Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 399 Disturbed


CHAPTER 399 - Disturbed. 

The smile was smug as the pleasure spilt into his eyes. 

"Do not dare me, Mr. Wei." He let out a soft laugh and leaned forward so his face was right in front of Mr. Wei. "I may look gentle but I am more deadly than my father. This is my last warning. Now, scurry off."

As angry as Mr. Wei was, he knew better than to offend the great Sun Yichen lest any repercussions be brought down on his life and family.

Not wanting to be the scapegoat for any of the business Mongols, Mr. Jang rose to his feet and tugged on his colleague's shirt. 

"Now is not the time to offend anyone. Let us leave. Whatever they get from the Black Spade they cannot plead and say they weren't warned," Mr. Wei cajoled. 

"Sure. We will be leaving." 

He eyed both men maliciously as they exited the living room. Sun Yichen kept his burning eyes at the window, watching their cars zoom out of the Sun compound. 

Not until the gates closed, did he utter a word to his father. 


"Give me one reason why you will cover before scums, father?"

"Scums?" Sun Wu Jang scoffed. "More like we were lucky this time. Son," he paused and lifted his eyes to look at Yichen. "This time, we are screwed."

"Not if I can help it. We can rally these partners once more. This is not the end for the Sun family."

"The debts would only keep growing. We…" He shook his head and stood up. 

He was so tired of the mess they had fallen into. "If I had known, we would not have touched Andromeda Kai. Liu Xueyi really loves that woman and Liu Houyi is clearly in support of whatever decisions the boy takes."

"Then we can only change things."

"And do what?" Sun Wu Jang challenged. "Can't you see how low we fell? What more can we do?"

Sun Yichen gritted his teeth, squeezing his hands into fists at his side. He was tired of it all. Tired of their giving up and hopeless state. 

His anger rose beyond his control as he turned around to look at his father and hollered his conviction. "Anything and everything!"

For the first time in a long while, Sun Wu Jang tasted pure defeat and the one to shout some senses into him was none other than his son. A child he felt was too good and would be hunted down by the world till he was brought to his knees. 

His eyes widened as he stared at the true brutality of reality and the hidden nature of his son. 

Click! Clack!

The sound of heels walking against the tiled floor resonated everywhere in the living room, announcing the presence of his dearly beloved mother as she came to a stop by the door. 

She was dressed in an aquamarine baby-coloured blouse and a black pencil knee-length skirt. Her black hair was neatly combed to the back, giving a vibrant match with her dark make-up, bringing out an eerie vibe from her person. 

Her gaze worked its way between the father and son, finally settling on Liu Xueyi. 

"What is the matter?" Sun Wu Jang questioned. He had expected her to give her mocking talk or even start throwing blame once she came. 

Surprisingly she remained calm. That was very unusual even for her personality. 


"Then you can sit and not stand there like a suspicious individual." His eyes remained glued on her as he voiced that. 

Everything could go wrong now. He was careful and more focused. 


Sun Yichen lifted his brow at his mother. If she was going to bash him, he was not ready to listen. 

"It is funny how your father and I were busy thinking of a way out of this mess and you were out there drinking and sleeping around. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Sun Wu Jang's brain immediately activated. Without letting his son verify the news, he snapped, frowning at the young man.

"Do I owe either of you an explanation for my actions?" 

His reply was precise and very annoying to his parents. 

"How dare you tell me that? If it was Jingyi, we would say he was always stupid, doing things that would tarnish our image but this is you, Yichen. Our family is already going down. We do not need any more scandals and bad talk to ruin our reputation."

"Exactly. The public eye would see it as you being irresponsible. I cannot have that."

He let out a laugh. His parents were selfish as always. 

"It is okay if Jingyi is the one tarnishing our family name but not I. How splendid."

"Yichen, you should understand better," Sun Wu Jang began. As much as he was angry, he did not wish to go ballistic over something small.

"Understand what?" Sun Yichen growled as he sent his deadly glare at his parents. "That I got frustrated with how things were and went to drink then the daughter of Kai Beifang crept up on me flirtatiously and I spent a night with her, it became a crime?!"

He snapped his head to the side where his mother stood by the door. "And since when did you begin monitoring my daily life?"


"Answer me! Who gave you that right to tail me."

"Son, trust me I didn't do it," Su Mei quickly explained. 

If there was one thing that was clear to them all in the house, it was that the first son had great anger but he did well in hiding it and controlling his emotions. 

No one knew how mad he could get when he was pissed off and right now, she was sure she clicked the wrong button with her son. 

"Not good enough. How did you find out?"

"I have an informant. He helps me get dirty news on people and we use it and stuff." Sun Yichen lifted his brows impatiently.

"He didn't mean to. I was shocked when the news he brought was my own son. I have asked him to delete it all," she explained quickly. 

Casting one long glance at his mother, he looked away. The more he spent time looking at her, the angrier he got. 

"Fine. Keep that in. I do not want my personal life your money maker."



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