Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 404 Unexpected Call



With Liu Xueyi's promise, Andromeda had no need to see Xu Fang anymore.

When they arrived at the elevator both of them parted ways to their respective offices, agreeing to meet up in fifteen minutes. 

Andromeda felt relieved, had her mind calm and settled to some extent now that she was sure he would stay with her and explain things to her. 

All her fears of losing him simply faded away. Hurriedly she sorted her belongings and picked up the necessary things that she felt she would work on at night.

If there was one thing she was sure of, it was the fact that she may be busy all through speaking with Liu Xueyi and who knows, making love to him.

As much as that wasn't the best reassurance of his love for her, she wanted to be a part of him, she wanted him deep inside her, having their bodies joined and their soul become one.

Her mind was filled with so many feelings and she knew her antidote was him, the one she had fallen in love with.

By the time she arrived downstairs, there were two minutes left before their fifteen-minute timer elapsed.

Liu Xueyi on the other hand arrived at his office quicker than Andromeda did and immediately ordered Chu Fu Hua to cancel any appointment he had scheduled for the day. 

On getting into his office, his eyes raked around, recalling the annoying scene that had transpired in there. 

He huffed, letting his hand slide down his face as he breathed out in exhaustion. Because he loved Andromeda, he was going to do something he usually did not do to avoid misunderstandings. 

Without finding out the real reason behind something, he was going to show how vulnerable, weak and lacking he was. 

He leaned against his desk, letting his eyes drop close as several thoughts ran through his mind.

After some time, he checked the time to see six minutes had gone from the time they had planned.

He moved about, getting some files sorted on his desk and keeping them for Fu Chu Hua to handle.

Getting his briefcase, Liu Xueyi placed a call to his P.A., having the young man take his briefcase downstairs when another call cut into his mobile.

"I'll call you back, or just come and get the bag for me. Hello?"

Liu Xueyi breathed out when the incoming call ended and pulled the phone from his left ear. 

Checking the caller, it was an unknown number. His instincts kicked in.

With his identity as Ye Yuan exposed and the rise of the Liu Industry, he was bound to get calls from people he did not know seeking to go out with him, do business and heaven knows what else. 

Right now, he was not in the mood for that. Deciding to call his P.A. to continue where they left off, the incoming call cut through his screen again. 

He dropped his right hand lazily and answered the call, placing it on loudspeaker.

The sound of someone's breath filling the call picked a certain interest in him and rather than the cold off-front he was going to use in responding to the call, Liu Xueyi found himself softening a bit when he called out.


"I fancied since you would delay in reaching out that I should do so myself, Xueyi dear."

His eyes widened and narrowed briefly when he heard her taunting familiar voice with a hint of humour in them.

Did she find this funny? 

If she did, Liu Xueyi could not say the same for him. Because of her reappearance, he was on the verge of losing all that he loved.

"What do you want?" Came his deep emotionless voice. 

"I said it before, I am calling, saving you the time in your schedule and busy life to find time for me."

"Zheng Ying, this is not a joke," Liu Xueyi hollered impatiently. 

Silence fell upon them as neither voiced out the words itching to leave their lips. 

Moments later a peel of laughter resounded from the other end of the phone, leaving Liu Xueyi in another angry state. 

When it died down, however, she was not as charmingly speaking as she was before.

"Fine. I will go straight to the point but I cannot assure you that the news I have for you would leave you thoughtless."

"What do you mean?" Liu Xueyi attacked quickly.

"It is simple, darling. Your world and life are about to take a drastic turn but trust me, it would be for the better."

"Look Zheng Ying, if it's money you want, state it and I will give you but get out of my life. I do not want anything to do with a betrayer and heartbreaker like you."

"Easy there handsome. You can't get rid of me that easy."

Liu Xueyi gritted his teeth. Up till that moment she refused to speak and tell him what was happening.

Unable to stand the silence longer, he decided to cut her off and go meet Andromeda. Speaking of which, his eyes darted to the wall clock in his office. It was already time for them to meet yet he was still here.

That alone was reason enough to chase her out of his phone.

"Goodbye, Zheng Ying. Do not call me back."

"Wait, aren't you eager to know the reason for my call and what role you have to play with the child in the picture?"

He swallowed, praying silently for things not to get worse than it already was.

"No. I do not have time to talk about anything concerning you."

"I'm afraid I cannot let that happen Xueyi. Either listen to me or I would go to the Liu family mansion and cause a scene to explain myself and show your parents their grandchild."



His eardrum felt like exploding thanks to the heavy beating if his heart beat against his chest at the last word that she had uttered from her lips.

A triumphant smile spread across her lips, spilling into her eyes at his silence. She had got him where she needed him.


"So test my patience, Liu Xueyi. Are you going to listen to me or not? Either way, I would have the world knowing especially your sweet little Andromeda Kai."

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