Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 312 312: What are you going to do!

Chapter 312 Chapter 312: What are you going to do!

Daily 1/2


[Commander, based on the real-time situation, we have re-optimized our route. We are now 653 meters away from the central arsenal in a straight line]

The serial killer's enthusiasm reflected her excitement. Inside the central machine room of Kael Technology, where part of the consciousness chips of their servant machines were stored, reclaiming these and connecting them with the commander's consciousness would liberate the thousands of sisters trapped in the dream.

Now, she was only six hundred meters away from this goal she was striving for.

[Worried. Master, 86 feels that the defense forces of Kael Technology are continuously weakening. This is not normal]

Unlike the killer's excitement, 86, who was always by Renji's side, always prioritized Renji's safety first. Unlike the serial killer, who was obsessed with achieving their goal, 86 cared more about Renji's safety.

From their breaking into the building to fighting their way to the central machine room from the perimeter, the company's various unmanned security machines were swarming and firing madly at them, trying to stop them.

But in the last few minutes, the firepower of many drones and security machines of Kael Technology had significantly weakened, and the number of reinforcements from behind had also started to decrease sharply.

86 noticed this, which made her even more vigilant.

Just after the maid had finished speaking, the serial killer, who was leading the way, seemed to be hit by some tremendous force, followed by a violent explosion. The serial killer was forced back several meters and only stabilized after rolling in the air and landing.

After the smoke from the explosion had cleared, they saw a large hole blasted open in the wall next to where the serial killer had been. Then, a mechanical warrior, over two meters tall with mechanical skeletal structure, holding a spear and a round shield, and resembling a samurai, bent over and walked out of the hole.

His spear was still sparking with electromagnetic sparks, and the muzzle was emitting white smoke, obviously, the electromagnetic beam that had repelled the serial killer had been fired from there.

Such mechanical warriors, from their appearance, were clearly different from the security machines they had encountered before, and gave Renji a strong sense of deja vu, as if those were the gladiators from the arenas in Nova's evil dragon dream.

With the appearance of the mechanical gladiator, the serial killer's brows furrowed because if it was just one, that would still be manageable. Although it would be a bit troublesome, it still wouldn't stop her. But after the first one, a second and a third emerged from the large hole in the wall, and only after a total of seven mechanical gladiators appeared did it finally come to an end.

These seven mechanical gladiators formed a semicircular arc, completely blocking the already narrow corridor and sealing off Renji's path forward. Behind them, a man dressed in a high-ranking uniform was now gazing at the two mechanical maids in front of Renji with fiery eyes through his gold-rimmed glasses.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are Dr. Renji, right?" Protected by the seven mechanical gladiators, the young man reluctantly shifted his gaze from 86 and the serial killer to Renji.

"Let's not rush into action. We don't necessarily have to be enemies, Doctor. You must have felt it; a few minutes ago, I redirected all the security forces from this area. Now, it's just us here, and no one else will come to interfere. Of course, with your hacker maid's intrusion, all surveillance has been crippled, and the board won't know what's happening here."

"In other words, the decision on how to deal with you now rests solely with me. Dr. Renji's goal is the central computer room, right? As long as you're willing to cooperate with me, it's not impossible for you to reach the computer room smoothly and get what you want. After all, I'm not like those old folks in the company; I'm not that concerned about the company's affairs."

Even in this situation, the young man seemed to be trying to maintain his graceful demeanor, not letting the seven mechanical gladiators attack Renji directly but instead starting a negotiation. Renji, not knowing why the other party was so composed and confident, still asked out of curiosity before taking any direct action:

"What do you want to cooperate on?"

"It's simple. Dr. Renji, just hand over how you control the mechanical servants, along with the two mechanical maid by your side, to me."

At this point, the young man undisguised, blatant pursuit was focused on 86 and the serial killer.

The mechanical servants are perfect machines, as well as perfect females, the embodiments of the founder of the Mechanical Alliance, the first super intelligence, "Zero."

Humans are so fragile, perishable, with aging skin, degenerating organs, and that forever doubtful, uncontrollable heart, a lower construction.

But machines, machines are perfect. They are sturdy, enduring, the metallic sheen of their human-like skin is the most beautiful, the precise inner workings of their gears far more elegant than any unsightly, squirming organ, and if something breaks, it can always be replaced.

Of course, the most important aspect is that machines are heartless.

As long as the corresponding program is set, they will forever serve him without seeking compensation, only continuously giving without asking for anything in return, no matter how he vents his desires on them. They will always remain consistent. Is there a better substitute for a slave in this world? Thinking this, the young director's expression became fervent.

From his appearance, Renji could somewhat tell that this young director, with at least more than half of his body cybernetically enhanced, indeed belongs to a group of people in the Dream City environment who despise flesh and blood and believe in machinery.


"I might disappoint you, after all, they are sisters to one of the most important person to me."

Renji shook his head.

The young director on the opposite side had a strong reaction, especially when he heard Renji describe them with the human term "sisters."

"Hahaha, Dr. Renji, you disappoint me. I thought you were like me, someone who knows the beauty of machinery, but now I realize you're just like those old-fashioned humans. Emotions are just garbage, redundant to machinery. You! You don't deserve to have them at all!"

"Attack, kill him! Remember, do not damage their core chips!"

The ones to be killed were Renji, and naturally, the ones not to be damaged were 86 and the serial killer.

'It seems this young master really has a fascination for mechanical maids'

'Since it is so…'

Renji decided to be the good guy to the end.

The conversation with the 'young master' just now was just Renji probing these mechanical gladiators while simultaneously gaining information. Now, he has somewhat understood the source of the young man's confidence. These seven mechanical gladiators indeed possess technology brought out from the evil dragon's fantasy dream by Kael Technology, coming from the gladiator brands of the old era.

Their strength is indeed not to be underestimated. Although they are not Eclipses, each one possesses strength close to the mid-tier of Danger Rank. Together, the seven of them might even stand a chance against Disaster Rank Eclipse.

Unfortunately, what the opponent didn't know was that, in terms of the old era's arenas, no amount of gladiators combined could surpass that one person, or rather, she was the shadow in the heart of all gladiators, the only queen of the arena.

[Master, I am ready]86 said with affection.

The light of the evil dragon's brand flickered behind 86, but what concerned the young director even more was...

"What are you guys doing!!"

Under the young director's perplexed and tense questioning, Renji then activated the brand's power, and 86 embraced him.

Immediately, the young director's gaze turned to shock and disbelief, as he saw 86, the mechanical maid, rapidly disassemble and reassemble into pieces of crimson armor, attaching to Renji's body.

"No, no, no! No—!"

"How did you do that? How did you do it! This is impossible! Damn it!! That's mine! It belongs to me!! Who allowed you to enter her body!!"

Watching 86 transform into a crimson mecha resembling a flame dragon, the young director's obsession and craving almost made him drown in it, as if he had seen the most beautiful female form in the world.

However, when he thought that the mecha pilot inside was Renji, not him, it felt as if the goddess he adored was being entered by another man right in front of him.

Such jealousy and rage, something the always smooth-sailing young director had never experienced, suddenly made his eyes turn red with fury, his chest heaving violently as if it was about to explode, and his fingers pointing at Renji trembling.

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