Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 354 The Dragon Empire V

Now that he thought about it, Athena was terrifying. She knew of things that even he, the concept of Knowledge, was unaware of. And they were both at the same level or power and influence!!

It was terrifying!!

Neonate also turned around to take a look, and couldn't help but frown as well. "Speaking of this, what do you think we must do? Twenty years isn't enough for us to catch up to the five of them. And that's if they don't alert their Pantheons."

"We literally have the Dark, Light and even Monster Pantheons going after us. We cannot do this by ourselves." She added, a sigh of helplessness escaping her lips. "We need help. Perhaps, we should involve The Lord? He should have a way, right?"

She thought. Rumors already spread out that Enigma had defeated four Transcendental Gods by himself months back. And his realm was weaker than theirs. So perhaps, it would work out, if she took on one of them, and he took on the rest?

She wondered to herself. Yet Teach shook his head in disagreement. Involving others was fine, but there was no more "Enigma", or in her terms, Lord. There were instead seven paths of him, each being a different aspect of him.

"It won't work out." He sighed to himself. "The best way is for me to grow stronger. If I can just become a Major Origin True Concept, I think I'll I'll able to take on two of them by myself. The only problem is, how?" He added.

Being Enigma's independent clone, he was not a True being, and hence couldn't cultivate through faith essence, thus, was the only version of Enigma that had to manually cultivate like all other normal Outer beings out there.

Absorbing Reiki into one's body, and refining it into the constructs within their internal core. Or just using faith essence to substitute the Reiki that would take time to absorb, to instantly increase their Realms.

But faith essence was hard to collect, and thus, he just cultivated with Mirai and the others the past thirty years. And perahaps as expected, his talents were far beyond anything that anyone has ever thought of.

Not even the ancient origins could match up to him. Not even the rare protagonists like Mirai and Reynold could match up to him. After all, independent clone or not, he was still Enigma. And an Enigma without the effects of the Seal.

Okay, perhaps a bit of the effects lingered on him due to still being Enigma, but nonetheless, his potential was ten thousand times higher than the ordinary cultivators out there.

And that number might seem small, especially to Outer beings who could view through Infinity as a countable number. It might seem small, but it was exponentially big in terms of potential.

After all, in just thirty years, he went from being a perfected Demigod, to being a peak Minor Origin True Concept of Knowledge, or Minor Origin God of Knowledge to be precise. Just thirty years for him, but others would require three million years.

"Still though, it's terrifying to believe that you've done something so illogical in just three decades." Neonate sighed in defeat, knowing that what Teach did, was a never before heard of achievement.

Not even the most talented of their generation, the Prosecutor of Purgatory, the current strongest being throughout Terra, was that terrifying. He was, in fact, fat from it.

"Yeah. Just get used to it." Teach responded, not telling her that he was still restricted by at most ten times if not a hundred times by Enigma's "Seal of Infinity". Anyway, there was no need to let her know.

"So, in the next decade, you will be able to reach the perfected Minor Origin Realm. And with your battle prowess, shouldn't you be able to take on a single one of them at least?" She asked, yet not too sure about her speculations.

The higher one's potential was, the stronger they were, and the more Realms of power they could skip through amidst battle. Mirai was one example, as she could now battle beings two Realms above her.

While Teach, with a higher potential than her, should, under normal circumstances, be able to skip more Realms when fighting his opponents. And that was indeed true.

"Unfortunately, there's a League difference between us, which restricts my strength greatly. Then, there's also the fact that they have a higher potential than ordinary people. Their potential will slightly offset my own." Teach sighed along his response.

If a Minor Origin God with Mirai's potential, fought a Major Origin God with a potential that could allow him to skip one Realm in battle, it would result in a stalement when they thought.

Because their potential will offset one another, and the former will only be able to skip one Realm when fighting, giving them Major Origin God prowess. And since his opponent was a Major God, they would be able to match each other's power.

"Well, amongst them, none should even be a natural born Champion. But all of their potential added together, will still allow them to offset your potential by quite a bit." Neonate agreed, a frown on her face.

"Yeah. So even with my potential, that would normally allow me to fight perfected staged Transcendental Gods, I will still lose against one of them. At most, my prowess would be around mid stage or beginner stage Transcendental God Realm." He said in bitterness.

Neonate also sighed in defeat besides him. There was nothing else they could do about it. The situation was favorably against them, and their only solution out, was having powerful allies by his side.

'And according to my Knowledge, the fifth path, and Athena, are potential targets. Unfortunately, Athena is at it again.' He thought, at the same time, looking up at the vast hole above them. 'And while that's on the agenda, we'll prepare to welcome the spirit race.' He added.

• • • • •

The Paradise Region of the now Heavenly Divine Realm, that was still ascending in Rank.

Within this region, that was previously it's own Realm, there are five zones: The Fiery Plains, ruled by the Cosmic Spirit of Fire, the Ethereal Destruction, and one of the Cosmic Demon Goddess of Hell.

Next was the Dessert of Serenity, ruled by the Cosmic Spirit of Earth, the Ethereal Sanctuary, and the Cosmic Goddess of Peace and Protection.

Then the Woodlands of Rageful Storms, ruled by the Cosmic Spirit of Wind, the Ethereal Rage, and the Cosmic Horror of Demise and Suffering.

Ans finally, the Aqua Islands, ruled by the Cosmic Spirit of Water, the Ethereal Beauty, and one of the Cosmic Angels of Heaven.

These were the four daughters of the Great Mother of Spirits, the youngest daughter of Tear, the Ethereal Spirit of Beginnings, and ruler of the central zone of this region at the center of the previous four - The Origin Palace of Spirits, Spiritus.

This was the make out of the Paradise Realm, and of course, each zone had its own sub zones ruled by the Elder beings and Transcendent beings working below the Cosmic Spirits.

And today, within the heart of Spiritus, a young lady was having a conversation with the Great Mother of all Spirits. This young lady had long black hair cascading down to her rear, a face of extreme beauty, and a figure hard to define with mere words.

She was just beautiful, and handsome at the same time. And the smirk on her face, only enhanced her charm even more. Those aware, would be able to tell who she was. "You've grown by quite a bit, you know that?"

"...You speak as if you know of me, Lady of Wisdom, Athena." The Great Mother of Spirits said, her airy voice of supremity and absolute bewitchment containing hints of wariness.

There was also a slight frown hovering upon her face, as she continued her words, "I've seen what you've done to the mortal worlds. The lives you've taken because of your playful antics."

"The destruction you have caused while preparing whatever it is that you're scheming. The chaos you have spread. I have seen them all, and I will let you know, I'm not merciful. I will not tolerate any of that here." She added.

Her words were then followed by a burst of powerful aura that blanketed the whole area they were in, almost tearing apart the True Laws making up the soroundings, and the Void of this new Realm.

At the sane time, the burst of power warped the entire Palace of Origin Spirits, and displaced it into a a realm hovering above even the still ascending Heavenly Divine Realm in Rank.


They were taken within a Realm of pure Incorporeality, where basically everything was incorporeal and made out of various elements that were untouchable by normal means.

And within this place of Incorporeal-ness, with incorporeal clouds filling up the whole space vaster than mere Universes, but sturdier than even the God Realm... the handsome young lady stood undaunted within her golden chiton.

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