Eternal Melody

Chapter 270 - Why?

Yuhi quickly followed the scent and found her at an alleyway at the back of the store. She was standing in the center and right at her feet were several bodies. The men were not dead but Yuhi could see how severe their injuries were.


"Stay back. The blood."

His gaze fell on the particles of red that lingered in the air. Yuhi clenched his fist. It was only four words and yet he sensed the loneliness behind them.

Once again he has to see her lonely back. How many times did he see this scene in the past? He is tired of this. Why does she have to go through this again? The pain of being strong, for having inhumane strength. A pain only those who stand at the top will understand.

Sumire's inhumane strength is most likely to do with her abilities, at first Yuhi thought that. But after a bit of research he learned that was not the case. At some point the girl became physically stronger than the average person.

If that is all it was then it would not be such a burden to her but because she got involved in the underworld society… Yuhi shook those thoughts out of his mind and stepped forward. The blood still lingered in the air but he hurried over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Are you hurt?"

"Yuhi." Sumire mumbled softly. "I--"

"I should have told you. But when did you find out?"

"The day after we came back from our trip."

That long ago? He noticed that her behaviour was strange but he didn't think it was because of this. Yuhi gently caresses her hair.

"Let's go home."

Sumire looked at the bodies on the ground. "I didn't mean too, they just randomly started hitting on me. I only intended to knock them out but they brought a knife out."

His eyes twitched annoyed. 'I leave her alone for a few seconds, and flies get to her?'

Sumire chuckled. "Yuhi-san, surely now is not the time to get jealous?"

"I want to keep you captive."

"Silly." Despite her words he sensed how happy she was. "But what should we do?"

"It's fine. I'll call the guys to deal with it."

"Ah, now you use your gang?"

"Like I said before those guys just randomly followed me on their own."

"Is that so?" Sumire leaves his embrace. "But, did you know Yuhi-san. I think men who lead gangs are very cool."

Yuhi felt the heat creep to his face. What crazy thing is she suggesting now? "Lets go back now."


Hospital 6:00pm

Instead of heading home however for some reason they were at the hospital. Not just any hospital though. Yuhi grabbed Sumire's wrist who just finished speaking to the receptionist. "Why are we here?"

"Shouldn't I let my doctor know?"

Yuhi deeply sighed. 'Why is Sano still her doctor?' But indeed he should know. Sumire has to use her own blood when using that weird ability. They need to know if it has any strange effects.

"Um mam?"


"Were sorry but doctor Nagwa isn't here today." The receptionist looked quite troubled.

"It's fine, I will handle this one." A man with black hair and ruby coloured eyes stepped forward.


'This person, it's the one Nagawa briefly asked to watch over Sumire before.' Yuhi immediately remembered him since his eye colour was unusual.

"I suppose you're a better option for this Razel."

"Come this way."

First name? They seem familiar with each other. Sumire tugged on his hand breaking his thoughts.

"He was a medic in the special order of the Holy Knights forces. You probably didn't meet him since you dealt with different jobs." Sumire explained.

"I understand that but...why did you suddenly take my hand?"

Sumire tilted her head innocently. "Naturally holding hands right?"

Yuhi looked at her speechless. Quite some time has passed since they started dating. He thought by now she would adapt to being in a relationship, but that is not the case here huh?

"I thought Atsuro was in charge of you."

"Mmm, but that guy was an important figure to the organization too. Sometimes he was elsewhere. During those times Razel here acted as a substitute."

Now that he thought about it, they said Sumire was in an odd relationship with a doctor before. "Hey you two--"

"No." But the one who answered was Razel who was walking ahead of them.

"A woman like this is too much for me to handle."

Sumire chuckled. "Relax Yuhi-san, even I won't fool around with a doctor."

"I heard weird rumors."

"Ah, right." Sumire nodded. "We did spend a lot of time together but that's because I was curious about him. He isn't a normal human-" Right as she said that he heard a large cracking sound.

Yuhi glanced down at the ground and saw a medium sized crack.


Sumire's lips curve to a smile. "Still can't control how much strength you use while you walk?"

'This is strange….I've never heard of somebody like this before.' If they were the same type, he would be able to tell.

It did not take them long before they reached an office. The name plate read 'nagawa.' but the black haired man casually walked in.

Well if he is Nagawa's assistant it should be okay.

"I apologize. I have to search for your folder. I am unsure of your current state now."

"It's okay."

"I do believe the Master left them here somewhere…"

He is calling Sano, 'Master?' But why?

"How did you end up here?"

"A failed mission. I was dispatched to save those people but I ended up getting caught. I managed to escape but was in a bad state. Master was the one who saved me."

Sano saved him? The more they learn about that guy the more confused he gets. Then again from the moment Yuhi realized that Sano was serious about Sumire, nothing made sense anymore. At the start the man did not seem serious and Sumire did not hide her dislike for him. But the situation has changed now. She is cautious towards him. At times it looked to him that she did not know what she was doing.

"Sumire-san you are still with them?"

"Mmm but I'm on a bit of a break for now."

"I see I thought if you debuted you would free yourself."

Indeed Yuhi thought the same. Or rather is that not the normal thing to do? It would be bad for her image if other people found out. So why would she stay?

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