Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Chapter 119 119: Slave

"What can I give you?" The young man raised his head. 

He was ready to do anything to gain strength. He had already seen all the dark side of this world. He understood that without strength, he couldn't even protect himself, let alone protect others. 

If he had strength, then he wouldn't have been treated like this! His mother wouldn't have suffered to an extent where even the servants of the clan talked back to her!

He had gone through the suffering of the weak. He wanted to leave that behind, and become stronger! And if the man before her was able to give him strength, then he was willing to do anything, even selling his soul. 

"Be my slave... I don't want to give you strength only to have you stab me in the back... So you shall become my loyal dog, that I can kill if you ever try to betray me!" 

Xu Shan knew how dangerous these Children of Heaven could be once they grew up. They were often more willing to die than to surrender! However, Duan Mu was different!

Duan Mu's face was slightly taken aback. However, he had seen Xu Shan's strength. Even the Patriarch of their clan didn't have that strength! Moreover, Xu Shan was this strong while being so young, so it was unimaginable as to how strong he was going to be in the future. 

Duan Mu didn't even think about it for long, before nodding. Currently, his life had no value. He wasn't even qualified enough to become a slave of a person this strong. However, now he had that opportunity!

Even though he had to give his life in the hands of this man, but so what? This man had saved his life! This life of his already belonged to him, who could kill him whenever he wanted!

If he could exchange this useless life in exchange for strength and the support of a person this strong, then it was worth it!

She glanced at the woman in the distance, and Duan Yang. His face was still aching, as he remembered that slap and the foot on his face!

He never wanted to suffer through humiliation like that!

"I am willing!" With clenched teeth, he spoke. His eyes were filled with determination, as if he was unafraid of death!

Xu Shan smiled in response. The Son of Heaven, who was destined to be the hero standing against evil... Now he was going to become a loyal dog of the person of a so-called villain...

He packed his hand on Duan Mu's head. "Good Boy."

"It'll be painful since I'll be taking the core of your soul for our contract. If you betray me, it shall be destroyed and you'll die the most painful death, never to reincarnate again!" He exclaimed. "No matter what happens next, don't resist!"

Duan Mu clenched his teeth, as he nodded. He had made up his mind! He was willing to be a loyal dog, as long as he could become strong! He was ready for this deal with the Devil!

"Argh!" Only a few seconds had passed before Duan Mu started screaming in pain. It was as if his soul was being sliced apart. However, he remembered Xu Shan's instructions and didn't resist, letting him take that soul fragment!

Finally, after what felt like hours, the pain subsided and Duan Mu opened his eyes. He looked around and realized that he was lying on the soft grass. His face was still pale and his own body was aching. 

Standing up, he looked around. All the bodies of the people had disappeared. There were no dead bodies here. If there weren't broken trees and blood in the surroundings, he could've thought that he had dreamt all that. 

"Looks like you're finally awake." A voice came from behind him. 

He turned around, noticing Xu Shan sitting with his back resting against a tree, eating a small fruit. 

Duan Mu was once again shocked. He remembered seeing that fruit in an ancient book. It was said to be one of the most precious fruits that strengthened a person's body. However, this fruit was impossible to find in this world!

It was said that this fruit could only be found in the Upper Realms, where Immortals were said to reside. 

"You are... From the Upper Realm?"  he asked, standing up. However, his body was so weak that he stumbled and fell on the ground as soon as he stood up. 

"Your body is still weak. Here." Xu Shan tossed another similar fruit toward Duan Mu. 

This fruit was rare in Lower Realm but he had plenty of such things in his storage, especially since he had robbed multiple treasuries in the last war. 

Duan Mu caught the fruit, sitting on his knees. He was stunned to be holding the legendary Fruit. He couldn't believe that the fruit was given to him so easily. 

"I don't treat my servants badly. However, if you ever thought about betraying me, or going against an order, then you might see the other side of me as well, which I feel you won't like to see..."

Xu Shan took another bite of the fruit, before closing his eyes. 

He had to go to the World where the Celestial Lotus was going to bloom and he only had a little over a week left to get to that place. However, he first had to calculate when that world was. 

Fortunately, now that he knew where he was, it was a little easier to calculate with the Book of Truth. However, even that calculation was going to take at least two days, giving him only four days later. 

Duan Mu took a bite from the fruit that was given to him by Xu Shan. 

He felt his entire body brimming with a trace of celestial energy, even though he didn't have a Celestial Spirit. However, there was something strange. 

Most people absorbed their Celestial Energy in a core, even when they ate these fruits. However, the energy that was entering his body was being split apart in two parts.

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