Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 292: Welcome Back.

Chapter 292: Welcome Back.

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

The new novel: JJK Hourglass starts the 15th of march, if you wanna read ahead, ten chapters so far, go to my sexy patreoon

Two chapters a day in patreoon. So if you like my work, and want to see me supported, help a corn out, he needs to recover from his sick time.

You'll have +40 chapters by March. Which is not too bad if I do say so myself.

[Adam C. POV.]

We arrived at the Soul Society without a problem, finding the place already in disarray, Shinigamis running around, preparing for something, for war. Meaning it was more than likely than the Quincy had already made their first move here. The question was... how late was I to the party?

I frowned.

Maybe I shouldn't think of something like war as a party.

I gripped the handle of my sword and swung it over my shoulder, turning to face Urahara. "I'll head straight to the old man," I said, before moving out sight using a single flash step to reach the old man's office.

"Thanks for the working portal Kisuke," I managed to hear Urahara grumple before I vanished.


Reaching the 1st division quarters, I entered Yamamoto's office, my footsteps echoing. The atmosphere inside was heavy with the weight of the impending war, and... grief, despite this, I remained calm, collected, and confident in my abilities to win this war. Sure, I had no idea how strong the Quincy as a whole were, but it didn't matter, I was stronger than them. I had spent a long grueling time in the depths of my own soul, honing my power and unlocking new depths of strength.

There was nothing this war could throw at me that I couldn't handle.

Yamamoto, seated at his desk, looked up as I entered. His wise old eyes met mine, and I could see a flicker of recognition and shock in his gaze. It seems that just from a look he knew that I had undergone a transformation, that I was no longer the same Shinigami who had left the Soul Society all that time ago.

"Adam," He said, his tone full of anger and barely hidden grief. "It's good to see you again."

I nodded respectfully. "It's good to be back, old man. I've come to offer my assistance in the upcoming war."

Yamamoto leaned forward, steepling his fingers in thought. "This war does not concern you."

I snorted. "Unfortunately it does, long story short, the King of your enemy has it out for me, and well... that makes it personal." That and the fact my world was at stake as well, though... if I had to be honest, I would've fought this war regardless of my world being involved or not.

If anything to test the limits of my power, a power.... I will never be able to use at it fullest in my world.

Yamamoto's expression hardened, the lines in his weathered face deepening with the gravity of my words. His gaze drifted past me to an unseen point in the room, contemplating something. "Yhwach wants to kill you?"

I wasn't sure he wanted to kill me, but... knowing my track record, yeah, he wanted to kill me. "Yeah, so... I'm here, whether you want it or not."

Yamamoto's brows furrowed as he peered at me intently. "I suppose another willing blade is better than none... That being said, brat, I have a question... why can't I sense your spiritual pressure. Are you keeping your arrival here a secret? If so... coming to my office wasn't the best course of action."

I chuckled, realizing my oversight. "My apologies, old man. It seems I forgot to adjust my spiritual pressure to a level that others can perceive, let me weaken myself back to a level your senses can perceive."

Yamamoto's eyes widened in realization. "Are you saying that your power has grown to such an extent that it transcends the borders of our understanding."

I grinned, lowering my power to match his own. "That's about right."

"Very well," Yamamoto grunted, the slight upturn of his mouth indicating a mix of approval and insult to the fact I was calling everybody else weak. "Remember there's more than power alone when it comes to fighting."

"I'm aware," I replied, grabbing a chair and swinging it beneath me in one fluid motion. "I've learned quite a bit since we last crossed paths."

Yamamoto nodded, his gaze now steady and assessing. "I do not doubt your strength or your resolve," he admitted grudging.

Now that my spiritual pressure had become perceptible to others, I felt the arrival of two familiar presences. Shunsui Kyoraku and Jushiro Ukitake.

Shunsui's eyes twinkled with curiosity as he looked at me. "Well, well, what do we have here? Adam, is it really you? Man... you have gotten stronger."

Weaker actually, but I suppose he's technically correct.

I offered a smile in response. "You smell like booze."

Jushiro Ukitake nodded, a small chuckle escaping him. "I almost didn't believe it... We sensed an immense spiritual pressure, and it felt familiar, but we couldn't be sure until we saw you. It's good to have you back, Adam."

I leaned back in my chair, nodding at him.

Shunsui tipped his hat up, and gave me an appraising look. "Hmm... You've changed a lot, haven't you? I can sense a difference in your spiritual energy, almost like you're... holding it in."

Hmm, very perceptive of him. "Right on the money."

Shunsui chuckled. "That's good to hear. We'll need all the strength we can get for the upcoming battles."

Jushiro's expression grew serious. "I wish your visit would've happened under better circumtances."

You and me, buddy, you and me.

"So, mind filling me in?" I asked, pushing the conversation back to the point it mattered.

"The Quincy attacked a few hours ago," Shunsui replied, lowering his hat. "They killed a few of us, leaving us with a warning."

And they had since moved to Hueco Mundo?.... No, that didn't feel right, the Quincies I had seen in Hueco Mundo were nowhere near the level of strength that it required to face the Soul Society, the strongest guy I had seen there was barely above Captain Level. This either meant the guy was baiting me into believing he was weak... or the rest of the Quincy... the real threat, wasn't there.

But if the real threat wasn't there... and it wasn't here, what did that leave?

The Human world?

I frowned, concentrating my sight into the human world. But aside some souls and weak hollows, there was nothing.

I knew for a fact they couldn't block my sight, if they could... they would've kept their activities out of my radar. Sure, there was the possibility of them... not account for me, but that was highly unlikely, so... if that wasn't it... the only other answer was... that there was something else at play.

I sighed.

I really didn't want to look everywhere for them... but I might as well.

Focusing on finding their spiritual trance, I extended my sight beyond its limits, searching for them, in all the realms, and the dimensions in-between, and it was here... that I found them. "I have to say, I'm impressed."

To think their realm was built inside the literal shadows of the Soul Society... how creative of them. I could see now why they were a threat, there were a lot of Quincy in there strong enough to face and kill some of the Captains without too much trouble... not only that, their Captain Level threats outnumbered the Shinigami, in terms of Captain Level fighters.

That being said... I still couldn't find the so called, Yhwach.

I could see a throne, but... it was empty. I suppose that was a problem for later.

"Good news, I found our guys," I replied, standing up from my chair. "Bad news, they are literally here. And by that, I mean... their realm, world, kingdom or whatever, it's... within the shadows of your world."

Shunsui lifted his head, the brim of his hat casting a shadow over his eyes that seemed to deepen with the weight of what I had just said. "You mean to say they've been under our noses the entire time?"

Yamamoto slammed his fist onto the table, shattering it into pieces, a spark of anger igniting in his deep-set eyes. "Preposterous," he growled, the lines on his face hardening like the ancient roots of a steadfast tree. "To think they could have established such a foothold within our very domain without detection"

"To be fair, its... quite the achievement," I replied, turning my head towards one of the shadows in the room. "I don't know how they created this place, but it seems to be out of my reach as well."

Maybe Yhwach had made this world accessible only to those bearing his blood. It would make sense why it felt, unreachable.

"You should get everyone ready," I added, a frown dawning on my face. "It seems they are very aware I discovered them, and are preparing to make their move."

Things were about to get messy. But with me here, the Quincy stood no chance, unless Yhwach really lived up to his hype.

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