Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 21: Duel.

Chapter 21: Duel.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

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Don't forget to check the auxiliary chapter about Adam. It's like an info chapter.


[Unknown POV]

Gildarts wide toothy grin grew as Adam slowly made his way up the mountain's rocky path, reaching the ruins atop Tenrou Island. "Took you long enough, kid," The wizard said with a chuckle as he stood up from atop a boulder where he had been sitting, overlooking the island.

Adam slowly surveyed the ancient ruins around him, before speaking, his voice reverberating across the sun-drenched slopes of the mountain. "I suppose."

Gildarts chuckled, and slowly turned his neck to the left and then to the right, releasing a series of cracking sounds. "Ready to lose?" he asked jovially.

Adam closed his eyes, and let out a chuckle. "I am." And with that admission, a joyful and ill-omened smile spread on the young wizard's face as he tipped his head toward the sky and the clouds watching over them. "But even then... I am FUCKING THRILLED!!"

A burst of energy exploded from Adam's body, radiating in brilliant white light that spread out in an ever-expanding wave, sending shock waves through the air and shaking the very foundations of the heavens above, signaling the start of the battle.


[Lilia Morel POV]

From within the library, my body felt like it was weighed down by a force stronger than gravity. Even the air around me seemed heavy and oppressive.

Every inch of my body trembled at the sheer power Adam was emitting from afar.

I felt like I was in a vacuum, all sound around me was reduced to a loud rumble. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, and all I could do was try to stay firm against the intensity of it all.

I knew he was strong.

The reason I had wanted to come with him was because of that, and to see if I could learn how to be strong from someone who was already strong because then I would maybe learn how to be a true wizard.

But this?

This power I was feeling?

I never imagined this, not by a long shot.


[Makarov Dreyar POV]

I sat between my children's still bodies, their faces drained of color. Adam's power had knocked everyone below a certain level out.

Taking a deep breath, I turned my gaze to the mountain, feeling the earth tremble beneath me as power radiated off the peak like water from a broken dam.

I had to admit. It was astonishing to see how much power was emanating from one so young.

I had to admit that I couldn't help but swell with pride at this, at his strength. I was truly proud of that brat.

A mischievous grin tugged at my lips as I pictured the other masters and their incredulous expressions when they found out I had such a competent child. "They will be so jealous!" I muttered, laughter bubbling up in my chest.


[Unknown POV]

As Gildarts watched the boy prepare to step into battle, his mouth stretched into a broad smile. "Ha! Not bad kid!"

Eager to start, Adam blurred out of sight with tremendous speed, before reappearing in front of Gildarts swinging his blade at him with such power that a violent gust of wind came to life alongside the blade.

That wasn't magic.

That pure physical power.

Gildarts grinned, meeting Adam's attack head-on with one hand, stopping his blade inches from reaching his body by making an invisible layer of protection with his magic.

Gildarts grinned moving his right hand forward as Adam drove his sword right at him, the blade clanging against his fist as if it was metal against metal.

Taking a step back, Adam raised his blade horizontally in front of him, before muttering. "Hado #32. Okasen." Having said that, a yellow orb appeared in front of Adam's blade, quickly widening itself along the length of his katana, before firing a wide, horizontal arc of yellow energy at Gildarts.

My eyes widened, this was the first time I had ever seen such a spell, what kind of magic was Adam using?

This... was... so EXCITING!

Gildarts' eyes sparkled with excitement as he extended his arm towards the attack Adam had sent his way. "Crush!" he bellowed and a searing wave of power shot from his outstretched palm, meeting Adam's attack with a deafening boom.

Gildarts' attack tore Adam's attack into tiny square pieces before dissipating in the air.

"Is that all?" Gildarts taunted.

"Not even close," Adam replied with a smile.

"Oh?" Gildarts chuckled back.

Extending his arm forward, Adam pointed at Gildarts before saying. "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams, unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws! Hado #33. Sokatsui!"

As I stood there, stunned by Adam's words, a wave of intense and brilliant azure energy surged forth from his hand. The scorching tide surged toward Gildarts, swirling in chaos, seeming to swallow everything in its destructive path.

"Not bad, but... Crush!" Gildarts bellowed once again, shattering Adam's attack into tiny squares once more, nullifying it.

Adam's mouth twisted into a silent smirk. His gaze was locked on Gildarts. "What a pain," He muttered, shaking his head. "Your magic is really annoying."

"It is! Hahaha! You should be thankful that I'm not at full power," Gildarts replied with a chuckle. "If I was, you would've been toast by now."

Adam's lips curled into a smirk as he reached for his katana, gripping the hilt in both hands. "Judge all things in this universe. Zanryuzuki!"

Before I could even begin to imagine what I would see, a vibrant aura erupted from Adam's body, a reverberating wild wave of energy that lit up the sky like a beacon and caused the ground to tremble.

Just... how much power can a child possibly have?!

Not once in my 98 years, I have seen such a display of power coming from a child, it was unimaginable.

However, instead of being shocked by this, Gildarts seemed eager.

"Getting serious are we?" Gildarts' ever-present grin spread wider as he felt the surge of magical energy radiating from Adam.

Adam smiled before grabbing his katana tightly. "Ready?"

I looked at his blade for a moment, noticing it had changed. It was longer now, and a faint light illuminated the steel of the blade in an ethereal manner as if space itself was being warped around it.

Just how many mysteries does Adam carry with him?

"Come at me, kid," Gildarts said, giving Adam the first move.

Giving Gildarts no time to regret his invitation, Adam vanished from sight in a blur of motion, leaving only a gust of wind in his wake. When he reappeared, he stood behind Gildarts, blade raised above his head, his body shimmering with barely contained power as he shouted "Uchuryu no Kiba!" and struck the sword down with a deafening sound.

Gildarts, knowing where Adam would strike, turned around as he extended his arm towards the translucent attack Adam had sent his way. "Crush!" he bellowed and a searing wave of power shot from his outstretched palm, meeting Adam's attack with a deafening boom.

This time, however, instead of shattering Adam's attack into square pieces both attacks clashed violently before creating a massive explosion that sent both mages back.

From within the smoke, Gildarts grinned as he stepped back with a whistle of admiration at the ferocity that Adam's attack had carried. His previous spot was now marked with the deep tracks of his boots and he stood a few feet away, his face lit up with awe.

"Now that's an attack!" Gildarts hollered.

"You are a monster, old man," Adam said light-heartedly, his previous spot hundreds of meters away from him, having the same deep tracks Gildarts's spot showed.

"Thanks!" Gildarts beamed a grateful smile at him before his eyes grew bright and intense. He clenched his fists and a fierce aura emanated from his body, his magic power increasing in a wild manner.

"That's enough!" Makarov's voice echoed like thunder, reverberating off the walls and through the air. He spoke with an unmistakable air of authority, his face stern and lips pressed together in a tight line.

Both Gildarts and Adam turned to look at the master confused.

"Old man, if you're worried about me hurting the kid, don't worry," Gildarts chuckled. "I will only hurt him a bit, just a bit..."

"I'm not worried about that, you destructive buffoon!" Makarov replied angrily. "The power you two are releasing is hurting the others! Wakaba has lost consciousness twice, while already being unconscious, which I'm still trying to comprehend! And Macao is in no better state!"

Gildarts widened his eyes and tilted his head slightly as he scratched the back of his neck. "I... I'm sorry?"

"You better be!" Makarov growled.

Adam snorted.

"And what are you snorting at brat?!" Makarov turned to Adam, bearing the same angry expression. "You are just as guilty as the irresponsible moron you were fighting! Your careless display of power as you made your way to face Gildarts evangelized the captain of our ship! He quit and said he was going to give his life to the lord! Now I have to drive that thing back to Magnolia!"

Adam blinked, as he muttered slowly. "E-Evangelized?"

I giggled. It was good to see that no matter how much time passed, the guild would always be the same.

Well, time to....


Is... is the kid looking at me?

"Yes I am,"

Did I say that out loud?!

"You did..."

Oh no!

Wait, but... how can he see me?! I'm not making my projection visible to anyone right now!

"Great! Now look at what you did, Gildarts!" Makarov sighed angrily, rubbing his temples. "You turned the only member in the guild that doesn't cause property damage crazy! He's talking to the air! Congrats you moron!"

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