Evolving infinitely from ground zero

Chapter 157: 124, The Birth of the Rookie King_2

Chapter 157: 124, The Birth of the Rookie King_2

This does not conform to human physiological structure.

Yuan Dongzhi furrowed her brows slightly, feeling quite perplexed by this.

After thinking for a moment, she couldn’t come up with an explanation.

Soon, she leapt up and left the Martial Stage, returning to the second-floor corridor.

As soon as she landed, other school leaders asked her what exactly had happened below.

She didn’t say much.

She only mentioned that Li Moyu’s right hand had suffered comminuted fracture, Lin Zichen’s Biological Level was as high as a common Sixth Order, and Lin Zichen’s facial bones and muscles had naturally extreme strength.

She pointed out these three details mainly to explain the bizarre scene that had just unfolded on the Martial Stage.

As for Lin Zichen using the Blood Tempering Technique to complete a Tempering Skin session, she chose to conceal that.

The other school leaders, hearing her say this, were all incredulous.

Lin Zichen’s Biological Level was as high as a common Sixth Order?

But how could a freshman who had just started school, without undergoing Genetic Fusion or mechanical modification, evolve to a common Sixth Order Biological Level?

This must be some Exotic Beast in human skin!

The more the school leaders thought about it, the more absurd it seemed.

Liu Chuanwu also found it preposterous, but he still feigned composure and said, “This is the power of the Pureblood Human Path, this is the power of the Blood Tempering Technique.”

The others, upon hearing that, couldn’t help but twitch their mouths slightly, mentally scoffing at him.

Liu Chuanwu, just give it up, will you? You were clearly so scared of losing that you turned pale, and now you have the nerve to take credit for the Pureblood Human Path?

Off to the side, Yuan Dongzhi quietly watched Lin Zichen on the Martial Stage below, her face thoughtful.

This Lin Zichen… could he be the same kind of person as Qianxue?

No, that’s not right.

It’s probably not possible.

Aside from possessing physical strength far surpassing their peers, there’s nothing similar about them at all.

On the Martial Stage.

Seeing Yuan Dongzhi leave just like that, Lin Zichen knew that the effect of his Biometric Attribute “Natural Camouflage” had successfully deceived her, the Vice President of Shanhai University.

He felt a slight thrill in his heart about this.

The effect of the Biometric Attribute was much stronger than he had imagined.

Meanwhile, Li Moyu, whose right hand had just been shattered, had already fully recovered.

He clenched his right hand, and seeing that it was as good as new, he was deeply shocked.

What kind of miraculous medicine was that white pill Yuan Dongzhi had me swallow? How is its healing effect so powerful?

Without thinking too much about it, Li Moyu quickly shifted his gaze to Lin Zichen in front of him.

The thought of the punch he had just thrown at Lin Zichen’s face made his right hand uncontrollably tremble, leaving him with some psychological shadow.

That punch was unbearably painful, to the extent that it felt like his nerves were spasming.

After steadying his emotions somewhat, Li Moyu looked at Lin Zichen as if he were looking at a monster and asked, “What exactly is your strength?”

Lin Zichen did not answer, but instead countered, “Is your hand okay?”

“It’s fine, good as new.”

Li Moyu flexed his right hand in front of Lin Zichen to prove that it had healed.

Lin Zichen nodded, “That’s good then.”

With those words, he took a step and rushed towards Li Moyu, kicking him in the abdomen and sending him flying off the Martial Stage.

Li Moyu, still in mid-air, was filled with question marks.

Was asking about my hand just so you could kick me off the stage without any guilt?





The moment Li Moyu was kicked off the stage, a timer immediately appeared on the big screen and began counting.

When the timer reached [10s], Li Moyu got up from the ground and shouted toward Lin Zichen on the Martial Stage, “Lin Zichen, when my Genetic Fusion advances further, I will come back to challenge you, and I will definitely beat you on the Martial Stage!”

He Yu mercilessly heckled, shouting even louder, “As if you’re the only one who can undergo Genetic Fusion! Lin Zichen can also undergo Genetic Fusion, and could just spend his whole life shitting on your head!”

Li Moyu replied with both confidence and stubbornness, “My adaption rate for Genetic Fusion is as high as 16%, and I’m bolstered by various special constitutions. On the path of Genetic Fusion, no one but my brother Li Yijin can be stronger than me!”


Some other regular class freshmen laughed in mockery, “What a sight, I’ve lived this long and this is the first time I’ve seen someone lose with such a brazen attitude!”

A freshman from the genius class retorted, “I don’t know what you’re pretending for, Li Moyu losing to Lin Zichen isn’t like losing to you!”

“Heh, as long as I am a student in the regular class and Lin Zichen remains in the regular class, I can keep laughing at you genius class!”

“Loser, where do you get the face to laugh?”

Youths brimming with vigor, they easily started arguing.

As more and more people joined the battlefield,

it gradually turned into a heated exchange of words between the ordinary class and the genius class.

On the Martial Stage,

Lin Zichen stood quietly alone, waiting for the stopwatch to hit 1 minute and claim the title of New King.

During this time, not a single person dared to challenge him on stage.

Everyone was either caught up in the heated arguments or silently watching the stopwatch on the big screen, awaiting the birth of the New King.





As the stopwatch reached the [60s] mark, a fluorescent light shot out from the big screen, landing on Lin Zichen’s face to complete facial recognition.

At the moment of successful facial recognition, Lin Zichen’s entrance photograph appeared on the screen.

Above the photograph was a very conspicuous congratulatory message: [Congratulations to Lin Zichen from Martial Arts Class 1 for becoming the New King of this year!]

Although he didn’t attend classes, his student registration was still with Martial Arts Class 1.

Immediately afterward, the gymnasium’s broadcast system also played the congratulatory message: [Congratulations to Lin Zichen from Martial Arts Class 1 for becoming the New King of this year!]

At this moment, the entire gymnasium fell silent.

Everyone found it surreal.

The title of New King, unbelievably, had been claimed by a freshman from an ordinary class.

In the many years since Shanhai University was founded, it was the first time a non-genius class freshman had overwhelmed a genius class freshman to become the New King.

It was a breach of school history!

At this very moment, everyone was witnessing this incredible instant.

Shortly after, the whole venue started to boil over.

“Zi Chen, awesome!”

“Lin Zichen really captured the New King title, this is way too incredible!”

“Zi Chen, the glory of the ordinary class!”

A large number of ordinary class freshmen were cheering for Lin Zichen as well as the ordinary class.

Meanwhile, the students from the genius class felt a bit ashamed, standing quietly and silently throughout the whole event.

On the Martial Stage,

Lin Zichen paid no attention to the cheers from below.

Using his Biometric Attribute “Eyes of the Sky,” he quickly spotted Shen Qinghan in the crowd below.

Then, he leaped high to Shen Qinghan’s side, wrapped an arm around her waist, and with another leap, brought her back onto the Martial Stage.

Many people in the audience were puzzled by this scene.

Some who knew the relationship between the two thought Lin Zichen was seizing the spotlight as the New King to publicly declare his relationship with Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan also thought so, her pretty face flushing hot and her heart pounding with nervous anticipation; she couldn’t help but squeeze her legs together.

Just as everyone’s eyes focused on the Martial Stage, Lin Zichen unexpectedly jumped down from the stage, leaving Shen Qinghan alone on it.

At the same time, the big screen immediately started the stopwatch again, as usual, timing the event.





As the stopwatch began, Lin Zichen said to the group of genius class freshmen below, “For the second to tenth places, I’m taking them all.”

These words made the whole venue fall silent instantly.

Everyone was shocked!

It wasn’t enough for him to become the New King; he even wanted to claim the second to tenth places for himself?

How greedy!

Seeing Lin Zichen’s audacity in wanting to monopolize the top ten ranks for himself, someone from the genius class could not bear it anymore and shouted out in anger:

“Lin Zichen, you’re going too far! Let’s all from the genius class go together and take him down!”

“Damn, let’s rush him!”

“If we don’t beat him down today, I’ll write my name backward!”

“And that traitor Shen Qinghan on the Martial Stage, beat her up too!”

“Pin her down on the Martial Stage and rub her hard!”

At this moment, almost all of the genius class freshmen sprung into action, united like players in a game teaming up against a boss, and swarmed toward Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan.

As for the concepts of unfairness in a mass brawl, they didn’t care at all!

They had but one goal, to take down the excessively audacious Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, the genius class traitor!

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