Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 292 292: I Want to Fight You

Chapter 292 Chapter 292: I Want to Fight You

?Before obtaining the "Holy Sword", it is impossible to defeat the "Demon King".

Therefore, Renji didn't engage in prolonged combat with the Evil Dragon but directly fled. After leaving the "Evil Dragon's" range, the Gulase base, which acted like a "scene instance," reset as expected, and the entire dream story returned to the beginning.

Renji had already completed the instance process once. The next step was how to strategize and prevent this "tragedy" from happening.

The simplest method is naturally to start from the root.

Renji, along with Suthia and two maids, cleaned out the upper echelons of the Gulase base. With the arena's behind-the-scenes organizers gone, it naturally couldn't continue, and the trajectory of Nova and her mother should also change.

Indeed, that was the case.

After Renji eliminated the upper echelons of Gulase, the base underwent massive turmoil. The arena could not operate at all and quickly became deserted. The original gladiator, Noya, relying on personal strength and the support of many gladiators, successfully became the new leader of the Gulase base.

But the story didn't end there. Soon after, the base suffered a wave of Miasma monster tide. Due to the previous turmoil and chaos, the base's defense forces were greatly reduced, and the various guard departments were very disorganized. During the monster siege, they even restrained each other, unwilling to exert effort.

In the end, the battle against the Miasma monster tide was successfully defended by the Gulase base, but at a very tragic cost.

The base's walls were heavily damaged, a large number of Miasma monsters were let in, countless civilians within the base died under the monsters' claws, and the defense forces suffered heavy losses, including Noya, the new base leader, who sacrificed herself in the defense battle to protect her daughter.

Noya died again, for Nova, to be precise, died in front of Nova. It was this immense grief and change that allowed the girl to breakthrough at the critical moment, unleashing powerful strength to repel the Miasma monster tide from Gulase.

But from then on, the girl quickly closed off her heart, hating those who were duplicitous, continuously undermining their subordinates. Under Nova's rule, Gulase base became a place where anyone who dared to disobey orders would be executed on the spot.

Such tyranny quickly led the already severely damaged Gulase to complete extinction, becoming a dead city, leaving only Nova as a lonely tyrant. The story's ending didn't change much; the girl was still chosen by the will of Miasma, turning into an Evil Dragon.

It seems this path is impassable. After resetting the Evil Dragon dream, Renji tried another approach.

This time he chose the moment of the duel between Nova and her mother. Renji acted first, eliminating the gunman in the audience stand.

Without the sniper attack, this time the "flawless strike" collision between Noya and Nova naturally ended with the girl's defeat, and Noya, of course, was able to control her strength, not letting her daughter get hurt.

But such a good ending did not last long. Failing to kill Noya in the "mother-daughter duel" was unacceptable to the organizers behind the scenes. They finally chose to openly confront, under the guise of a meeting, lured Nova and her mother into an ambush where numerous armed base guards emerged from hiding and began firing wildly at the mother and daughter.

Although Noya was powerful, most of her strength was restrained by the gladiator's brand, and with the ambush, the story's ending turned out surprisingly similar.

Noya could have escaped on her own, but to protect her daughter, she was killed in front of Nova by a barrage of bullets. Witnessing her mother's tragic death, the immense grief and anger ignited Nova's potential, allowing the girl to breakthrough in battle, unleashing unparalleled power and annihilating all enemies.

Afterwards, for revenge, Nova alone eliminated the upper echelons of the Gulase base and became its sole monarch, then the story returned to the same ending as before.

The girl became an Evil Dragon again.

Afterwards, Renji tried intervening at other story points, but the ending, without exception, always resulted in Noya dying for her daughter, with the daughter turning into an Evil Dragon.

It seemed no matter what Renji did, the final storyline would always converge, unable to "break" the Evil Dragon dream.

At this point, Renji stopped trying.

Or rather, through those few experiments, he was almost certain of his guess.

It was simple.

Renji had felt it before; this "Evil Dragon dream" was different from the "Witch". Rather than saying the protagonist is the Evil Dragon, it's more about the person behind the Evil Dragon, the one who wants to create the "Evil Dragon."


Carefully analyzing the dream reveals that, although Nova seems to be the protagonist, she is actually passive, without the ability to influence the story. The real person who can affect the course of the dream is actually Noya, Nova's mother.

And Noya's "dying for her daughter" tragic plot, if it happened once could be an accident, but happening repeatedly, no matter the environment, always evolving into the same outcome, Renji does not believe it's coincidence, unless there's one situation.

It was intentional by Noya.

To put it more sharply: purposed.

So, it's not a tragedy but Noya's purpose, and only in this way, it can be unaffected by changes in external conditions.

After confirming this point, the way to "clear" the Evil Dragon dream also emerged.

Renji set the Evil Dragon dream's time point back to the mother-daughter duel.

But this time, after the host passionately introduced the competitors, and the two gladiators appeared, one end of the arena was as usual, The dragon widow Noya, entering amid the audience's roaring cheers.

However, on the other end...

Soon, the stands erupted with murmurs of doubt and surprise, because the one appearing was not Noya's daughter, but instead a human young man.

Ignoring the chaos his appearance caused in the arena, Renji looked towards the opposite side, at the Noya, who was his opponent in the arena and also seemed somewhat surprised.

"Mr. Renji?" Noya looked at the young man with some confusion.

And Renji, too, started with an apology: "Sorry Aunt Noya, I took the liberty of making a decision without consulting you, letting Nova step down and replacing her with myself."

'Aunt Noya?'

This was the first time Renji had used such a familiar term, making Noya even more puzzled.

"So, you want to?"

"I want to fight you."

After saying this, Renji thought for a moment and added: "This fight, it's for Nova."

It seemed like Renji's statement was pointless; wasn't he already standing in for Nova?

However, the next moment, Renji, in front of Noya, activated a certain ability from his skill set.

Instantly, fierce flames rose from within Renji, as if boiling every blood vessel in his body.

Like molten lava, red patterns began to climb up Renji's skin, eventually forming a tattoo-like flame dragon pattern on his arm, forged from blood and fire.

When Noya saw this dragon pattern, her eyes sharply narrowed, and her face revealed an incredulous expression, momentarily stunned.


Noya's reaction was within Renji's expectations, as the ability he was now releasing was Nova's strongest physical technique, which could be chosen by the former game version of himself as a protagonist skill to inherit — [Dragonblood Ignition].

It's an S-class ability from the pinnacle of Eclipse, from a "Calamity" rank.

It is... from the future Nova.

This fight Renji was taking on was not for the Nova in the dream, but for the real Nova, for the girl who had been kept in the dark by her mother.

"So that is how it is …"

"No wonder."

After being almost in a daze for a good five or six seconds, the Dragon Mom across seemed to understand something, chuckled lightly, and then shook her head.

Then, with a wave of Noya's hand, the entire chaotic arena suddenly quieted down, and all the spectators, gladiators, and behind-the-scenes organizers disappeared without a trace.

The once bustling huge arena, in the blink of an eye, became eerily quiet, leaving only Renji and Noya inside.

After doing all this, Noya once again focused her gaze on the young man across.

But this time, Noya's look at Renji had a bit more warmth and pride, the kind of look Renji had seen before, exactly how Noya looked at Nova.

If one had to describe it, it was the look of treating someone like family.

"It seems we have to fight this one out, but"

"Little Renji, I have to remind you, your aunt here isn't so easy to deal with."

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