Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 343 343 : Poroluge part 2

Chapter 343 Chapter 343 : Poroluge part 2

"How are they able to unite?" Momo asked angrily.

The succubus queen's answer was straightforward.

[Because Ashen Base violated the tacit rules of human bases and provoked public anger]

[After they seized the original Gulase Base, they did not settle down and still had plans to continue expanding outward, breaking the balance between bases. This is why those human bases have joined forces to eliminate this unstable and dangerous factor and return the situation to how it was before]

After listening to the queen's explanation, Momo not only didn't understand but seemed to be even more amused.

"Tacit rules? Balance? Are they referring to submitting to the miasma, stagnating, and willingly being raised as livestock in those weak bases? Now that there is finally a truly capable person among humans who has awakened and wants to break through the fence to free those being raised, these people instead view him as an enemy and even want to help the farm owner actively kill this abnormal one!?"

The young succubus spoke louder and louder, and it seemed like she was clenching her fists as she shouted.

It could be seen that Eileen was really immersed in the play, and the character of Momo was indeed somewhat similar to Eileen's personality.

In reality, there were only Eileen and 86 in this prologue scene, and Renji and the other three women were watching the filming outside.

At this moment, it could be considered a critical point of conflict. Not only Renji but the three women were also very serious because they didn't care about the filming. What they really wanted to know was Lena's past through each scene of the play.

Listening to this, Renji felt that the current situation was indeed just as Lena's script described, and the metaphor was very apt.

What were called "bases" were just wooden fences for raising livestock, providing temporary peace and stability.

However, if they were unlucky enough to be targeted by a miasma masters, their fate would be the same as that of the base where Zero was once located, and destruction was only a matter of time.

That was why Lena compared the people in the bases, who were content with the status quo, to livestock and the miasma to the farm owner who could "slaughter" them at any time.

And at that time, as a "player," Renji himself was that abnormal one.

He wanted to lead the flock out to confront the farm owner together, but the flock thought the farm owner was invincible. Even if they were slaughtered later, they had at least eaten grass in peace in the pen, so in the end, they chose to join forces to eliminate this abnormal one.

'So that's how it was'

Renji recalled that in the early stages of the game, he was indeed resisting the miasma and struggling to survive. However, by the middle stage, he was mostly fighting against human bases.

At that time, he was just playing a game and didn't think too much about it, but now he understood a bit more.

Looking at it now, it seems that his reputation was quite intimidating. The five bases joined forces, but they were still afraid that they couldn't defeat him, so they contacted the succubus and used what could be called a "beauty trap" to collaborate from inside and out to feel at ease. Renji really didn't know that there were so many layers to the succubus's "tributes." On the surface, it was a marriage contract, but in reality, it was written as a spy.

Furthermore, as Renji watched the "Momo" character in the role-play, a young succubus who acted like a die-hard fan of Ashen, he couldn't help but shake his head.

'So Lena's arrogance had started from back then'

"Hmph! I won't collaborate with you traitors!" Ignoring her image, the young succubus princess directly spat viciously at the succubus queen.

[Momo, as my daughter and the most talented person among us, you should think about our entire race. I know this requires some sacrifice from you, but the reward we will get is huge. Those five human bases have already promised me that after they eliminate that abnormal one, the subsequent Ashen Base will be ruled by us Succubus, in your and my hands. Our race will experience a leap, and we will have a base of our own! As long as we continue to breed and reproduce using the base, and continue to absorb the miasma, one day, our race will also become a powerful race!]

By this point, the succubus queen had also become unusually excited. Her white skin showed a faint pink color, and her peach heart tail behind her shone brightly. Her eyes were full of desire for power, and this power she referred to came from the large number of humans inside Ashen Base.

For them, these robust humans were nutrients and food. The meaning of "breeding and reproducing" was exactly as it sounded.

Seeing her mother's shameless appearance, Momo's eyes showed not only complete disappointment but also anger and pain.

"Enough! You only see the power that this trash miasma has brought to our succubus race, but you don't see that miasma is making our race crazier and crazier. They can now shamelessly seek pleasure at any time, any place, and with any race in order to pursue power. This is not a succubus demon; this is a mate demon!"

"This evil miasma is destroying our race and distorting us. I hate miasma! I despise miasma! I don't want my fellow succubus to become livestock that only knows how to mate! So I will side with all the brave warriors who resist miasma!"

"You want me to help you attack Ashen Base? Dream on!"

The young succubus left directly without wasting another second on conversation.

The succubus queen looked at her daughter's departing back with a cold flash in her eyes. Just as the human bases viewed Ashen as an abnormality, she also saw Momo as an abnormality. She would correct and reform her daughter and bring her back to the "right track" of the succubus.

However, she temporarily put aside this thought and focused all her energy on the subsequent operation to change the fate of her race.

The succubus queen soon had someone call in another of her daughters.

Yes, she had many daughters, and Momo was just the most capable one among them. Although it was a pity that Momo was unwilling to cooperate, finding the next one wouldn't be too different.

The new succubus was very willing to cooperate with her mother. After all, this was an excellent opportunity for her to rise and replace Momo's position as princess.

These mother-daughter relationships among the sisters were actually half-sisters, with each having a different father. In fact, it didn't matter who the father was; they were all gone, squeezed dry and drained by the mother.

The succubus race had always been a matriarchal society. These princesses all wanted to prove themselves and inherit the highest position of "queen."


The camera turned.

The scene came to the last shot of the "prologue."

It was seen that Momo, who left in a hurry, was not willing to just sit and wait. After all, she could guess that after she refused, her mother would definitely find another succubus to continue the task of seducing Ashen.

So, the quick-witted Momo activated her special ability and wrote a "regret marriage" letter to the Ashen base leader. If he was truly wise, he should be able to sniff out something from her letter, understand her hint, and preemptively resolve the crisis.

Even so, Momo still felt uneasy. After hesitating for a moment, she gritted her teeth and felt a little reckless.

She flew back to her room, quickly packed her luggage, and, just as the "regret marriage" letter said, left home. However, this time, the direction she took was not to escape but rather to head straight toward the Ashen Base.

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