Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 45 Awakening Aura

In the first place, one of the best feelings one can feel would be the feeling of getting better at something you like to do every day.

Feeling like you are certainly improving and achieving results would be a very good motivation.

And that is exactly what I am feeling right now.

For the last two months, I have been training non-stop like a machine. And tomorrow will be the day when I get the fruits of my preparations for the last two months.

Even though there is a high risk of going crazy because of the pain, the process of gaining strength is never easy.

Thinking like that, I finished my body workout training. Since all my parameters are increased, the time I am spending on body training is increased to the point that I won't be able to feel tired until breakfast time.

"Aura, close the room. I will be back soon."

Saying that I left the room and took a quick shower. After that, the following was simply going to the dining room.

Entering while nodding my head, I saw Adelyn and Emma were already there eating their meals.

It was just like a usual normal morning for me and the folks of the house. The stoic Adelyn and strict Emma. Seeing such a scene where a child is basically a tool for the ideals of a parent makes me feel a little sorry for Emma, just a little.

Considering this girl has never had the opportunity to choose the things she wanted to do and always went with the flow of the environment around her, it was a bit sad. She is making me remember a certain heroine in a very popular TV show about a boy committing mass murder I watched on Earth.

Well, it doesn't matter to me, though. She and I have already crossed the line. If she doesn't want to change the way she behaves, I won't do that either.

Anyway, aside from Emma, Adelyn also changed quite a bit. If in the presence of Austin, she was restrained while treating me, she is now showing her displeasure and hostility openly without any restrictions. I think if not for our grandparents, she would have already attacked me.

"You are here."




"I heard you went to Aachen City. Why did you not inform me?"

"Do I have to?"

"I am the Duchess of this house."

"For the time being."


Saying that, I sat at the table. Looking at the angered expression on face of Adelyn, it was pretty good, to be honest.

"You are talking big for a person who has yet to achieve anything."

"As expected from a child of a whore."


Not showing any signs of agitation to that blatant taunt, I started eating the meal served to me.

Since this is the last day, I am still eating the meal made by the meat of the Meteorite Beast.


This was a pretty normal routine. Constantly trying to taunt me while saying things related to my mother, my talents, or other things, sometimes directly, sometimes implying. I had already gotten used to the emotions of the previous Callius, and now I can confidently say that I am in control of this body fully.

Although I can still feel the anger, I can at least control it.

Finishing my meal, I went to my training grounds. However, before I trained, I first started watching the knights sparring.

Activating my [All Seeing Eye], I watched how they moved their aura, how they clenched their muscles, which decisions they made, and what can I do to improve my style. Certainly, watching other people is helpful. Although you won't see any improvement every time you watch, you can't be sure when enlightenment will come.

After watching for half an hour, I decided to call it quits and entered my room.

"Aura, change the environment to normal."

"Understood, master. What do you want to fight with today?"

"Prepare three golems and adjust their strength to 2-star."

"Are you sure, master?"

"Yes. And don't ever question me again."


Just like that, I started my training with my sword. Although I have been training while sparring my yesterday selves, my opponents won't always be like me. Change is a must.

After training non-stop for almost seven hours consecutively, I left my room for dinner. This time the atmosphere was pretty quiet. Well, at least for me. Adelyn and Emma choose to ignore me and talk among themselves.

After finishing my dinner, I went to my room to start preparing the things I would need for tomorrow.

Since I had been waiting for this day for two months, everything was already ready.

Entering my room, I started putting everything in my bag since I needed to complete the process in my training room.

'Three gravity stones. Three meteorites of Falling star. Six high-concentrated fire mana stones. Twelve Saint's Blessings. Six water mana stones. Six wind mana stones. Six earth mana stones. Blood Extinctor. Blood of Tiamat.'

Counting the things I would need tomorrow, I started reading a book related to advanced magic while trying to distract myself.


From time to time, I played with lighting on my palm as well. Albeit, none of these were effective enough to divert my attention as well as relieve my anxiousness. However, I need to be in my top condition tomorrow no matter what; therefore, drinking a potion that forcefully sleeps the user, I went to sleep not long after.

Waking up early in the dawn, just as I intended, the first thing I did was to order my maids to prepare a hefty meal for me since I won't be leaving my room for two days straight.

Following that, I informed Susan that I would be training and informed her that nobody should disturb me.

After eating my meal, I headed to the training grounds.

This time without bothering to check anyone, I directly entered the room.

"Aura, lock the doors. Nobody shall enter this room for two days, and you are not allowed to call anyone, no matter what happens to me. Is that clear?"

"Understood, master. Should I change the environment?"

"No, this is okay."

After confirming everything, I started to get prepared.

"Now, first, I need to set up the star."

Mumbling like that, I first put the three gravity stones in a triangular position. And then put the three meteorites of the Falling star in another triangular position. The result was close to the Star of David on earth.

"After that, filling the blank points of the star to complete it like a circle."

Mumbling like that, I started putting the stones of four elements to fill the blanks between the point of the star. Since there were six stones for each element, every space between corners would have one element each.

"Now, drink the Blood of Tiamat."

Saying that, I opened a bottle containing the blood of the legendary dragon, Tiamat. Albeit, the portion it contains diluted to such an extent that it was not even considered to be rare anymore. I think it was 1/1000000, or maybe another zero was added.

"And lastly, spilling the Blood Extinctor on the stones."

Mumbling like that, I grabbed the bigger bottle and started spilling the purple-colored liquid in it on the stones.

The moment the liquid touched the stones, all of them started shining and excluding the pressure.


With a sudden tingling sound in my ears, I started feeling the increasing pressure.

'It has started. Gravity stones are activated.'

Thinking like that, I brought the last bottles in my bag closer to have access to them at the moment I needed them.

Grabbing the twelve Saints' Blessings, I aligned them in a circular way, encircling my body.

And then, sat in the middle of the circle like I was in some sort of sacrificial ritual.


With the activation of all the magic stones around me, suddenly, a cocoon of purple wrapped around me like a cone connecting to the meteorites of a Falling star.


However, inside was the most chaotic thing.

Violent mana, excluded from all elemental stones, started entering my body like I was some sort of magnet.

Fire mana burns inside my body, entering from my ears, my eyes, my mouth, my tiptoes…

Wind mana making the destructive fire mana mover at a faster rate in my body, destroying my inner organs at a fast rate….

Water mana makes the destruction of fire mana more detailed…

Earth mana making the aftereffects of destruction more severe…

The Gravity Stones make my body feel the pressure…

The stone of Falling Star, which is acting as a cage to trap all the violent mana inside to increase the destruction…

The Blood Extinctor, acting as the catalyst to destroy my body to pieces in a swift process…

The twelve pieces of Saint's Blessings activate the tiny little divinity in the blood of Dragon God Tiamat while healing me at the same time, blocking my body from becoming fully destroyed…


And between me, the screaming person who is sacrificing his comfort for the sake of power…

The process of Aura awakening is started…

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