Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 1: Entering the Forbidden City for the First Time (I)

Chapter 1: Entering the Forbidden City for the First Time (I)

Ethan did not know that a child that was favoured by the heavens could possess nothing at all in but an instant.

He stood in front of the huge iron gate several meters high in the Forbidden City, wearing hard electronic handcuffs on his wrists, followed by two robot policemen that had their eyes reflecting in red light. He nervously pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with trembling hands. His mind was in a state of chaos. His green pupils looked through his somewhat blurry glasses to the towering wall that had almost been covered up by the morning mist. He suddenly felt that it was a monster that only appeared in a nightmare.

Two months ago, he was a subordinate of the Finance Council, working as a secretary in the Energy Bureau in Earth Republic Union. He walked in and out of the magnificent and clean government buildings, drove a low-key but still somewhat pricy self-driving car that could traverse land and air. In his spare time, he kept fit, swam, and occasionally frolicked with his friends in bars. He lived in a 100-storey apartment overlooking the whole floating second space station.

He has always been a down-to-earth and honest man. Born in a wealthy family, his father was a spaceship manufacturer, and his mother was a university professor keen on Omega and the feminist movement. His academic record has always been at the upper-middle tier of his class. He has actively participated in certain charity organizations and volunteered to head to the earth to help the poor. Later, he entered the top-ranking famous university of the Earth Republic Union by relying on his fathers ties to study history. After graduation, he entered the Energy Bureau. At the age of 30, he was successful in his career, but he acted in a low-key manner, which was highly valued by the bureau director.

Keeping a low profile is probably his instinct as a male Beta. Despite his good looks, he was never conspicuous in crowds and would appear harmless. His first Omega boyfriend chose the old-fashioned and withdrawn him even though he had many pursuers because his smile gave people a comfortable and reliable feeling.

No one would have thought that he would be labelled a criminal one day.

In front of the gate, an armed security guard took obtained the database capsule, and when activated, the tiny capsule projects a beam of light about Ethan EldridgeEthan.EldridgeAll his personal information and records of moral value increasing or decreasing were displayed right in front of them. The tall alpha female security guard squinted at Ethan and said to her headset, Im done. Open the door.

As soon as the voice fell, a great and heavy roar rolled out from the ground. The heavy gate groaned and was driven by invisible forces to slowly open up. Ethan felt a cold wave of air coming from behind the door, freezing his whole figure, causing him to be unable to move a step. The guard impatiently stabbed him in the back with his gun. Go!

Ethan moved his limp legs, step by step as he moved forward. With each step, he was further away from freedom, from the world, from everything he had, but yet, he was inching closer to hell.

It has been 100 years since the Earth Union abolished the death penalty, and the replacement of the death penalty is the induction of Forbidden City. When everyone is born, they are slapped with a hundred moral value points. Every time a person violates the law or the code of civil conduct, the moral court will deduct the corresponding moral value according to the sentencing and the severity of the case, and the court will reward corresponding moral value every time someone makes outstanding contributions to the society. Those whose moral value is less than 40 will become key monitoring subjects of the government, while those whose moral value points are reduced to zero will be thrown into the Forbidden City like trash and isolated from the outside world until they earn 100 points in moral value. People outside the city do not know what the city looks like. The only thing they know is that the people in the city will receive much more severe training than in the army, and earn moral value points for completing some extremely dangerous missions for the country until they have redeemed their sins and once again, become a proper human again.

People who could finally get out of the city can get rid of the previous records of their identities and re-register new names. From then on, they can remain anonymous or leave for other places. Few people are willing to narrate their lives in the city. As a result, there is a rumour that those who go in hardly come out, because the government will never let the prisoners inside earn enough to reach 100 points.

Inside the Forbidden City is a mysterious world, much like an abyss. People could only look at the city from a distance on the surface of the earth but could not see what the interior looks like. Those who are unfortunately sucked in by black holes will never come out again.

Behind the gate is a high wall, only a section lower than the outermost wall. One can see the shadows of the guards patrolling with guns on top of the wall. After passing through the second gate, a secluded corridor is in front of them. There were luminous white walls that were so white it seemed surreal and black and white ground that made people feel dizzy as if they were falling down from high levels. In the middle of the corridor is a metal-framed body scanner, where another male alpha guard is armed there. Ethan steps over to the frame and is pushed into a side door by the guard. The room was extremely empty, with only one table. And on which, lay a bag of bedding and clothes. Ethan was frightened and as a response, he shuddered as the tall, robust guard slammed the door shut behind him.

Take off your clothes. The gum-chewing guard trod with heavy footsteps in front of him and sat on the table playing with his baton.

Ethan has heard that before entering the Forbidden City, a general examination will be conducted to ensure that the nonhumans do not carry any weapons, drugs, and other illegal goods into the Forbidden City. He had already made mental preparations for this, but when it came to doing it, he couldnt help shaking his hands so much that he couldnt even unbutton his shirt.

Come on! Stop dawdling! The security guard urged, with some malice and mockery in his eyes. It is uncommon for someone like Ethan whos from the upper class to appear in the Forbidden City. If hes lucky, he would probably see one of such like him in a month. Its probably a rare pleasure for the bored security guards to see the upper-class echelons who used to have their heads held up high to be disgraced and brought ruined upon to themselves. And their dignity would all be swept to the ground as they stand here, red-faced, wishing they could sink into the ground due to shame as they stood in front of the bored guards. It would be a happy event that pleases the guards minds. Its even more interesting if the other party is a somewhat beautiful Omega.

But this time, this Beta was rather good as wellthe security guard thought, as he chewed the gum in his mouth loudly.

The guard raised the corners of his mouth. Take off your underwear and socks too.

Ethan was stunned and hesitated momentarily. The guard burst into rage, Have you heard me! Are you deaf? His roar came out like a flat thunder. Ethan quickly pulled his underwear down and pulled off his socks. Now, he was like a new-born baby, shivering and exposed to a wolfs gaze, having nothing to cover him after this point.

The guard scanned him up and down, raised his baton, turned on the shining scanning light, and waved it in the air, Turn around.

Ethan did as he was told.

The light from the scanning light penetrated his whole body, and even his muscles and bones could be seen clearly. The light swept back and forth in his waist and buttocks, and the mischievous smile on the other partys face made him feel ashamed.

The shame of exposing his private parts had his whole body dipped in a layer of pale pink. His eyes got hot, his tears were swirling in it, and he wanted to find a hole to crawl into. Ethan had never been insulted in this manner in his entire life. But he had no choice because from the moment he lost all his moral value points, he was no longer a human being.

Whistling contentedly, the security guard came forward, picked up Ethans clothes that he had wore when he came from out of the city, turned and walked to the door. Alright, your uniform is on the table. Put it on yourself.

Seeing the security guard disappear at the door, Ethans tears uncontrollably spilt all over his face. He wiped his face hard with his arm, pulled out a shabby uniform with grey lapels from the bundle of packages on the table and quickly put it on. But there were no shoes and socks in the package, so he had to open the door barefoot carrying a whole bag of bedding and daily necessities. His eyes were blindfolded, and he was pushed by the tall guard as he stumbled forward. There was the sound of the door opening and closing. They turned several corners and opened the door several times. Finally, after the last door was opened, the cold morning air rushed to their faces, accompanied by noise and hubbub.

Ethans heart sank. He knew that he was inside the Forbidden City.

He heard shouts, laughter and whistles coming from all sides. All kinds of language are mixed together here. He could not hear what they were shouting, but they were certainly not anything good. He was choked by the roar of violent languages from all directions. Like a frightened rabbit, he was pushed by the security guards through the unfamiliar streets and nets woven by the line of sight of countless predators. The guard next to him yelled as if he was driving away the livestock around him and even fired a few warning shots into the sky. The yelling subdued, but Ethans heart was still wildly thumping.

Hmph, look how cowardly you are, Im afraid you wouldnt be able to survive even for a year here. The guard hummed and laughed beside him. Fortunately, you are not Omega, but we dont have many Omegas here. Maybe an Alpha is willing to shelter you when you meet any uninvited Alphas.

Hearing this, Ethan trembled even more. How he wished it were a nightmare so that he could just wake up from it. He pretended to be calm and tried to straighten up, hoping he could walk as gracefully as he used to in the spacious and bright corridors of the Energy Bureau. That was the last strand of dignity he possessed now.

Ethan was allowed to remove the blindfold. He found himself standing in front of a three-storey high old and dilapidated building. There was rubbish all over the ground, and a mouse ran by his feet. The guard led him up the second floor along the narrow and dirty stairs. The narrow corridor was filled with waste furniture and garbage bags that had not been thrown away. The air was filled with the sour smell of spoiled food. The bathroom and toilet are at the end of the corridor, and the public kitchen is on the first floor. As he walked, the guard pointed casually, as if he did not care if Ethan understood. Each door has an iris identification lock. The guards scanned their irises in front of room 205 and pushed Ethan in.

Hey dude! Knock on the door first, will you? Inside, a tall, semi-naked man had a towel around his waist, his stout muscles covered with wet droplets of water, and his arm was decorated with a Hydra tattoo. His handsome and profound facial contour made him look manly, but somehow, he always felt a little familiar to him.

The guard raised his eyebrows and said, Oh? Do you want me to call room service again, Mr Samuel?

The man raised his hands as if he did not want to get into trouble. Then his eyes fell on Ethan and his eyes lit up with a strong interest.

Ethan was nervous. This man looks like someone who should not be provoked. He was a little scary.

Hes in the same formation team as you. Tell him about the rules of the Forbidden City later. The security guard said to the man called Samuel and kicked Ethan who was in a daze on his ass. Why are you in a daze? Go in and pack up. I dont have time to hang out with you.

Ethan looked around the narrow hut. Four beds were placed in four corners. Between the two beds on the left was a tall cupboard that had four doors. Opposing the two beds were another two beds. In the middle of the two opposite beds was a low drawer that had a kettle, cups, ashtrays and leftovers in vacuum bags.

Apart from the wooden bed behind the door, there seemed to be no one in the other three beds. The hard-wooden bed board was bare, and the iron railings at the head of the bed were rusty.

Ethan nervously pushed his glasses up and hesitated to put his things on the bed diagonally opposite Samuels bed. The guard had left, leaving him and Samuel alone in the room. Now, the tall man has untied the towel on his waist, revealing his tight, narrow, honey-coloured waist. On his back, there is also a very beautiful tattoo of the Virgin Mary, covering his muscular spine.

Whats your name? Samuel asked without turning back.

Ethan stopped opening his package and replied calmly, Ethan Eldridge.

Let me guess, accountant? Bank manager? Priest? Secretary?


Samuel put on his trousers, found a cigarette in his pockets and put it in his mouth. Using his nose, he snorted a burst of laughter, Secretary? No wonder youre wearing glasses. Maybe Otto will be very interested in you. He likes your type the best. Looks very gentle and demure. Brunette. Its a pity that youre not an Omega or a female Beta, or hell spoil you.

Ethan forced himself to be casual as he asked, Will he give up if I dye my hair?

Samuels smile suddenly cooled down, and his wolf-like eyes glared at him, Where do you think you are now? A holiday resort? You are akin to that weak chicken type of fresh fish. Youd better find a backer, or you wont survive this month.

Ethan swallowed a mouthful of saliva down his dry throat. He managed not to avert his eyes when the other partys line of sight that was brimming with murderous intent. He maintained his gaze, And just who is your backer?

Samuel was stunned and sneered, Me? Do you think I need a backer?

Why not? I heard that there are very few Omegas in the Forbidden City. Although you use a lot of inhibitors and are very similar to an ordinary Alpha, you are still an Omega. Ethan said in his flat, business-like tone, and Samuels expression suddenly changed.

Ethan has no time to respond, for the other party charged over like a pouncing cheetah. Samuel pushed him onto the bed, and a powerful big hand clasped his throat. Ethan struggled in a panic. His hands clung onto Samuels hand and tried to break it off, but he was surprised to find that the hand was as still as iron. His cheek was flushed due to the lack of oxygen and he struggled to say, ICough, coughwouldnt say

The pressure that would almost break the bone of his neck disappeared. Ethan clasped his neck and lay on the bed coughing for a while. His eyes were red from the blood that had rushed up to his eyes. Samuel lowered his head to look at him, and his killing intention relentingly did not disperse, How could you tell.

Ethan managed to suck in breaths of air. His voice was still weak when he spoke. Dont worry. Theres nothing wrong with your inhibitor. Its just that my mother is had inherited half of her genes from someone from Heavenbound planet, so my sense of smell is better than the average Alpha and Omega from Earth.

Havent almost all Heavenbounders disappeared into the milky way? I am truly lucky to bump into you. Through Samuels eyes, it could be seen that his defences were still up high. In the Forbidden City, the proportion of Alphas with the tendency of resorting to fighting and violence is many times higher than the proportions of Alphas resorting to that of the outside world. This was followed by Betas who are hard-working and low-key like worker bees. The proportion of Omegas who are gentle and responsible for bearing offspring in here is very small; almost one in every ten people. Because of this, Omegas are regarded as a rare commodity, which is often robbed by alpha and even aggressive Betas. For an Omega to be alone is extremely dangerous. Even more so if they cannot find someone to depend on.

Although Omegas and women have almost equal status with Alphas and Betas men in the outside world, sexism is still a common phenomenon in a chaotic place like the Forbidden City.

Ethan himself is very surprised. According to his understanding of the Forbidden City, it is a miracle that there was an Omega that stayed so hidden like Samuel.

Moreover, the sale of inhibitors that can hide Omegas and Alphas identities should be banned in the Forbidden City, right?

Ethan looked at the scars on his body, which are all caused by knife wounds or bullets. It seems that this Omega was used to disguising himself up as a Beta or even an Alpha that has great strength. One can tell by looking at his strong-arm muscles. So, he stood up carefully and raised his hands. I dont mean anything, I wont tell anyone, and Im evenable to help you during your special times every three months.

Samuel narrowed his eyes, and his ferocious aura was still running rampant. Ethan shrunk slightly. What do you want in exchange?

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that although the other party looked vicious, he was not cruel enough to kill people casually. He raised his head, sincerity evident in his green eyes. I know that people like me can easily be bullied in the Forbidden City. I dont want to become those people.

HahahahaSamuel cocked up one side of his mouth and laughed so much it felt like he was mocking Ethan. A Beta man wants an Omega to protect him. Are you that much of a failure of a man?

Ethan ignored the other sides taunt, shrugged, Everybody has their expertise, Im not good at manual labour.

Hmph, Ive really underestimated you. Samuels hostility finally loosened a little. He stepped back a few steps, turned back to grab the vest on his bed and put it on his body. If I knew you had a loose tongue, I would make you regret being born into this world.

T/N: I was supposed to jump into a historical horror pit, but Ive jumped into an interstellar pit instead . Thank you for reading. A regular update schedule would be set when I publish the next chapter next week.

If you spot any grammatical errors, please let me know since this chapter is largely unedited. (Ive generally corrected certain grammatical errors and structural errors I spotted)! You may contact me at discord or simply comment here.

Edit (19/8/20): Thank you so much, Eugene, for the structural and grammatical corrections to this chapter! This chapter is much more smoother and readable thanks to you.

Edit (25/1/21): Thank you so much perenniality for the edit suggestions !

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