Eternal Melody

Chapter 250 - Your Time Is Up

"Sumire?" Ran called out. "Are you okay?"

Instead of remaining in that area she followed Ran back to the mansion he was staying in with the others.

Sumire responded with laughter. "Yeah, I'll be out in a second."

She looked at her stomach and sighed. This little one is so stubborn and active, these days she feels the kicks so strongly. But as expected of that person's child. 'He is lively just like Ru.' Her gaze softened at the thought. At first she hesitated and wondered if it were truly okay to have this child but now she wants it.

Sumire decided it would be better to go back with Ran and see the others. But unfortunately nobody was around. Ran said he already contacted them and they would be on their way.

She quickly left the bathroom and noticed that Ran was no longer in the spot from before. He must have gone somewhere. Her gaze fell on the spacious room and deeply sighed.

Maybe she shouldn't have come here. This room looks very feminine meaning it was for her. She already knew what he was thinking when he heard her current circumstances. Ran does not like the idea of her staying in the hospital because of Sano.

Indeed she initially had her concerns about this too. But there is nothing she can do about this right now. With the current situation just living is already a challenge for her.

She exited the room and walked down the dark and long hallways. As one would expect from a mansion for men everything looked so lifeless. Then again they did just come here.

Sumire quickly stepped out onto the balcony area and sighed. The situation with Sano is growing worse as each day passes by though. Soon it will arrive at the stage where she will no longer be able to ignore it. It seems she has no choice. She wanted to silently take revenge on him by pretending to be innocent but it seems he is becoming too delusional.


Soft laughter passed her lips. "You always seem to call whenever I feel upset."

"You're upset? Don't cry, I don't want anybody to see how pretty you are."


"Wiping away your tears is also a privilege of mine." Yuhi admitted causing her to roll her eyes.

This man is so shameless and he does not hold back at all. But she supposes that is one of the things she likes the most about him. Sumire leaned on the balcony ledge. "Are you busy now?"

"Hmm? I'm at an after party. The fireworks are great."



Fireworks huh? That reminds her of something that happened in the past.

Sumire closed her eyes as a memory from the past came to her.


"You seem troubled." Sumire commented. For the past few minutes Yuhi wore a disturbed expression on his face.

"Well, you said that I'm the scariest person you know. I'm just wondering if that's how I seem to people."

Sumire rolled her eyes when she heard his troubled tone. There are all sorts of rumors about him so why is he so bothered by this? Is it--because she said it? That thought suddenly came to mind causing her lips to curve into a smile.

"Seems," madam? Nay, it is; I know not "seems."

Yuhi sighed deeply. "Again with Hamlet?"

Sumire turned to him. "I imagine you're the type. Who even if they saw a ghost, would deny that they saw one."

"I don't believe in them in the first place."

"You're slowly becoming a boring person like Atushi. You won't accept irrational things." The girl's violet orbs seem to reflect the fireworks in the night sky. "It's a little sad isn't it? They bloom then disappear."

To her surprise Yuhi suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her so she leaned against his back. "I'm your firework, I will never disappear."

Her eyes widened when she heard him say those words. What on earth is he getting at here? How could he say something like that? Why does this person even now give her the words she wants to hear? This is no good at all.


Hearing the sound of a large bang in the sky. Sumire opened her eyes and looked up. Her eyes widened when she saw the fireworks. Huh? How come--

"Ah, my present came at a good time."

When she heard Yuhis words she seemed startled. "Your gift? But-'' There is no special occasion.

"Truthfully today was the day where I was supposed to take you out on a nice night out. I wanted to show you the fireworks no matter what part of the city we ended up."

So this is what he had in mind when he said he had a grand date idea.

She does not understand him at all. One minute he tells her that he knows nothing about being romantic and the next minute he does something so sweet like this. A deep sigh escaped her lips.

"You're a bigger liar than me Yuhi-san."

"Perhaps I am. But even then you won't leave me. You will accept everything about me."

How can this person say such things with such confidence? What would he do if she actually left him? Both of them know it is impossible.

After the call with Yuhi she quickly left the balcony area. 'It would be better to go back.' Sumire didn't know what Sano would do if she left without warning. That man is crazy after all.

It did not take her long before she eventually ended up on the ground floor. Right at the end of the corridor she spotted Sano.

What is he doing here waiting for her? If he keeps doing things like this she will misunderstand.


"You're finished?" Sano asked.

Sumire nodded. "Mmm, the others had work so it will have to wait."

"Then for now let's head back."

She stared awkwardly at him. 'Why did you come here? Why did you wait?' It felt so strange to her. In the past he never did things like this. The two of them walk in silence for a bit. For the next few minutes nobody spoke when she suddenly felt his intense gaze on her.


"Sumire I'm really sorry, please try to forgive me."

"I can't."

He scares her so much.

"...." Her thoughts broke off when he suddenly kneeled on the ground.

Wait why is he kneeling?

"Stand up...don't..."

"I'm serious, please."

She bit her lip. This is difficult after all. Sano reluctantly stood up but when he did he pushed her against the wall and kissed her.

There was something gentle about the way he was kissing her. But even then Sumire felt very uncomfortable. It's impossible for her to be with him, no matter how hard he tries. Even if he changes, it will be difficult for her to forget what happened in the past.

Her past scars are far too painful.

She felt his hand on her shirt and shuddered. She hates this. Right now she doesn't have any strength. Damn this stupid weak body.

"Sano let me go...."

"Sorry." He mumbled against her lips. "You're so beautiful. I think I understand why Terashima is so overprotective."

"...let me go." Sumire raised her voice. "Do you think I will go back to you if you do this?"

For a moment she saw a flash of something in his eyes. An emotion she never saw before but it was only for a moment when he kissed her again. But this time his lips had just made contact when somebody harshly yanked Sano of her.


Ran didn't reply to her and punched Sano and then threw him across the hallway. Sano landed with a crash against a table, knocking down a vase in the process.

Her eyes widened alarmed when she saw that Ran was


"Now, now this is where this stops." Another voice said.

Sumire looked over and spotted a man with brown short hair and grey coloured eyes.


Maon Kou, part of the male idol group Quatro light. He is one year her senior.

A bright smile appeared on Kou's face. "Mimi, it's been awhile." Despite that smile though his tone was deadly and she shuddered.

She almost forgot how frightening Maon Kou can be when he is angry. 'Why does he smile when he is mad? That's so terrifying.'

"Kou, you're late."

She hears a chuckle and saw a man with mid length golden locks step forward. "All because he insisted on increasing the gifts for Sumire-chan."


Tetsuo pointed to the corner where she found somebody typing away on their laptop. A man with teal coloured hair and teal coloured eyes.



She could not miss how hostile the other guys were towards Sano and sighed.

"She does not belong to any of you." Sano's words were cold as he got up.

Kou nodded. "Indeed, but unlike you we have more of a right. Nagawa Sano, unfortunately your time is up."

If she paid careful attention then perhaps she would have predicted how troublesome the situation would become in the future.

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