Eternal Melody

Chapter 419 - Always On My Mind

Back to the present, she sighed deeply. 'What use is there thinking of that stuff now? Ru is no longer here; he left me alone in this cruel world.'

Right before she could tell him the words he said to her that day, he left her. A part of her most likely holds a grudge against him for being so selfish. According to Shin, Ru already knew people would chase him. But he still accepted her selfish wish of going to the concert together.

There was no particular reason why she wanted to attend together. But recently, she found his behavior weird; she felt that if they didn't go together, she would no longer be able to see him. The phone call they had on the morning of her concert made her feel strange.

It was because of that odd feeling that

'There is also evidence that says Tsueno Mamoru is alive.'

Sumire knew Eli would find something if she asked him. It was a far-fetched theory, and yet Yuhi looked so serious when she brought it up. It was just a theory; she was just lying to make herself feel better. But, there is something.

So he is alive, but he didn't come to see her.

Even though he must know how badly she has suffered.

A part of her felt happy he was alive and somewhere in the world. He didn't die that day. But he must have suffered too.

'I will die without you, Ki.'

He often said such cheesy things like that, and yet he never came to see her. It must mean his current circumstances are bad. Is he injured? Just how bad is it that he didn't even leave a sign until now?

This is so confusing for her. No matter how much she thought about Ru, however, his image in her head only lasts for a few seconds now. That's right, the one who occupies her thoughts now is a different man.

"Yuhi-san." She mumbled.

How much time has passed since she last saw him? Ever since she came to Tokyo, she saw Yuhi almost every day. They were not always together. Although he spent a lot of time with her when she first came, later on, he could not push back his schedule as much. She seldom saw him, but without fail, he would make at least a little bit of time for her.

After they started dating, he increased his efforts a bit more. He went to school with her even though he should be elsewhere. In order for her to experience normal school life, they have done so many things together.

That person cares more for her than he does himself, even though she is not used to kindness and has a hard time accepting that somebody cares for her.

Terashima Yuhis persistent attitude is something she cannot ignore. Mamoru was like that too, but it is different with Yuhi. He does not directly say these things and does everything naturally.

Later on, she would hear from their mutual friends and understood something. Terashima Yuhi is a very humble guy; he does not boast about his achievements.

Sumire knew she couldn't fall asleep at this stage, so she left her room. She headed to the bathroom. 'A nice relaxing cold bath.'

Still, a bath, huh? Ren liked those a lot. He said he preferred taking baths with her than going anywhere else.

Even Yuhi said something similar-- Sumire frantically shook her head. Everything leads back to Yuhi. Why is she always thinking of him she must have gotten crazy. But maybe it is because she allowed him to re-enter her heart easily. Even when she first decided on Tokyo, she did not intend to get close with him again.

It seems their paths will cross no matter what; if she thought about her life the last few months, so much has happened. If it were her in the past, she could not imagine living her current life.

So it seems Yuhi-san has succeeded in something even Ru didn't. No matter how much Ru tried, it was difficult for her to live anything close to a normal life. She would always end up dragged into a fight or back to the underworld society. That is why even though Ru disliked the underworld society, he would still accompany her.

In the underworld society, there is only one rule; those who are strong will rule. That is why there were many who liked Ru. The same went for Yuh-san-- Sumire sighed again.

She must be so fickle. One second she is thinking of Ru, then the next, it is back to Yuhi. But this is not the first time this has happened,

"I must love Yuhi-san more than I think."

"Is that so?" A familiar voice said.

Sumire looked up and saw Yuhi - and laughed softly. "Now I am even hallucinating."

Her thoughts broke off when the Yuhi hallucination grabbed her arm. "You like me that much?"

"The real one?" Sumire mumbled as she stared at him dumbfounded.

"Well yeah."

It took her a few extra minutes to realize it was really him before she pulled herself away. No matter how embarrassed she is, there is something she has to say first.

"Why are you here?"


"Why are you here?!" She ignored him, demanding an answer.

"Sumire, there is something I have to do here." He answered her, knowing she was serious."

"What is that?" Sumire said sharply.

At that comment, he pulled her into his arms. It took her a moment to realize he only wore a towel and that he was naked. She glanced at the bathtub and noticed signs of use. He took a bath here so casually.


Sumire felt her heart beat rapidly.

"But you know I planned to reunite with you more romantically. Maybe in a few more clothes."

Sumire felt her cheeks grow hot. How can they hug when he is naked?

Her thoughts broke off when he cupped her cheeks.

"You're prettier than I remember."

Is he--is he serious?!!! Sumire felt the tears well up in her eyes. Quite some time has passed since she last saw him. Even without much light, she could tell he had gotten thinner.

"Hey, are you going to fry? Look, I'm sorry, but I never actually went to jail. I did for a night, but only that time. This entire time--"

"You were investigating, I know," Sumire interjected. She figured there was something odd about Hino's behavior.

Hino cares so much for Yuhi, but he focused on her safety first.

Yuhi's gaze softened. "Right, I knew you would understand. That is why when I heard Hino managed to get you somewhere safer, I decided to see you myself."

So Hino must have told Yuhi where she was. Is that what he argued with Eli about earlier?

"I see."

"I didn't get a chance to bathe or anything since I was in the forest for a few days. So before I saw you, I wanted to freshen up, knowing you might not let me hug you."

What an idiot, even though there is something more important to talk about. Her gaze softened when she felt him hug her tighter. Indeed he is an idiot.

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