly confess to Chu Lixuan, at this time the young man next to Chu Lixuan will jump out to help him block the peach blossoms.

A woman with knowledge of current affairs went down the steps and married a young man who stood up, and lived a happy life ever since.

There are also some who are not afraid of death. After being rejected, they will continue to harass him without giving up, or simply want to flop.

What kind of person is Chu Lixuan? Twelve was trained in the military camp, with a resolute and vicious character, and a heart as hard as iron.

How could such a small role be deceived, so those women fell black and blue.

A woman with a bruised nose and a swollen face who still doesn't give up will be disabled by the fall, and will spend the rest of her life miserable.

There are also some who think they are smart and sharp, and they choose a different path.

That is, she was extremely close to Chu Lixuan in front of everyone, relying on her appearance and family background, she wanted to be his only wife.

There are also some women who try to be the closest person around him, even if they are just a housekeeper.

Then this matter can continue. If Chu Lixuan has feelings, they will be carefree for the rest of their lives.

But none of them had ever succeeded, and Chu Lixuan was not so easy to get close to.

Facts are always disappointing, Chu Lixuan has always dismissed those women.

He didn't even look at him, which made all the women suspect that Chu Lixuan was a cold-blooded and heartless man who didn't know how to pity and cherish jade.

"Hey, so what if you are capable? Being his wife is not a sin."

"Hey, it is said that Master Chu is married, no wonder Mrs. Chu is not with him, such a cold-blooded and heartless person, how can any woman be willing to be with him."

"Then Mrs. Chu dislikes him for being so ignorant, so let's enjoy the happiness at home."

"Hey, the world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old!" All the women shook their heads and sighed.

Such cases often happen around Chu Lixuan, too many to enumerate, even around Dai Yuntao.

But Chu Lixuan's subordinates, all the men who have been married have never moved their minds on any woman.

The teenagers who are not married will choose a woman to love and marry, this is their Madam Chu's order.

Chu Lixuan doesn't care what others think, he is busy every day to rectify the affairs of Fucheng.

He doesn't have much time to pay attention to others, let alone worry about the eyes of those irrelevant people.

He just wants to spend his time on governing the various prefectures and cities, and he wants to settle down the people of Xuanyan Dynasty as soon as possible.

Let them have no worries about three meals, let them live and work in peace and contentment.

Yes, Chu Lixuan has now established a new dynasty, the Xuanyan Dynasty, and already has more than 20 million subjects.

It is not that Dongchen Kingdom no longer exists, but from now on, Dongchen Kingdom will be the same city as the capital.

Except for the capital city, all other prefectures belonged to Chu Lixuan, and a new dynasty was established. Chu Lixuan renamed the prefectural capital the provincial capital.

For example, Songjiang Fucheng in the former Dongchen Kingdom was changed to Songjiang Provincial City in Xuanyan Dynasty, and Jialing Fucheng was changed to Jialing Provincial City.

The county seat remains the same, what it used to be called is still how it is called now, and ordinary people dont have to hand over their grain for farming.

Xuanyan Dynasty, whether it is a military camp or a provincial or capital institution, all rely on self-sufficiency.

This production not only refers to agricultural production, but also industrial production. Any industrial product can be exchanged for food.

The food grown by farmers can also be exchanged for the industrial products they need, free to buy and sell.

The grain grown by the farmers should not be handed over, it all belongs to the laborers, and whoever grows the grain belongs to him.

Chu Lixuan also promulgated the relevant requirements for crop rotation and fallow, and formulated them into laws and policies, which is the crop rotation and fallow system.

Arable land fallow In layman's terms, it means not planting crops on arable land, giving it a holiday, and letting it rest.

It is equivalent to taking a holiday on Saturday and Sunday, and people are more energetic at work after the rest.

And after the cultivated land is fallow, it will be more "spiritual", and planting crops will produce more food.

For example, after planting corn for a few years, switching to peanuts or other varieties of crops is a form of crop rotation.

So Chu Lixuan is very busy, and if there is something he doesn't understand, he goes back to the space at night to ask his little wife.

Chu Lixuan can not be busy, family affairs, state affairs, he does it all by himself.

Of course, state affairs are big things that he will manage, and small things are left to his subordinates.

As for housework, no matter how big or small, he does it himself. For example, at this time, he is helping his sons wash the **** on the diaper...

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