Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 433 Bitching Devils



The grand ballroom was abuzz with excitement as the next fashion show contest was about to commence. 

With designers from all over the city gathered to showcase their latest creations, hoping to make a lasting impression on the esteemed panel of judges and secure the coveted top prize, it proved to be one of the best shows held that year.

The runway gleamed under the bright lights, eagerly awaiting the first model to grace its polished surface. 

Backstage, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation and nervous energy as the fashion designers meticulously prepared their garments for the upcoming show.

The air was thick with the scent of hairspray and the rustling of fabric, creating a symphony of pre-show chaos.

It was a moment of truth for each designer, where their creativity and talent would be thrust into the spotlight and judged by the discerning eyes of the fashion elite.

Amongst the throng of designers, Andromeda felt a familiar knot of nerves tightening in her stomach.

She had entered this contest with a fierce determination to dominate the runway, to climb to the very top of the fashion food chain.

And now, as the minutes ticked away, she braced herself for the whirlwind to come. 

Fortunately, she had the unwavering support of her trusted friends and colleagues, Jian Xiaofei and Peng Xiaoli.

Not just them, in order to atone for his reckless behaviour with Liu Xueyi, Xie Tian helped her with enough supplies from her favourite producer, ensuring that her designs were impeccable and ready to captivate the audience.

Thanks to the successful launch of Starlight Apparel's new clothing line in the preceding days, the anticipation surrounding this contest had reached fever pitch.

Orders for their innovative designs poured in, propelling Andromeda's creations to the forefront of the industry once again. Amidst the flurry of activity, her mind couldn't help but wander, even as her hands worked with precision.

In the back of her mind, doubts nagged at Andromeda.

She couldn't shake the feeling that Liu Xueyi, had kept vital information from her and that something bad was going on. 

Deep down, she understood his concern for her, but the lingering unease weighed heavily on her heart.

However, that little concern was the problem. She disliked Zheng Ying but she also loved her boyfriend and his child. 

Lost in her thoughts, Andromeda barely registered Peng Xiaoli's voice calling out her name.

It took a gentle tap on her shoulder from Peng Xiaoli and the concerned gaze of Jian Xiaofei to jolt her back to reality.

"Huh?" Andromeda blinked, her eyes refocusing on the present moment.

Peng Xiaoli regarded her with a furrowed brow. "You're up soon, Andromeda. Are you okay?"

Andromeda managed a weak smile, touched by their genuine concern. "It's just the nerves and the magnitude of the show. It's my first time experiencing something like this."

Peng Xiaoli and Jian Xiaofei exchanged knowing glances, empathy evident on their faces.

"Ah, the jitters," Jian Xiaofei said with a sympathetic smile. "We've all been there. But remember, you're incredibly talented, Ms. Kai. Trust in yourself and your designs. You'll shine on that runway."

Andromeda took a deep breath, allowing their words to permeate her anxious mind.

She straightened her posture, determined to push past her doubts and give this show her all.

It was time to unleash her creative prowess and prove to herself and the world that she deserved to be at the forefront of the fashion industry.

Andromeda's resolve hardened as the backstage bustle intensified and the crowd's murmurs filtered through the walls. 

Amidst the organized chaos, two ladies, Victoria and Serena, huddled in a corner, their expressions contorted with anger and envy. 

Their eyes darted towards Andromeda, who was showcasing her impeccable designs on the runway. 

Since her big appearance on Estrella Naciente, Andromeda had always been a favourite among everyone, and rumours of favouritism whispered through the fashion industry.

"I can't believe Andromeda gets all the attention," Victoria hissed, her voice dripping with disdain. "It's clear she's the golden child of the judges. No matter what we do, we'll always be overshadowed by her."

Serena nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on Andromeda's radiant creations. "It's not fair, Victoria. We work just as hard, if not harder than she does. Yet, she receives all the praise and accolades. It's infuriating."

Just as they continued their bitter conversation, a figure emerged from the shadows. 

It was Lian Rui, Andromeda's high school friend and designer known for her exceptional talent and strong moral compass. She overheard their venomous words and couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment.

"Ladies, is this how we should be supporting one another?" Lian Rui's voice resonated with authority, her eyes shining with disappointment. 

"We should celebrate each other's achievements and strive to uplift one another, rather than tearing each other down," she dissed.

Unimpressed by Lian Rui's words, Victoria and Serena exchanged smirks. 

"Oh, spare us the moral lecture, Lian Rui," Victoria sneered. "You might be naive enough to believe in fairness, but we know better. Andromeda has her way of manipulating the judges, and she'll do it to steal the top prize."

Serena chimed in, her voice dripping with malice. "If you're wise, Lian Rui, you'll realize that we're offering you an opportunity. Join us, and together, we can ensure that Andromeda doesn't walk away with the award. We'll sabotage her designs, expose her favouritism, and level the playing field."

Lian Rui's eyes widened in shock at their audacious proposal. "You want me to sabotage another designer? That's not who I am. I believe in fair competition and letting talent speak for itself."

"Pfft." With an air of superiority, both ladies shook their heads and turned to leave, their disdain for Lian Rui evident in their dismissive gestures. 

"Haven't you wondered how she rose to stardom in barely a year?" Serena pointed out.

"Suit yourself, Lian Rui. But don't say we didn't warn you. Andromeda will stop at nothing to secure her victory, even if it means playing dirty," Victoria derided.

As the two women disappeared into the crowd, Lian Rui stood there, her mind filled with conflicting emotions. 

She couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that Victoria and Serena's words held a grain of truth. But deep down, she knew that compromising her integrity was not the path she wanted to take.

Resolute, Lian Rui straightened her shoulders and reaffirmed her commitment to her own principles. She would compete with honour and let her talent shine through. 

Although years may change someone, a part of her believed Andromeda was still the good girl she knew. 

If Andromeda were to win, it would be because of her genuine skill, not because of any underhanded tactics.

With newfound determination, Lian Rui gathered her designs and headed towards the runway, ready to present her creations to the world. 

As the music swelled and the spotlight illuminated the runway, Lian Rui took a deep breath, ready to let her designs speak for themselves and hoping that true talent would prevail in the end.

Little did she know that the challenges she would face in the upcoming days would test not only her resolve but also her trust and friendship.

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