Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 406 The Reason Why



Snapping his head to the side, he recalled the first time he brought her to play tennis with him and the guys.

Xu Fang's words echoed in his ears. He really did fall fast and now he was in her grasp. Needing her touch, needing her warmth, needing her love and wanting to give her all while protecting her. 

"Wait, Xu Fang. What if she went to him?" He searched for his friend's number and was about to press the dial icon when another thought came to him. 

If she was with Xu Fang, there was no way the latter would not have put a call through to him or even a text, hinting that she was there. 

After some thought, Liu Xueyi shook his head, clearing his mind and decided to call. Not until he called, he wouldn't know. He was tired of assumptions. 

"Hello, Xu Fang is she there?"


"Tell me, please. I need to know."

Judging from the urgency in Liu Xueyi's voice, Xu Fang knew immediately that something must have gone wrong. 

"What happened and who are you looking for? Wait, did you and Andromeda have a fight?"

Liu Xueyi bit down on his lower lip. It pained him to have to admit that to his friend after the way he dashed out, hoping to fix everything between his girlfriend and himself. 

"Yes. Kind of. Not really."

Xu Fang exhaled sharply. "Look, Xueyi, what happened this time? Didn't you say you will explain things to her?" he asked, taking a brief pause to collect his thoughts. 

"I never thought Andromeda would take things the hard way if you do. She isn't that person. Except, you did not tell her everything, did you?"

Frustrated by his friend's wild guess, Liu Xueyi facepalmed himself. "Seriously! Do you think I will do that? If I am going to tell her, I was prepared to go all in and not keep her in the dark again."

"Okay, then what happened?"

Liu Xueyi parted his lips to speak and hesitated. He was quick to lash out just now but thinking about the story of what happened, he knew Xu Fang would fault him. 

"Do not tell me you bailed out again and didn't tell her anything?" From his end, he could hear his friend's laboured breathing amidst the silence while he tried so hard to hide what he was feeling. 

"Xueyi! Why didn't you tell Andromeda what's between you and Zheng Ying?"

"There's…" He squeezed his hand into a fist by his side. 

"Yes? There's what?" Xu Fang's taunting voice challenged. 

"There's nothing between me and Zheng Ying. At least before."

"What the fuck do you mean by that stupid statement? Was this what you told poor Andromeda?"

"No," he huffed once more, his frustration getting the best of him. "I... didn't get the chance to tell her. Zheng Ying called and…"

"And? Come on Xueyi, stop keeping me in silence."

"Now, it's all complicated."

That was it. Xu Fang was tired of consoling his stupid fear and no-talking attitude. He was about ruining his current relationship because of his past and here he was behaving less like the man he was. 

"Xueyi, speak now else if I find you, I would punch the hell out of you first before I even realize..."

"I have a son."

Xu Fang's ears buzzed from the news that was delivered to him in the most unprepared manner. He knew Zheng Ying was up to something and judging by the past those two shared, he felt old feelings were returning for Liu Xueyi, conflicting him. 

But now that he heard this… he felt his heart clench for his friend. 

Why couldn't he enjoy the love he finally found? 

Why were these obstacles causing so big a problem for him?

Once he feared his secret would ruin their relationship but before his fans could actually start causing trouble, his past was. 


A bitter laugh tore through Liu Xueyi's lips. "That's not the only news," he added, making Xu Fang's already fast-beating heart to race some more in his chest. 

"No, there's more? What is her plan, to give you a heart attack or what?"

A pained smile spread across Liu Xueyi's lips. If only he could hug Andromeda now. If only he knew how best to prepare her for this shocking truth. 

The Liu family now had an heir and it wasn't her child. 

"Xueyi," Xu Fang's concerned voice rang out. "What's the other news?" he reminded him.

"Ah, yes. You were right that she needed money, Xu Fang."

"I knew it. Do not tell me after taking the right of you to be with your son, she is asking for compensation from you," he wrongly figured out, his rage getting the best of him as he held tight where he stood in his house, waiting for his friend to confirm his thoughts. 

"I wish it were that simple, Xu Fang. That way, I would use every money and power I have to fight for custody of the child but no."

"What? It gets worse than that? What else could she have going on that could possibly faze you this way?"

"I just found out I had a son and now he is terminally ill."

'The boy is sick.' The words Liu Xueyi had mentioned Zheng Ying said before rang out in Xu Fang's ears. 

Xu Fang's eyes burned as tears threatened to invade his eye sockets. He had always taken Liu Xueyi like a brother, shared things with him and became strong friends. 

Even when the Xu family's company was on the verge of collapsing, it was the Liu family's support that helped them. 

Their fathers had been long-time friends and business partners. After that, Xu Fang decided to work for Liu Corporation, to show his gratefulness and to assist his friend in whatever way. 

Their friendship grew further after that. Even though he made a poor judgement when he drugged him in the past to help him get laid, all of his intentions before and after had been pure and full of concern for him. 

"Why did the heavens choose to torment you this much?"

Similarly, Liu Xueyi drew his nostrils and lowered his head to his hand. He was frustrated. 

"Where are you? I am coming over." 

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