Even If I’m Reborn as a Cute Dragon Girl, I Will Still Make a Harem

Book 5: Chapter 166: Transmigrator

Book 5: Chapter 166: Transmigrator

“Hmm… a big crab.” After swimming under the sea for a while, Lilith pulled a crab out from under a rock on the ocean floor. “Hmm, not that big after all…”

Lilith tilted her head, staring curiously at the crab in her hand, which she could easily hold with one hand.

This size was already considered large in a sense, but Lilith could not shake the feeling that something was off, especially since this crab seemed oblivious to the gap between their respective species and even foolishly attempted to pinch her hand!

In the end, Lilith decided to let it go. Even a hundred of them of this size wouldn’t fill her up.

Releasing the crab, which was still flaunting its strength and waving its pincers around menacingly, Lilith shifted her attention to the fish hidden among the coral.

The underwater coral was colorful and beautiful, and even though there was no sunlight at this depth, Lilith’s extraordinary eyesight allowed her to appreciate its beauty.

Most of the fish hiding in the coral were also colorful, darting through the coral reefs like mischievous little pixies. Although they appeared poisonous at first glance, Lilith considered sampling a few to test their toxicity.

After all, if the toxicity of the fish could potentially poison and kill a giant dragon, then surely the members of the same species who foolishly sought strange experiences at the risk of their lives had already perished countless times.

In the end, she decided against it. The fish were too small to bother with.

She doubted that even catching all the fish around her would be enough to satisfy her hunger.

Ahhh it’s so frustrating… Why is it so difficult to just have a meal?

Lilith scratched her head in frustration, troubled by her appetite for once.

Does this mean I have to go deeper?

She glanced toward an area devoid of sunlight. Less than fifty meters away, an underwater cliff suddenly appeared, causing the seafloor to drop, likely over a hundred meters.

If there was anywhere a big catch could come from, it would be there.


As Lilith prepared to move, she suddenly sensed the chaos among the fish. It was different from her own presence, which only caused the fish to swim in a slightly different direction.

The fish suddenly gathered and quickly fled toward shallower waters.

Something big was approaching. Lilith’s instincts told her to hold her breath and wait. What Lilith couldn’t understand was why she hadn’t sensed the big creature that even a small school of fish could detect in advance.

It was really strange. Could it be that the fish here had evolved some ability to sense the arrival of their natural predators in advance?

Regardless, caution was warranted. Lilith held her breath and fixed her gaze on the direction of the deep sea, her body poised for action.

Though outwardly still, her powerful heart pumped dragon blood through her veins, and a hint of golden light flickered in her pupils. She was already in a battle stance.

One second… ten seconds…

Lilith remained vigilant, not allowing herself to be distracted for even a moment.

Thirty seconds… one minute…

She sensed the patience and menace of the unseen predator lurking in the depths—a top predator, remarkably adept at biding its time without revealing any hint of weakness.

Five minutes… ten minutes…

What’s going on? Did the predator fall asleep?

Confusion filled Lilith’s eyes as she glanced back at the fish, hoping to glean some insight from nature.

However, the school of fish had no time to impart their wisdom to Lilith, as the predator was already darting back and forth among them, devouring its prey with apparent delight.

Lilith found herself dumbfounded by the sight of the “top predator” chasing the fish around. It had a gray body and a streamlined shape, probably only about a meter long. However, what caught Lilith’s attention was the peculiar shape of their heads, with bulges on both sides.

Although Lilith wasn’t that knowledgeable about fish, she was able to immediately identify it.

A hammerhead shark—which was known as a Sphyrnidae scientifically.

Also known as the prince of sharks along with white sharks, they were featured in many films and games due to their distinctive appearance.

Haha, so this is the so-called top predator. For a hammerhead shark to suddenly appear here to prey is also quite normal, right? As a terrifying shark, honoring it with the title of top predator isn’t too far-fetched…

No, that’s just weird!

This is a fantasy world after all! Even if it’s a hammerhead shark, shouldn’t it be more than ten meters long, with teeth taller than a person, a head covered with exoskeletons harder than metal, a tail capable of toppling a battleship with a sweep, or a mouth that can launch light waves?

The sight of such a seemingly ordinary hammerhead shark made Lilith feel like she was watching Animal Planet! It was only lacking that classic narration that would go: “Spring is here and the animals are in mating season…”

Lilith finally realized what had been bothering her from the very beginning—these sea creatures were unusually ordinary!

While she never had to worry about food in the wild, she now faced problems. In the past, Lilith encountered creatures that were several floors high without any concern!

Her eyes flickered as she considered the situation. Crabs, coral, sea fish, hammerhead sharks—these seemingly ordinary things now appeared to be the most abnormal. A very unlikely speculation began to form vaguely in Lilith’s mind.

She pursed her lips, and suddenly, a heat wave erupted around her body. Her form resembled a torpedo as she darted into the depths of the sea.

The true supreme predator of this sea—the Great White Shark, the apex predator that instilled fear in all sea creatures—faced Lilith as she suddenly appeared. Before it could even show its teeth, Lilith knocked it out with a single punch, dragging its tail back to the shallow sea.

Not long after, Lilith returned, dragging a huge fishtail in her hands.

“I knew it,” Lilith muttered as she looked at the great white shark, a creature that had appeared several times in the childhood nightmares of her previous life. “The creatures of this sea all existed in my previous life.”

Coincidence? Impossible. Two worlds that seemed disconnected, no matter how you considered it, couldn’t possibly give birth to the exact same ecological environment.

While many things in this world were named the same as in her previous life, the differences between them were actually day and night.

For example, the rabbits in Lilith’s previous world were cute furry creatures that loved to eat carrots and vegetables, while most of the rabbits in this world had horns, sharp teeth, and a penchant for biting. However, the meat of both was equally delicious.

“It seems there is only one possibility.”

The creator of this small world—the founding emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire—was a transmigrator like Lilith.

If one hadn’t seen these creatures with their own eyes, there was no possibility of replicating them exactly.

“A transmigrator, huh? There are traces of transmigrators in the world below St. Caroline Academy and Cornelia’s world as well.”

Lilith had also tasted his oolong tea, and the memory of that night remained a blank now, despite her attempts to question Lesiah about it, and she remained tight-lipped.

“I wonder if the owner of this small world is the same person as that transmigrator. If so, this place could hold hints to dispel part of the fog that shrouds him.”

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