Farm Girl Turns Everything Around: Sly Husband, Let's Farm

Chapter 422: The Flowers on Her Grave

Chapter 422: Chapter 422: The Flowers on Her Grave

The cowardice of that year left him living in regret for the next fifty years.

Every time he thought about it, he would toss and turn restlessly in his sleep.

Liuli, Liuli.

Yang Wenxiao closed his eyes, clasping the weeds in his hands tightly.

After a long moment, he opened his eyes again, murmuring, “Did your heir take away the treasure?”

“It must be, only you possess such capability.”

“Don’t worry, before I die, I will wipe out all the aristocratic families. I will carry out the plan that you proposed.”

“If by that time, this old bone of mine can still travel and withstand the hardship of a long journey, I will take you away, as a reward for the completion of my plan.”

“Your soul has already followed Gu Yu, leave your ashes to me.”

Upon saying this, Yang Wenxiao laughed bitterly at himself.

He knew that his actions were unjust, but what had his righteousness gained him back then?

It led to Gu Yu dying in battle and her living in seclusion in these deep mountains.

After enduring all these years, he couldn’t restrain himself any longer.

Being old, he would always remember the past.

No matter what, he was the retired emperor. Even if she loved Gu Yu to death, now, he was the only one alive in the world, so he didn’t care about righteousness and justice!

When the plan succeeds, if he could personally make the journey again, he would definitely take her away.

Making such a decision seemed to lift a mountain off his heart.

Yang Wenxiao took a deep sigh of relief, and turned towards Yang Ye and Yang Wang standing in the distance, he beckoned to them.

They were closely watching him, and at this gesture, they hurried over.

Yang Wenxiao instructed, “Bring some snapdragon seeds over. I want to plant some here.”

Red snapdragon, the petals are the color of her reddish garment.

Furthermore, the symbolism of the snapdragon is…

Parting in life and death.

Indeed, a particularly suitable flower to plant here.

On receiving the orders, Yang Ye and Yang Wang immediately dispatched men to find the necessary seeds and tools.

So Yang Wenxiao stayed on the mountain that entire day, and did not descend until nightfall.

It was already late, anything else could wait until tomorrow.

That night, Qiao Xiaomai slept more soundly than she ever had before.

Even though the Tong Family was going to be so poor that only their house remained, it didn’t matter, she possessed silver.

She had land and silver, she was the wealthiest person in Anping Village!

She had been apprehensive for so long, but now she could enjoy her peaceful, stable life!

The next day, Yang Wenxiao returned to Rooster Mountain, where he personally built a ring of iron fence under the tree.

There were many small animals on the mountain, so to prevent the snapdragons from being trampled, he had to take some protective measures.

Furthermore, he instructed Yang Ye and Yang Wang to repair the path from here to the foot of the mountain.

From now on, the snapsdragons’ care was entrusted to the Tong Family.

During the path construction period, he occasionally stayed at the Bailu Academy to examine the students there, who were the future backbone against the aristocratic families.

And so, by the time a path was built from the foot of the mountain to the crooked-necked tree, it was time for Yang Wenxiao to leave.

He had stayed at Bailu Town for half a month, which for him, who hadn’t left the capital city in over a decade, was long enough.

Before he left, he issued an imperial edict.

The Tong family are descendants of Prince Pingnan, Gu Yu, and were entrusted by him to guard the treasure of the former imperial treasury. Due to their negligence, they lost the treasure.

Considering their many previous contributions including disaster relief and resolving difficult situations for the court, the death penalty could be spared, but the living punishment cannot be evaded: all of the Tong family’s property is confiscated.

All the property, which included the Ton family’s vinegar shops in the town, all lands owned by the family, and the accumulated savings over the years.

But this was only confiscation of their wealth, Tong Tiehu’s position as Village Chief remained.

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