Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 534 A-List Actress’ Scandal

Chapter 534 A-List Actress’ Scandal


CHAPTER 534: A-List Actress' Scandal

As quickly as her fingers could get to her phone, Andromeda wasted not another second before putting on her phone. The second the screen lit up, she heard the door open, and Liu Xueyi walked out. 

As soon as his eyes landed on her hand holding her phone, panic swirled in his eyes as he rushed towards the bed, grabbing the phone quickly. 

However, Andromeda was very prepared for this action. Rather than give in to him, she wrapped her right leg around his waist, using his momentary distraction to her advantage as she turned him on the bed to lie on his back. 

Her eyes bore into him, silently threatening him to let go and speak, or else she would do something to him. 

Having known Andromeda for a while, Liu Xueyi could very much deduce what her eyes said without having her speak to him. 

Seeing there was no means of escape from her with the way she had her entire weight on him, he resigned himself and decided to let her know. 

First, he knew calming her down was a necessity. 


"Don't patronize me and tell me what is going on, Xueyi."

"I will. I plan to."

"Like this?" She snarled at him, and with all the strength she could muster, she yanked her phone from his hand and glared. "Start talking."

Liu Xueyi was tempted to chuckle at her reaction but now wasn't the time. He cleared his throat and was about to speak when he saw her unlocking her phone screen. 

Knowing he could not play the same trick on her again, Liu Xueyi sought other means. He held her head and lifted up, pressing his lips on hers. 

Caught off guard, Andromeda remained stupefied for some seconds before reciprocating his kiss. Soon she found out that with every kiss she reciprocated, Liu Xueyi's need seemed to be growing fiercer by the second. 

Before long, her hold on her phone loosened as she wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him back with the same vigour. 

Using her distraction to his advantage, he snaked a hand to hers and slowly, without any force, gently placed the phone down before switching their positions, with Andromeda below him. 

"Hmm. Xueyi." Her chest rose and fell with each susceptive deep breath she took as she stared into his eyes while his right hand caressed the inside of her thigh moving up to her panties. 

She could tell he was doing his best to distract her amidst the anger surging inside. This could give him out but Andromeda wasn't ready to make it known. 

"I—" he paused, slowly bringing his fingers to caress her face. "I love you and I am angry."

Andromeda shifted her gaze from his eyes to where her phone lay on the bed. "Tell me why. I won't search on my phone, but I need you to be truthful with me. Why are you angry?"

Taking some time to think about the best course of action, he gave a nod of approval and took her phone. After unlocking the device, he went online quickly and brought it out. 

"First, promise me that if you want to get mad or anything, feel free to take it out on me." To Liu Xueyi's surprise, Andromeda shook her head and caressed his cheeks softly. 

"I won't, honey. Tell me."

"Okay. There's been a scandal. A-list actress Andromeda Kai was seen two timing after using the Emperor of the Entertainment Industry to get into the came. Spot…"

"Let me see it," Andromeda demanded. And without further ado, Liu Xueyi gave her phone to her. 

Her eyes narrowed at her phone screen as she immediately read out loud the headline of the news. 

"A List Actress' Scandal." Andromeda's lips curled up into a lopsided grin to Liu Xueyi's surprise. "Impressive. I…" she immediately stopped in her tracks when her eyes caught sight of another piece of news. 

"They just had to," Andromeda enunciated rather loudly than planned. 

Keeping her lips sealed, she looked up, her gaze meeting Liu Xueyi's. "You banned this, Xueyi, didn't you?"

"I did."

"Then why?"

"I contacted Tang Yan and the PR Team…"

"I want the culprits caught and made an example of, as you promised months ago," Andromeda interjected sharply. Her eyes no longer bore the quiet and sweet glamour it did, but this time, Liu Xueyi could sense the danger in them. 

All of a sudden, it felt as though a new Andromeda had been born. The force and command in her voice pulled a shiver down his spine. 

If left unattended to, Liu Xuieyi knew she could be as dangerous as a typhoon. He lowered his head, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. 

Andromeda's eyes dimmed a little at his action, his closed as he revered in the sweet moment, sucking on her lower lip gently, appreciating the woman she was. 

And for some reason, he found himself getting turned on by this side of her—badass to the core. And somehow, he knew he would do anything for her. 

Anything to keep her hands clean, but definitely to show the culprits that no one could mess with his woman and go scot-free.

Feeling her nerves relax, Andromeda parted her lips further, and in that moment, Liu Xueyi dove in, his tongue circling around hers as he deepened the kiss. 

By the time they broke apart, breathless, Andromeda blossomed in her new skin. Helping her up, he immediately took out his phone from his shorts pocket and placed a quick call to Xu Fang. 

The first message and name he saw the second he switched on his phone was from one of his closest best friends, Xu Fang.

At first, he felt the latter only wished to disturb him, but the second he came online and saw the message Xu Fang left for him, he knew how severe things were.

Currently, Tang Yan and the team under him have been trying to track the culprit while ensuring the news is taken down. 

But for some reason, it was getting hard. Someone was obviously fighting hard to keep the videos online and more so, destroying Andromeda's public image. 

"Aaargh!" Liu Xueyi growled at the report given to him. "No matter what, find the mastermind behind this scandal and make them pay dearly, both by the law and otherwise. Understood?" he commanded into the phone. 

"Yes, boss."

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