Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 447 Worried Assistants


CHAPTER 447 – Worried Assistants

The echoing sound of Andromeda's name reverberated through the office, a desperate cry that shattered the tranquillity of the room.

In that fleeting moment, time seemed to slow, and the world transformed into a haze of panic and disbelief.

With hearts pounding in their chests, Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei lunged forward, their arms outstretched, grasping onto Andromeda's faltering form as she slumped against the wall.

Fear etched deep lines on their faces, their eyes wells of worry and confusion.

"Ma'am Andromeda?"

"Ms. Kai," both ladies called out frantically. 

Peng Xiaoli's gaze fell upon Andromeda's neck, her fingers instinctively reaching out to assess the gravity of the situation.

With a trembling hand, she pressed against the delicate skin, searching for answers to the rise and fall of temperature beneath her touch.

"Quickly, take her to sit down," Peng Xiaoli's voice rang out, breaking through the heavy air laden with apprehension. Urgency infused every word as she commanded Jian Xiaofei to help her, her voice trembling.

Andromeda was guided to a chair, her weakened frame supported by the unwavering strength of her companions. Jian Xiaofei hurriedly fetched a glass of water, the liquid trembling in her grasp as she handed it over to Peng Xiaoli.

They tried to care for her until she could speak to them, the weariness ceasing in her eyes for a moment. 

"Ah…" A sigh escaped her lips as she handed the cup back to Jian Xiaofei, trying her best to get settled on the chair, the weariness in her eyes momentarily subsiding. 

"Andro…" Andromeda intercepted shooting Peng Xiaoli an apologetic look before the latter got a chance to speak her mind.

She shook her head. "Sigh... You are something else. I knew you were sick, Andromeda. Now I have to call Mr. Liu."  Peng Xiaoli's voice trembled with a mixture of exasperation and concern, the weight of responsibility bearing down upon her.

A flicker of panic ignited within Andromeda's eyes, and she sat in an upright position with newfound strength, defying her weakened state.

She desperately sought to sway them, to protect them from the truth that threatened to consume her.

"You can't!" Andromeda's voice sliced through the air, filled with a desperate plea to shield Liu Xueyi from the turmoil that enveloped her.

She fought against the tide of concern and care that swelled around her, pushing them away to safeguard the fragile equilibrium of her world.

"But… you need care," Peng Xiaoli refuted. "Jian Xiaofei and I would complete whatever is needed for the designs, please," Peng Xiaoli's voice wavered, her eyes brimming with empathy.

She yearned to alleviate Andromeda's burdens, to shoulder the weight that threatened to crush her.

Andromeda's lips pressed together in a struggle, her mind a battleground of conflicting emotions.

There was no way she was going to state what Liu Xueyi was in and decided to let matters fly. 

"It's okay. Do not…" Andromeda's words trembled on her lips, a fragile reassurance that failed to quell the storm brewing within Peng Xiaoli's heart. The worry etched deep within her being, threatening to consume her rationality.

"That's it. You are not fine. Okay, I can ask someone else to drive you to the hospital. I won't let you stay here with us. No," Peng Xiaoli's voice quivered with a potent mix of frustration and protectiveness. 

"No. Any other person involved and Liu Xueyi would get a hold of what happened to me. I do not intend on disturbing him. He's been going from one meeting to another. I can't."

It took all Peng Xiaoli's will not to scold her or get mad at Andromeda right now and worsen her headache.

"Stop thinking about others and put yourself first, Ms. Kai. When you are well you can get back to being strong. Mr. Liu would have it in for Xiaofei and me when he finds out about your health."

Everywhere fell silent briefly as Peng Xiaoli waited for her words to be absorbed before continuing. Rather than do so, she watched Andromeda rise from the chair with her hands lifted to stop either of them from aiding her.

"Then…" Andromeda's voice broke through the tension, her throat clearing as she summoned the strength to voice her plan. Her gaze burned with a fierce resolve, her eyes mirroring the calm fire within her.

"All we have to do is make sure he doesn't find out," Andromeda's voice held a whisper of secrecy, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 

Peng Xiaoli's arms crossed over her chest, a gesture of scepticism and curiosity. She gazed at Andromeda, awaiting an explanation. "And how do you propose we hide that fact?"

Andromeda's smile deepened, a wellspring of confidence blossoming within her as she gently nodded at the girls.

"I'll go to the hospital for a checkup. That way your minds will be at ease, and he won't have to know." Andromeda's voice held a note of certainty, a balm for their anxieties. 

"And rest," Peng Xiaoli interjected, her words a tender reminder of the importance of self-care.

"Yes, rest, my dear," Andromeda beamed, her smile radiating warmth and strength. She moved toward her desk to get her things ready.

"Are you sure you can drive?" Jian Xiaofei's voice resonated with concern, tinged with an undercurrent of doubt from behind her.

Turning her head to the side, Andromeda's gaze met Jian Xiaofei's eyes with a reassuring smile, adding to the natural glow on her face, making her look like an angel not in need of saving.

"I'll be fine. Perhaps I need this time alone on the drive. Thanks, dear."


Leaving behind the worried gazes of Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei, she stepped out into the vibrant sunlight, its warmth a stark contrast to the churning emotions within her. The world seemed to hold its breath, awaiting her next move.

The engine of her car roared to life, its familiar purr providing a momentary respite from the whirlwind of thoughts that consumed her.

Andromeda's hands gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles turning pale as resolve coursed through her veins. She needed to stop making them worry.

As she drove, the cityscape blurred into streaks of colour, her mind fixated on the troubles that had surrounded her.

Minutes turned into eternity as Andromeda navigated the winding roads that led her to the hospital and  soon found herself at a place she least expected to go.

Lifting her head to read the hospital's name, a weary sigh escaped her lips as she clutched the hand of her bag tight before taking the first step inside.

'I guess my mind confirmed my troubles with my body and subconsciously I came here. Why though? I can only wonder but I shall refrain from seeing her.'

With her thoughts settled she stepped out of her car and walked in. Taking in a deep breath, she inhaled the sterile scent of the hospital corridors.

The hushed whispers and hurried footsteps echoed around her, heightening her senses, and igniting a surge of adrenaline within her.

She made her way to the reception desk to make an appointment, her eyes scanning the surroundings briefly.  Little did she know what was to come.

"Hello, good afternoon. How may I help you?"

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