Entertainment From Divorce

Vol 3 Chapter 812: script analysis

Vol 3 Chapter 812: script analysis

After some thought, Tan Yue decided to start with the outline of the movie's plot.

What needs to be done now is to write the script of the movie first, and the localization of the script and the selection of actors can be carried out slowly later.

You can't become a fat man with one bite, and there is still a lot of work to be done before the filming starts.

The story line of "The Truman Show" is relatively simple, Tan Yue took out a new notebook from the drawer, and wrote the outline on it.

As the protagonist of the film, Truman, he was selected by the director when he was born, and his life of thirty years was recorded, and a popular soap opera "The World of Truman" was broadcast live around the world.

Everything around him is false, his relatives and friends are all actors, but he himself knows nothing about it.

After realizing the abnormality, Truman finally walked out of this virtual world at all costs.

The scenes in the movie "The Truman Show" appeared in Tan Yue's mind, and at the same time he was thinking about whether the movie would be popular in the world movie market.

Looking at the written outline of the plot, Tan Yue felt that the story was getting more and more interesting.

Just like the last sentence of the director in the movie, "The outside world is even more unreal than my fictional world, it is also full of lies and hypocrisy. But in my world, you don't have to be afraid. '

In Tan Yue's previous life, he remembered that when a friend watched this movie for the first time, he felt that Truman was very pitiful, and everything around him, whether it was people or the world, was false.

But after getting older, looking back at the huge pressure in the real world, sometimes I feel that Truman lives in a happy world.

"The Truman Show" is an interesting and meaningful film.

With the increase of experience, you will have a different perspective when you go back and enjoy this movie.

"It's a great movie."

A smile appeared on Tan Yue's face.

Sci-fi movies are so popular in domestic and foreign film markets. In addition to bringing shocking visual impact to the audience, brain holes are also an important reason why they are popular with the public.

The director presents some unconstrained ideas in the form of pictures in front of the audience, which is a major selling point in the film market.

"The Truman Show" is just a movie with a lot of imagination. After many years, people who saw the movie for the first time are still amazed, and it makes the audience feel extremely real.

Such a film is quite suitable as Tan Yue's first step into the global film market.

Tan Yue, who was still worrying about how to select the material before, is suddenly enlightened now.

Suddenly, the ringing of the mobile phone on the table interrupted his thoughts, and the person who called was Xu Nuo.

"Going to play pool?"

Xu Nuo's hands are itchy recently, and his addiction to football has fallen again. He is a typical example of being good and fun.

"No, I still have things to do."

Without even a second of thinking time, Tan Yue directly refused. If you have an idea for a new movie, you must first write the script.

Xu Nuo was a little disappointed: "Okay then, you should do your work first."

Tan Yue reminded with a smile: "I'm not free these days, you can go to the gym to play by yourself, there are people playing all the time, just during this time you are also practicing your skills. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult to win against me in the future .

"Do I still need to practice my golf skills? I won't tell you, let's get busy first."

Xu Nuo hung up the phone, he knew that Tan Yue must be busy, otherwise he wouldn't have refused so quickly. When he wanted to continue working, he felt that what Tan Yue said made sense, so he got up and went to the gym.

The next day, early in the morning.

When Tan Yue came to the office, he made himself a cup of strong tea and put it next to the computer. Drinking a sip of strong tea can refresh your mind and help you complete the next work better.

Then I created a folder named 'Truman's World' on the computer, and kept the notebook at hand.

Some important things will be recorded in the notebook, which are things that need to be paid attention to when preparing for work.

He had been recalling the plot of the movie yesterday, and today he will officially start writing the script.

Once the folder is open, create a new document and call it 'Movie Synopsis'.

The outline in the notebook is the general content of the whole movie, but what I want to write now is the relatively detailed content.

Dividing the whole movie into several paragraphs helps to complete the screenplay faster.

The sound of clacking and typing on the keyboard came from the quiet office.

Thirty years ago, Omnicom Television Productions took an adopted baby and groomed him to become the star of the world's most popular non-fiction soap, The Truman Show.

However, there is only one person completely unaware of all this, and he is the only protagonist of the playTruman.

Truman has been living in a small town called Taoyuan Island since he was a child. He is a broker of an insurance company in this small town.

Truman seems to be living the same life as ordinary people, but he doesn't know that there are thousands of cameras watching him every second in his life, and the whole world is watching him every moment, what's more, I didn't know that everyone around me, including my wife and friends, was an actor of "The Truman Show".

Although it feels that everyone seems to pay attention to himself, and everything he does from childhood has some unexpected dramatic effects, but these do not make this simple-minded young man too much concerned.

However, due to a momentary negligence, the production team of the program actually let the "father" who "died" because of Truman when he was a child show up again...

I don't know how long it has passed, but the sound of typing on the keyboard suddenly stopped, Tan Yue was already wearing a massager around his neck, and there was not much tea left in the cup.

After drinking the last bit of water in the cup, Tan Yue stood up from the chair shaking his neck and came to the window.

After opening the window, a breeze blew by, and Tan Yue closed his eyes slightly to rest.

Recalling the plot in the movie is a very tiring thing, and it requires a high degree of mental concentration in order to recall as many details as possible.

After a while.

Stretching his arms, Tan Yue felt that his spirit had recovered a lot. He took the cup to the water dispenser and took another cup of hot water. The smell of tea immediately hit his face.

Chen Ziyu specially asked a friend to buy the tea from other places. The taste is exactly what Tan Yue likes. There are still two bottles in the cabinet.

Tan Yue, who sat back in front of the computer, tapped the keyboard again.

"The Truman Show" is a movie he likes very much, and Tan Yue has his own understanding of this movie.

"The Truman Show" has fascinated many audiences because of its bizarre plot.

As time goes by, more and more fans talk about this movie that missed the Oscars.

It shows people how an ordinary little person is made into a famous TV star without his knowledge, but is completely deprived of freedom, privacy and even dignity. Reflecting the hopes and anxieties of humanity, it also stands out for touching on the most sensitive social issues.

Tan Yue can't remember how many times he has watched this movie.

In a blink of an eye, it was lunch time.

Tan Yue did not leave the office, and called Chen Ye over through the internal phone.

"Xiao Ye, help me bring some food back from the cafeteria after eating."

Tan Yue's hands were still on the keyboard, typing the script.

Chen Ye left the office in response.

Now is the time to think clearly, and Tan Yue plans to write the brief introduction of the story in one go.

In addition, Chen Ziyu was invited to participate in the event today, and she was not in the company.

Tan Yue didn't want to go to the restaurant to eat anymore.

"The synopsis is finally done."

Tan Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and finally finished the first step of the script in one morning. I read it again from beginning to end, clicked save after confirming that there were no mistakes, picked up the cup and took a sip of water to rest for a while.

Gently rubbing his slightly dry eyes, he thought about the next work plan in his heart.

Tan Yue created a new file 'Character List' in the 'Truman's World' folder, ready to start writing character biographies.

The first role is naturally the protagonist Truman in the movie.

There was another sound of typing on the keyboard in the office.

After writing the introduction of Truman, Tan Yue began to analyze Truman's character from all aspects, so that the actors could better understand the character.

Truman is a person who always lives in his own fantasy world. He likes to talk to himself, and he remarked some scenes in the movie later.

From this, Tan Yue analyzed many characters in detail, such as: very polite, enthusiastic, timid, cowardly...

The seventh article was written soon, and Truman was very curious and explored the next page! Current Page 1/Total 2 Pages

desire. (Remarks: He explored the truth of the matter step by step, and ran to the opposite building to do some strange actions.)

Tan Yue temporarily put aside the biography of Truman and began to write about the director of the soap opera "The Truman Show" in the movie.

When writing the plot later, the character of the characters can continue to be supplemented.

As the producer of the soap opera "The Truman Show", he directed the entire Truman show, and he is a sophisticated crew leader who makes people shudder. Everything is designed to be almost perfect, and Truman is controlled in a surreal world.

People who can do this kind of thing, of course, have perseverance, decisiveness, meticulousness, and even cruelty in character. Thirty years in order to create a soap opera with high ratings, so that a person can completely live in an illusory world.

Tan Yue took a sip of tea from his cup, rested for a while, and continued to write

Too cold-blooded, trapping Truman in a false world since he was a child; too profitable, selling Truman's privacy 24 hours a day for profit; inhumane, even sacrificing Truman's life to prevent Truman from leaving.

But he also has a tender side.

For thirty years, he had already regarded Truman as his own child.

When Truman was about to leave this world, he expressed his inner thoughts, knowing the hypocrisy of the outside world, and wanted him to stay.

At this time, Chen Ye lightly knocked on the door and came in with food.

"Thank you, Xiaoye!"

After Chen Ye went out, Tan Yue temporarily put down his work and started eating.

A week later in the blink of an eye.

Tan Yue closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, heaving a sigh of relief.

For a week, Tan Yue spent most of his time writing scripts every day, and sometimes he would write until midnight when he got home at night. Once he has a job, he never procrastinates and finishes it in the shortest possible time. The next job can only be done after the script is completed.

With continuous efforts, the script of "The Truman Show" is finally about to be completed.

When Tan Yue picked up the cup to drink water, he realized that it was empty. When he was immersed in something, time always passed quickly.

He poured the tea leaves that had lost their taste into the trash can, put away the new tea leaves, took a cup of hot water, and put them on the desk.

"In another day or two, the script can be handed over to the film department for polishing."

Tan Yue paced back and forth in the office, one is to facilitate thinking, and the other is that his waist hurts a bit from sitting, and he needs to move around.

The mobile phone on the table rang suddenly. Tan Yue picked up the mobile phone and looked at the incoming call notification, and muttered, "What's wrong with this fat man? Want to play ball?"

After answering the phone, it was exactly what he thought.

"Old Tan, do you have time today? Let me go downstairs and play some ball."

There was a trace of confidence in Xu Nuo's voice that he hadn't seen for a long time.

For a week, Xu Nuo often came down to play against other people in the company, and his skills improved a lot. In the case of winning more and losing less, I feel that I can do it again. It was only then that he couldn't wait to fight Tan Yue again.

Tan Yue looked at the computer, thought for a moment, and said, "Wait for me in the gym downstairs."

"Haha, I'm just waiting for your words. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Xu Nuo hung up the phone directly, ran out of the office in a hurry, arranged a few words with the secretary, and went straight to the gym downstairs.

Tan Yue wanted to say a few more words, but when he heard that the phone had been hung up, he shook his head helplessly.

Tan Yue first saved the written script file, locked the computer screen, picked up the cup of water that he had just connected, and took the elevator to the gym on the first floor.

"Hello, Mr. Tan!"

The employees who are exercising say hello one after another.

Tan Yue also responded one by one, and when he approached the pool table, he saw Xu Nuo talking to several people.

"Let me tell you, I usually let him play with Mr. Tan. I taught him all the billiards. How could he beat me?"

"Look at your expressions? You don't believe me, right? Mr. Tan will be here soon, and I'll show you how I beat him today."

Several listeners around laughed, not because they didn't believe it, but because they had heard this sentence too many times.

"Fatty, you can't win with your mouth alone."

"Then let's see the real chapter under our hands."

I saw that Xu Nuo had already set up the billiards and was waiting for Tan Yue's arrival.

Tan Yue put down his cup and asked, "Fatty, I haven't played with you for two weeks, and my confidence is a bit inflated."

Xu Nuo pretended to be an expert: "Of course, you haven't played for two weeks, but I have been improving."

"Who will tee off first?" Tan Yue didn't want to hear Xu Nuo bragging.

"I come."

The contest between the two started again.

After more than an hour.

Tan Yue said with a smile: "How about it, do you want to admit defeat?"

Today, the two still played five rounds, and Tan Yue won three rounds.

Xu Nuo touched his frowning brows, really wondering why he lost again.

In the end, he couldn't help muttering: "Could it be that Lao Tan is really a talented player?"

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