Eternal Melody

Chapter 351 - Blue Wind Part 4

Even after he recovered from his strange mood and returned to the physics prep room to mark papers, Shin couldn't stop thinking of her- no, to be exact, what occupied his thoughts was his bold actions. What on earth was he thinking doing something like that for? Is he crazy?

On the day it came for them to meet her, Shin had purposely fallen asleep on one of the balcony ledges nearby to catch a glimpse of her before she came in, knowing that it would show on his face if he saw her again with the others. Not as though he doubted Kirishima's words; he just wanted to see it with his own two eyes.

It didn't take him long to recognize her, that same chocolate brown hair and those violet-colored eyes like an amethyst. Yet there was something different about it, and there appeared to be a burning fire in them instead of just a spark.

When he saw her walk back and forth, acting all nervous, it was a new experience for him since she only ever showed her serious side. It was a refreshing change, and she is quite clumsy. He hadn't been expecting that.

When Ryou greeted her, he noticed how nervous she was. When he saw a familiar expression on her face, he felt relieved. Seeing her that way, he knew that he couldn't leave her alone.

It's not Ryou's fault he didn't notice. But still, maybe it started again then. That love that came to a halt and never came to blossom when he grabbed hold of her hand that day.

His thoughts break off when he sees the door creep open and waltz in an angry-looking Sumire.

His face broke out into cold sweat. "Pardon my intrusion."

"I didn't think I'd ever see you in here again."

Shin knew what he did earlier overstepped his boundaries. Even though she acted all flustered then, he knew after she calmed down, all that remained would be anger. This is bad; even though he controlled himself this entire time, why did he do that?

"I just forgot to bring a book back," Sumire said, walking over to the bookshelf. "Besides, you said you'd be making our finals around now, right? I figured you wouldn't want a student in here that time."

"Yeah, your right." Actually, the last thing on his mind was making exams. Right now, he was thinking of ways to appease her anger.

"Sensei, can I ask you something personal?"

"As long as it is not too personal, I guess."

"Do you still have feelings for Mina?"

He wasn't expecting that sort of question. But how could she ask that despite what happened earlier? Good grief, she needs to learn to believe him more. "You know most people would consider that as a personal question."

"Sorry…" She trails off. "Um, this is just a hypothetical situation, but... If there was a female student who was relatively close to you that liked you. Would they still stand a chance?"

As she said that, he noticed the seriousness in her eyes and the faintest pink - or maybe that was just the light reflecting from the outside.

Shin highly doubted it. But is Sumire talking about herself? After all, she totally flipped out after hearing what happened between him and Mina. There is no way, but it is precisely because she likes him that she got mad before.

He knew it was impossible, especially since he saw that letter earlier. Right, it probably has something to do with that letter.

Shin placed his hand on his face. "Sorry, give me a second. My brain can't keep up with this."

"It's fine, and I was just curious, is all."

Despite that vague reply, Shin could tell that she wanted an answer.

"It's out the question while she is still a student. But if she were to graduate or if I were to stop being a teacher, it is possible."

Sure he was a student-teacher, but he was still a teacher; nonetheless, it would hurt his reputation if people found out.

Sumire looked away then with a smile on her face. "I see that's good to hear."

That's probably the only reason why he only makes careful movements towards her in terms of advancement. Their idol status aside, it wouldn't be right for him to confess to her while she's still a student and he's a teacher.

Who is he kidding? The words Mamoru said to him are like a thorn in his side.

You don't stand a chance to be with her, but you can protect her.

To think somebody as kind as that said such harsh words. Well, Shin isn't an idiot; he knew why Mamoru said that.

"Anyway, I better get going."


It's when the brown hair girl turned to leave that he noticed her swollen cheek. "Ibuki, did you hit your cheek earlier?"

"Oh, this? Earlier I visited San, he had some guests over, and it seemed they were stressing him out a lot. When I tried to stop it, he ended up hitting me by mistake."

Shin didn't know how to react to that, so he asked her. "Are you okay?"

"It's fine. I have a sturdy face."


"It's fine. This sort of thing happens all the time." Sumire waves her hand. "Anyway, I'll stop by again when finals are over."


Shin saw a flash of darkness in her eyes. "Does Yuhi know?"

Sumire laughed softly. "Well, I tried to hide it earlier."

"Sit down."

She blinked puzzled, and Shin stood up. "I will tend to your wounds and make it less visible."

"Then I guess I have to take you up on that offer."

Shin rummages through the cabinet as Sumire sat down on the couch. "You stopped the fight and got hurt. But what about that wound on your leg? Did he-"

Sumire sighed deeply. "I guess nothing escapes you, Shin. But honestly, don't worry so much."

"Sumire, he can't just hit you."

"I know that, and I stood up for myself after he did it."

"You did?"

She laughed. "I slapped him a few times. Afterward, I think he snapped out of it since he went down on his knees and apologized."

"You didn't forgive him, right?"

"I am not a saint Shin. I told him I wouldn't go back there for a few days, and he can think/repent about what he did."

Indeed the situation has changed now. "Did he hit you often when you dated?"

"Mmm, whenever he got angry."

So there was physical abuse in the relationship? Shin only knew bits and pieces regarding her relationship with Nagawa Sano, but he did not think something this extreme happened. Shin cautiously looked towards Sumire, and she seemed rather calm.

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