Eternal Melody

Chapter 412 - Noblesse Oblige

"Noblesse oblige."

"Is that not the french term for those with great wealth comes great responsibility to give back to those who are less fortunate?"

Sumire nodded. "That is correct. If you can help those in need, it is natural to use it to help those need. But there are many like that man below down there who use the people as a stepping stone. He pretends that he will help them, but he tosses them away like garbage once he obtains what he wants from them. Instead of helping the people, he will selfishly keep the power to himself."

"Then what about those with power but chose to hide it because of fear?"

A painful smile appeared on her face when she heard him say those words. "Did you know about Hino too?"

Shin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. "I suspected something. The care he has towards you and even Yuhi seemed unusual. It only took a quick investigation for me to learn that he was involved in the accident that tore you and Yuhi away when you were younger."

So she did meet Yuhi before, and Hino was even there. How ironic, now that she thought about it that time, she helped Hino in the alleyway. It felt like something similar happened. She unconsciously rushed over to help him.

"Does Yuhi know?"

"It seems he started to regain a few of his memories after you met him in that concert."

"Just me and not Hino?"

Shin nodded. "It is strange, but I can't find many records about Nasaki Hino when he was younger. It is like somebody deliberately tried to erase those records."

For somebody with the power to erase records like that, there can only be one person.

"I can investigate it further for you."

Sumire shook her head. "I know who did it." Only Eli can do something to that scale. "But I will not ask him why."

There is no need for her to do something like that. At the end of the day, the truth will always prevail.

"Even if we don't mess with him, there are those who will, and the situation will worsen, won't it?"

Sumire nodded. "The human mind is a peculiar thing. No matter how much we come together as a society, there will be objections wherever you go. People's hearts cannot be truly at peace since conflicts exist everywhere."

Without darkness, there can be no light, and the same goes vice versa.

How many times has she said those words to others?

"From now on, things will be more dangerous than before. I already knew before I left for Tokyo that I was treading on a thin and dangerous line, ready to snap at any time. Ru knew this and tried to shield me as much as he could, but," She laughed weakly. "In the end, here I am, treading away from the peaceful life he wanted for me."


"From now on, I will have to rely on you more, Shin, because I know at the very least you will never betray Yuhi."

"You should ask that of Nasaki Hino."

Sumire shook her head. "He lost his chance the moment he didn't reveal the truth to me. If he told me from the start, I would still trust him even if I didn't understand him. But now I cannot."

She closed her eyes as she recalled that time he kissed her and said he would choose Yuhi.

"That person is a fool. If he thinks he can protect Yuhi by concealing the truth from him, then he is greatly mistaken."

Shin sweat fell. "You're bitter about this, aren't you?"

Sumire sighed. "I didn't want to, but when I thought about how many times I went to his house-"

At that comment, Shin raised his hand. "Wait a minute, what are you talking about?"


"You went to his house many times?"

Sumire nodded. "Yes, why do you think we got so close?"

Shin sunk to the ground with a defeated look on his face. "I am not even going to ask why you went to another man's house repeatedly, even after you started dating Yuhi."

"It's only Hino."

"But surely you figured he liked you?"

"I did, but," Sumire trailed off and nodded. "I also knew he would never try anything."

Shin looked at her baffled and shook his head. "You are far too careless. I can see why Hamano watches over you like some kind of parent despite being the same age. I am surprised the media never posted such news."

There were a few occasions where a reporter followed her, but Hino said he would take care of everything. The next day there was no trace of such news, so she assumed that he took care of things.

"Are you that close?"

"Mm, that is why I am angry."

She hates it the most when those dear to her keep important matters a secret just to keep her safe. "I did not obtain this strength for people to treat me like glass and leave me behind."

"Then can you show those people the strength you have now?"

Sumire looked down.

"You don't like showing your hanyou abilities in front of people. Is it because your hanyou state resembles a vampire? Are you afraid people will call you a monster?"

She shook her head. "Even before I learned of this ability, people already called me a monster, so it is not like anything has changed."


"But if people with abnormal strength are monsters, then I wonder how people see vampires? Vampires are not like what myths say; they only drink the blood of their beloved. They wish to be with them even to the point of deprivation; they will lose control and end up hurting innocent people just so they do not hurt their loved ones." She trailed off and stood up.

"Hanyous are the same. No matter what shape or form they take, those who commit evil deeds may do so just so they can become human one day."

"Even if you say that I can never forgive those who break the law for their selfishness."

Sumire appeared before Shin and took his gun from his pocket. She placed it in his hands. "That is why I accepted your help; it is so that one day you can pull that trigger on me."

"Sumire you--!"

"If I ever lose control and commit an act that will break the law. Shin, you must end it."

"How could I do that to you? Also, Yuhi-" Shin shook his head. "I won't be able to."

"You will." Sumire points to the orphanage again. "If I were to go down there and cause mass slaughter and then drink their blood afterward, would you forgive me? No, you won't."

She could see him tremble at the thought. "You will kill me without a second thought because I would become that monster."

At that comment, Shin sunk to the ground again, and she laughed weakly. "I didn't call you out to have this conversation, but it just happened."

Shin mumbled how much of an idiot she was.

"Would you do that for me?" Sumire asked.

"You don't have to ask."

Indeed, she does not have to. This person has a righteous heart. He will never tolerate such injustice from an evil person.

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