Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Chapter 98 98: The Invincible Princess

In the Estel Kingdom, there was a magnificent banquet being held.

After a long war where many people died, there were finally some moments of peace and happiness. They had managed to survive!

Even though the Estel Kingdom had already lost many cities, they were still happy that now they had some hope of success. 

With the backup from the Dynasty, it was only a matter of time before they managed to recapture all their stories. 

Since the Sky Dynasty didn't attack them after retreating, this made them believe even more that the Sky Dynasty was now scared!

The Banquet was attended by many Generals from the Eternal Dynasty. Even though Ye Han and the Great Elder didn't want to waste their time on the banquet, they couldn't say no either. 

The people of the Royal City were living in fear of death for a long time, unsure if they could even see the next day. This celebration was also an opportunity for the King of the Estel Kingdom to make the citizens calm down, and send a signal that the kingdom was still strong. 

They needed time for further preparation of their assault on the Sky Dynasty forces as well. 

In the Banquet, many influential people from the Eternal Dynasty were present. Even the King had to be respectful to Ye Han and the Generals from the Eternal Dynasty, let alone the rest. 

Amongst the influential people in the Eternal Dynasty Army that had arrived, there was only one person who was still absent from the banquet. 

It was the person who was said to be commanding the army, Third Prince Xu Shan. 

The King asked a few more times to invite the Prince. Unfortunately, Ye Han rejected all the suggestions. 

It wasn't because he didn't want to invite Xu Shan. Instead, it was because he already found out that Xu Shan had escaped. 

When he last went to check on Xu Shan in his room, he saw that the young prince wasn't there. There was only one letter there, which mentioned that he was going outside, to take care of some important matters. 

Xu Shan insisted that Ye Han had to take the command of the army in his absence, and make sure that no one found out about his absence!

At the same time, he also left some secret instructions for Ye Han, that no one else was supposed to know about. 

That's why Ye Han made many excuses to make sure that Xu Shan didn't have to appear. 

Fortunately, he had a great excuse. Xu Shan was the commander of the army, but he was still young. 

Ye Han used security as an excuse to make sure that no one found it suspicious that Xu Shan wasn't showing himself. 

He made Xu Shan appear like the strategist of the army, and not the warrior who was to directly fight. It wasn't hard to make anyone believe that, since they all knew that Xu Shan was a mortal who didn't have a trace of Celestial Aura at all. 

However, there was barely anyone who even believed that Xu Shan was the strategist, other than Ye Han and the Great Elder of the Celestial Palace. 

Only those two knew just what kind of mind the so-called Young Prince had, when it came to such things!

As for the others, they only thought that Ye Han was saying that for the sake of it. They all believed that Xu Shan was nothing more than a burden. 

It even made the King of Estel Kingdom feel bad for Ye Han, since the man had to carry such a burden because of the Emperor's favoritism. 

Since Xu Shan didn't appear at the banquet, the rumors about him only became worse. However, even if he was here, it was impossible for him to care about more rumors, especially with the kind of reputation he already had. 

Ye Han drank a few glasses of the precious wine, even the Kingdom didn't possess in high quantity. The King had brought out his most precious wine for this occasion. 

The banquet was also attended by one more person, who Xu Shan would've found very interesting if he was here...


While everyone in the Estel Kingdom was celebrating their first victory, the architect of this victory was walking with the Prince of the Sky Dynasty. 

"Are you sure this will work? If I'm caught, I'll be directly executed!" Ming Yan asked, with slight hesitation. 

"Don't worry. Someone else will take blame for it." Xu Shan patted the shoulders of the Young Prince. 

"You just have to listen to me. Arrange a meeting with your Elder Sister. After that, I'll handle the rest. I promise, within ten days, you'll become the next Crown Prince, and maybe even the new Emperor..."

Ming Yan scratched the back of his head, but in the end, he agreed. 

The greed of the crown had already infiltrated deep in his heart. And it was further increased because of Xu Shan's alluring words. 

Ming Yan took the matter into his own hands. For some reason, he had started trusting Xu Shan so much that there was not a shred of doubt in his mind. 

Even when he sent a message to his Elder Sister who led the Second Army, he was accompanied by Xu Shan, who had told him exactly what to say. 


A dark haired young woman, donning a majestic armor, was sitting, with some papers in her hands. 

She seemed to be seriously going through the documents. 

Not too far from her, there was a sword that was covered completely in blood. The blood on the Sword appeared to have dried, but the woman didn't clean it. 

This was the blood of the Southern General of the Eternal Dynasty, who was the Ancestor of the Chen Clan!

The person who killed the Southern General, who was said to be invincible, was none other than the Eldest Princess of the Sky Dynasty. 

No one knew the exact ex

tent of her strength. But people were more scared of her than they were of the Commander of the First Army!

The woman placed the papers down, sending the jade that was hanging around her neck, shining. 

She placed her hand on the beautiful green jade, receiving the message.

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