Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 401 Kai Beifang's Weakness



Kai Beifang released the newspaper in his hand and balled them into fists in front of him.


What was she saying? She made it seem like he never cared about her daughter whereas he always cared for her. 

"I am only saying, with Andromeda's name flying about on the news and your busy schedule, I never knew you worried about Daiyu."

Veins appeared at the side of his forehead showcasing his rage. "Fang Mei! Watch your tongue. Even though I am not her biological father, I have always cared for her."

She rolled her eyes at him.  "My bad." The tone she spoke with clearly proved she did not care but Kai Beifang did not take notice. 

He was too overcome with his rage to do anything.

"Father, I am sorry for not telling you where I went. Mother did not mean anything harsh way. Please forgive me. Actually, I am thankful for all the help you have rendered and how much you took care of me."

Her voice broke at the last part as tears gathered up in her eyes. At the same time, Kai Beifang lifted his eyes to look at her. His heart broke seeing the lovely Fang Daiyu cry because of what he said. 

"Daiyu." Kia Beifang stretched forth his hand to her only to have more tears run down her face. 


"I am sorry, father."

Fang Mei who was enjoying the outcome of the tears and drama her daughter was pulling could not be any prouder of her daughter. 

One weak spot Kai Beifang had was seeing a child cry. Often times he told her he hated seeing Andromeda in tears when she was younger and because of that he doted on his daughter so much. 

Taking that to her advantage, she allowed Fang Daiyu to show a weak side every now and then to him. 

The bad side to all this was that Andromeda, not wanting to be seen as weak after losing her mother, steeled herself, bottling all of her pains in. 

What was more was the fact that her father brought in a new woman right after. To her, it was like she did not know the man she had adored all her life. 

Leaving the house and her anger towards her father were what Fang Mei exploited. 

A coy smile formed on her lips as she drew deep breaths. Her shoulders fell as did her expression. Within a second she had assumed the sorry state her daughter was in and walked over to the latter and knelt down beside her.

"Daiyu, your father did not mean it. He is not angry at you. He is just concerned. And you should not say things like he is not your biological father. He is the only father figure you have. Stop crying."

"Yes. It is as your mother said. You are a good child. Now go inside and have a good rest. I will credit your account so you can go out for ice cream and snacks later to calm your nerves."

"No. I would rather stay home and not bother father anymore," Fang Daiyu stated. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand as she leaned onto her mother's side and held her like a clinging child.

"Sigh. I guess I have scared you a bit. Fine. I will have the driver get them for you. Now, MeiMei, take her inside please."


Leaning back into his seat, Kai Beifang watched the mother and daughter exit the living room till they were out of sight before he shut his eyes to rest. 

Just talking to her, he was reminded of his daughter, the one who right now had no parental love and was alone fighting her battles. 

His heart pricked him as guilt began to settle in. No matter what one's child does, disowning the child is not the best option. Yet he as her father readily threatened to do so.

'Honey, I have erred you and not threatened Meda right? Seeing Daiyu, I know what it means to not have a father. I did badly before her.' He confessed internally. 

Nothing could have prepared me for the truth he would experience. 


The sound of the door closing signalled both mother and daughter to throw their disguises and let out a hearty laughter. 

Nevertheless, they kept their voices low to prevent drawing unwanted attention to themselves. 

"That was a little bit of a close call," Fang Mei noted and walked into her daughter's room. 

Being released by her mother, Fang Daiyu straightened her spine and cleared her throat with her hand close to her lips.

"Mother, I have accomplished the mission."

That dangerous pleased smile was on Fang Mei's lips again and her eyes held a glint of humour in them as she turned halfway to look at her daughter. 

Triumph was one thing that moved her mother more than anything. And she knew where her ball game lay if she wished to be in her mother's good book. 

"I knew you could. Now we have a big fish in our hands. First off, it would bring good business for your father and he would see you as his pride, not Andromeda Kai who is out there chasing men and fashion."

Fang Daiyu's lips curved upward mirroring her mother's mysterious smile. 

"We are two more steps in achieving our goal. Securing your future is one, then I can ensure Kai Chen becomes the sole heir of the Kai fortune. Hehhee. Pretty soon you will even have shares in the Kai Company. Just wait Daiyu. I shall make you greater than Andromeda."

"I am surely going to support you mum. Our dreams will be achieved," she enunciated with glee shining in those eyes of hers. 

"Definitely. The Kai family would rise under our banner and name. Andromeda's days of glory end soon."

Fang Daiyu released a wicked chuckle as her shoulders shook in response.

Just because they were not allowed to shout did not mean she was not allowed to wickedly concoct ideas on how to make Andromeda's life a living hell once everything worked out well. 

And the thought alone was making her go crazy with her laugh. 

"Hahhaaa..." she let it out finally and buried her face in her hands to conceal the sound. 

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