Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 308 Chaotic Times, Ensuring Ragnarok

And that action was the last thing Caus saw. It was painful when one thought about it. After all, he was told before death that... even Master Laws could be cultivated in just milliseconds!!

With his perishing, the Sun had yet another evolution as it became Cosmic in size. And this was just 3% of the whole 20% levels that a Master Law had.

With this, one could see how it made sense how a Cosmic Sun could eclipse countless Realities with its size alone, and cover countless more with its brilliance!!

Enigma silently shook his head as the Sun had yet another breakthrough, while he himself moved on to the notifications that he received of his 'resources'.

"You have broken down the essence of three Perfected Transcendental Realm powerhouses"

"You have obtained the Unique Divinities, "Dragon God of Life", "The Veiler" and "Causalty God""

"You have obtained the Aether True Law, Causalty True Law and the Veil True Law"

"You have obtained the Divine grade Bloodlinee, "True Dragon Bloodline", "True Spirit Bloodline" and "Ethereal Bloodline""

"You have obtained the Divine grade Physiques, "Nine Dragon Constitution", "Illustrious Incorporeal Body" and "Ethereal Corrupted Body""

"You have obtained the following Divine grade resources; "140 droplets of Greater Divine Blood", "True Dragon Heart", "Transcendental Dragon Scales", "Divine Spirit Dew", "Spirit Dust", "Ethereal Essence", "Ethereal Core", "Transcendental Spark" and "Six Greater God Fragments""

"You have obtained 15 000 Fragments and 15 Shards"

"You have obtained various ranked Divine Skills, ranging from low ranked, to superior ranked"

"Your base stats have been augmented. Your Seal has been augmentated"


Only a second, yet that second was the result of an unforseen disaster within the Mortal Realms. A true Ragnarok!!

After all, the Death of Gods was unforseen, especially to these beings, who had yet to experience a Calamity or the Cataclysm.

If their ancestors were alive, maybe they would warn them in advance, but unfortunately, with every Cataclysm, the number of Living beings greatly decrease.

If not complete Annihilation.

And Enigma's actions, triggered yet another path towards complete Annihilation. A path that began with the disappearance of the Sun, the sign of Hope and Light.

Just that Calamity alone brought more than enough disasters to the Mortals. Without the Sun, beings slowly started losing hope, bit by bit, in everything.

Hope in Love.

Hope in Struggle.

Hope in Persistence.

Hope, itself, was literally fading. And to make it worse, it also represented the light of all mortals. As with it gone, darkness was to follow, Cloaking the multiple Continents in Darkness.

All Evil beings and races began appearing one by one. Gateways to Hell opened up in any area like some sort of unique Dungeon, where at any given moment, could burst.

And as it burst, a hoarde of Demons of all kinds would appear.

And this was still the first disaster. The second disaster before even all the possible hypothesis mentioned above could even occur.

Before even the people could adapt to the disappearance of the Sun, less than a second later, all sorts of plant forms began decaying at an extremely fast rate.

Farmers who had been sitting under the shade of their trees suddenly saw their crops dry up instantly, followed by the same tree they had been under.

Wood cuters who were preparing to cut down trees, suddenly saw the trees themselves give out, and fall by themselves, collapsing on other tress, before decaying into nothingness.

Some river sources were slowly becoming acidic, edible fruits becoming non edible. All sorts of sustainable means and products, gave out... fueling up the despair they felt.

But it was not all...

Right as fast as that occurred, distortions and Illusions began appearing everywhere. Within the now dark world, telling reality and falsity was becoming a chore.

And Karma was slowly loosening itself, while Cause and Effect became twisted. There was no need for a "Cause", for an "Effect" to take place, or vice-versa.

Though it was only from time to time, it was still a terrifying aspect. Especially when people where in despair, and will continue despair even if there was no "Cause" for it.

People will continously hate each other for no apparent reason. Killing each other just for the sake of killing, even without a cause to fuel such a desire for death.

Declaring Wars for no apparent reason, nof desire nor greed. A much greater Calamity had appeared, altogether within a second... taking away countless lives within that second.

And the reasons why everything was occurring, was still floating up above the bottomless hole as Aeneas Realm completely broke apart.

And the ones that died for everything to reach such a point... were not truly bothered.

• • • • •

Above the Countless Realities

Within the Grand Cosmic Sun

A tiny Visage of a small humanoid being could be seen within the core of the Cosmic Sun. Being nurtured by more Essence than the ones spread towards the Realities.

The newly born Cosmic Sun was confused and curious about its environment, but unfortunately, immediately after birth, it was about to become a mother.

It was also about to give birth...

These occurrences all happened within a second, and the poor Cosmic Sun could not even experience the joy of being a child, before being forced to mature.

It's martenal instincts kicked in, forcing it to cherish this embryo within in, nourishing it with its personal essence that could Nurture its growth, as it's Creator... was gone.


From being born...

To losing its parent...

Then gaining a child...

The Cosmic Sun went through the emotions an unfortunate human being could go through, throughout half their entire life, in just a mere second.

But as a Outer Bring beyond the Influence and Rules of countless Realities, it could easily bare everything with its mental capabilities.


That was its only desire for the embryo within its core at this moment. It's only focus, and it's only mission. As... it wanted to be different from its parent.

It wanted to be there for its child!!!

No matter what!!

• • • • •

Meanwhile, within Great Terra

Beyond The God Realm

Within a Realm of pure Incorporeality, where basically everything was incorporeal.

Within this place of Incorporeal-ness, with incorporeal clouds filling up the whole space vaster than mere Universes, but sturdier than even the God Realm...

A bunch of eggs could be seen. And what was strange was that, within these space, that defined everything as incorporeal, these eggs were purely a physicaly aspect.

Yet they blended in, and anchored themselves within the incorpoewal clouds, creating a unique scenery only heard off in myths and legends.


And at this very moment, when the disasters began within the Mortal realms, one of the countless eggs cracked up, after a small, light tremble.

Crak~ Cra-rak~

The crack then spread out to cover up the whole egg, then like any other birth, the egg's shell fell apart as it revealed a young dragon with a pair of adorable wings.

The dragon was quite cute, with its body having not a single hint of scale, and seemed as soft and white as a marshmallow.

But it's expression was a tad bit too serious, as it seemed to be having complicated thoughts. There was even a brief hint of reverance within its eyes.

"You're awake." A delicate, and airy voice that could be perfectly used to sing even Supreme Divinities lullabies, suddenly rang out.

It was the most perfect voice, that even transcended the bewitchment Allen's voice had, or the absolute effect of Enigma's voice by many degrees.

Despite all three of their voices being Supreme. After all, when one was truly Supreme, the effect was even greater than those that only relied on their Bloodlines or Traits.

"Yes, your Majesty." The small dragon cutely bowed it's head as it affirmed the words of the new entrant that appeared, a beauty of charm that the likes of Goddess Ruby could never attain.

The likes that even Transcendental Beauty could not compare to. She had a curvaceous figure, that was perfect at all turns, a chest so firm, it seemed to attract not only the eyes, but also the hands of those with weak wills.

A face so beautiful, it could topple down countless Realities, and trigger an all out Verse War. And those words were not an exaggeration, as the effect was absolute.

Unless one had a Will that was purely Supreme, or had Superior Divine Skills related to their Wills, they could never even imagine going against that feeling of desire.

"That is good." She lightly nodded her head, as her apathetic expression gazed at the soroundings in silence. She also seemed complicated and lost.

"Your Majesty, about..." The little dragon wanted to say something, but held back. A hint of fear appeared on its cute face as it dreaded even thinking about the cause of its death.

"Primal beings, are terrifying..." The lady only responded as such, as she shook her head helplessly. There was no fear, no apparent emotion on her face.

"Indeed." The little dragon also nodded.

"Little Aeneas, there is a reason why the is no record about the Primal Era, or the prior Era's beyond that. Existence has been alive for Qaudrillions of years now..." She said, her eyes staring longingly at her soroundings.

"Yet there is only a record of barely a few million years? And yet, even in that time, Supreme beings like myself were born, and countless other Higher Existences."

"What about the prior Eras older than ours? Or the beings directly born during the very first Era? At what level of power would they be, after cultivating for Qaudrillions of years, if merely a few millions birthed Supremes? What Existential level would they be at? And what more secrets are there for us to unfold? And most importantly..." She looked back at Aeneas' reborn dragon form.

"Was that being truly a Primal being, or someone born from a much older Era than ours? There are multiple secrets out there, and knowing them is one of my favorite hobbies." She ended her long apathetic words at that.

Still no emotion in her tone, yet her words were filled with eagerness and excitement. One could see that, she found joy in what she was doing. In pursuing ancient secrets.

"Yes, your Majesty." Aeneas, who was now a small little dragon flapped his wings and floated into the hands of the Supreme Beauty obediently.

"Don't fret, little Aeneas. For this death, was a fortuitous encounter. Once you recover your abilities and power after a couple of years, you might just have a chance at a Breakthrough."

"As for me, it will take longer to recreate yet another Perfected Transcendental Goddess, or an Elder Cosmic Goddess this time around. So, I will not revive the moniker of "Hypno" for a while."

"At most, I'll help you recover fast, for I was the reason you suffered, my poor little lamb." She gently rubbed its head, as her apathetic tone filled its ears.

"Thank you, your Majesty." Little Aeneas wagged it's tail subconsciously at the special treatment it was receiving, as well as the words of this certain Goddess.

He did not seem to take the latter part of her words to heart, as to it, living and dying for this personage, was all but determined.

"Good boy." Satisfied with his reply, the personage continued to gently rub its head with relish. The soroundings finally returned to calm, as this Unique Realm seemed empty, yet peaceful.

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