Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 356 356 The Fortune Teller

Chapter 356 Chapter 356 The Fortune Teller

Although Renji did not know "Momo's" specific identity at that time, based on the fact that she could trigger a special quest, she was definitely not simple. So after accidentally selecting the fourth option, fortunately, he had the good habit of saving the game and decisively chose to reload and select again.

As for why a healthy game would have an option like "option four," Renji thought at the time that the game used this method to hint at "Momo's" Succubus attributes.

But now, after shooting the movie and realizing the game's scenes with real emotions and scenery, Renji has vaguely guessed something.

Lena learned about Suthia, Nova, and finally the maid Zero during her infiltration of the Ashen base, so she would have reasonable "fantasy" behavior in the later stages, combined with "reality."

Renji boldly guessed that "option four" and the subsequent options were very likely the real desires of the Succubus Princess, "Lena," at the time. However, their affinity was not high enough, so they could not be triggered, just like how many people often fantasize about some segments that can make themselves happy in their minds. Anyway, it's all just a fantasy, so they can indulge in it however they want.

Renji encountered many such "option fours" later on.

In the end, Ashen chose to help the barely surviving Momo disguised as a survivor and had his maid give her food and water.

However, when Momo offered to "repay" him later, Ashen told her that if she wanted to thank him, she should find a job and work hard to live or join the church or the army as a logistics worker. These were positions that did not require any skills and would allow her to live in the Ashen base while contributing to it.

After saying this, Ashen left with his maid before the Succubus Princess could respond.

Momo, who was left behind, looked at Ashen's departing back and then at the bread and water in her hands. The Succubus Princess' heart had already somewhat recognized Ashen.

Afterward, Momo gave the food to the children in the slums and prepared to truly help Ashen escape this crisis.

The first thing Momo wanted to do was to change into another disguise, this time as a mysterious fortune-teller.

She set up a fortune-telling shop on the street, and with her special abilities, most of her fortunes were accurate. In just a few days, she became somewhat famous in the base, and even many of the higher-ups in the Ashen base came to see her.

According to Momo's plan, she wanted to become a little more famous and have Ashen come to her out of admiration and ask for her fortune.

However, as she learned from the higher-ups who came to have their fortunes told that Ashen had actually accepted her mother's marriage contract and that another Succubus Princess, who had been sent by her mother to pretend to be her and act as a "mole" in the Ashen base, was about to arrive in a few days, Momo couldn't sit still any longer.

She cursed all male creatures under her breath, saying they were all the same, and rushed toward Ashen's residence without even waiting for the next day.

The Succubus Princess took the initiative to visit Ashen and requested to perform a divination for him. She intended to give him hints during the divination and urge him to reject her mother as soon as possible, especially not to be bewitched by other Succubi.

[You have triggered a special event]

[There is a knock on the door in the middle of the night. Zero tells you that a mysterious female fortune-teller who has recently become popular is now asking to see you. She insists that you must allow her to perform a divination for you and says that it is crucial. She has a premonition that you will encounter a great disaster soon, so she has come to you like this.]

[Facing the mysterious female fortune-teller who has come to your door in the middle of the night, what do you choose to do?]

[Option 1: Have Zero drive her away]

[Option 2: Let her in and accept the divination]

[Option 3: Arrest her for spreading rumors and expel her from the Ashen base]

[Option 4: Pretend to accept the divination and lure her into your home. When the fortune-teller is not paying attention, have your maid secretly add powdered drugs to her tea. Use idle chat to drag out the time, and when the drug takes effect, engage in intense divination with the female fortune-teller, who is feeling hot and uncomfortable all over, in the deep night of the bedroom. Ultimately, use your powerful divination ability to make the female fortune-teller completely fall and become your exclusive divination tool.]

Renji recalled that in the game, he had chosen option two with a dignified attitude and didn't even glance at option four.

In the current filming scene, he also followed the option he chose in the game and was allowed to enter Ashen's home normally.

This was the first time that the Succubus Princess had entered Ashen's home. In her imagination, if not luxurious, it should at least have the style of a base leader living in a grand mansion.

However, Momo found that Ashen's home was sparsely decorated, with almost no luxury items. Instead, it gave her a simple feeling, making it hard to imagine that this was the leader's mansion.

If it weren't for Zero, who still had a slightly upper-class feel as a maid, Momo would have thought she had come to the wrong place.

Soon, Momo was led by Zero to see the leader of the base.

Sure enough, as rumored, even when sleeping, Ashen would not take off his cloak.

Momo quickly explained her purpose to Ashen using her well-

prepared words. Ashen did not say much and agreed, allowing her to start the divination.

Seeing that her plan was going smoothly, the Succubus Princess breathed a sigh of relief. She then used her magical abilities to create a mysterious atmosphere for the divination and finally said the key to her visit to Ashen.

"Lord Ashen, the divination tells me that at this moment, you are standing on the edge of the unknown, trying to probe into the void.

"The lost traveler does not know that he is walking towards the abyss, and the hungry wolves in the abyss are restless.

"The crimson star falls from the sky to the mortal world, and the beautiful light will illuminate the way forward.

"Give up, give up, the brilliant pearl has long since withered, wipe it, wipe it, and the dusty crystal will become the guiding light."

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