Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 450 Allies: Plans in Motion

Chapter 450 Allies: Plans in Motion



Having carefully thought and planned the previous day, Lian Rui put her final touches to her designs and decided to continue her investigation on the issue of Andromeda's ruined design.

She could not trust that Victoria and Serena would not be planning something else during the finals and decided it was best to let Andromeda know about everything so they could better prepare and possibly catch them.

At once Andromeda connected the call, wanting to hear what Lian Rui had to say. No doubt she knew it was related to the fashion show, perhaps about the postponement or perhaps something else.

She had planned that if anyone else tried anything against her work then she wouldn't hesitate from putting an end to it immediately. Whatever this call was, it did not prick Andromeda.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded tired after having been awake for most part of last night.

Lian Rui smiled softly upon hearing it. "Good evening Ms. Kai! How are you feeling today?"

Andromeda let out a soft sigh before replying, "I'm fine thank you. And you?"

"Oh I am well too," She replied cheerfully before adding, "You really know how to shine, Andro. I'm impressed by how you came out strong in the semi-finals."

"Thank you." The reply came with another small smile which seemed genuine enough but also weary at times as if she were fighting off some sort of fatigue.

"So tell me why do we need to talk?" Andromeda inquired. She knew Lian Rui wasn't calling her for compliments and she did not have enough time for pleasantries to be honest.

"My, my, always eager."

"No. Time is of the essence Lian."

"Are you saying I can't call my friend anymore?"

Andromeda let out an exasperated sigh. This was not what she wanted to hear though.

Getting her silent hint, Lian Rui responded in like manner, sighing away. "Fine you caught me. I did call you for a reason."

"Being?" Andromeda inquired quickly. There was no time to give Lian Rui the breather here.

"About your ruined design for the semi-final. I know who did it."


Lian Rui's ears perked up and with urgency in her voice, she stated firmly, "I'm serious!"

"I know you are."

"It... It was Victoria and Serena. I apologize for not speaking up that day but in my defence, I had no evidence and did not want you thinking I am just showing discord for you," Lian Rui explained.

There was a brief moment for silence before Andromeda's deep breath was heard from the other end of the phone.

"If I told you I knew, would you believe me?"

"What?" Lian Rui's eyes widened as her heartbeat sped up at an alarming rate. 'She knows?!' Her mind raced as fast as possible trying to figure out how this could have happened.

'How long has she known about them?! Did she suspect something all along or only now found out through some means?' Lian Rui pondered inwardly.

Andromeda took another slow breath while waiting patiently for Lian Rui to answer.

She didn't even bother asking if there were any more details on what exactly they were planning against her work since it wouldn't matter much anyway considering their plan failed miserably last night.

"Huh... Wow. Then I was scared for nothing."

"No. I had my thoughts though about everything. Of course you would have known had you not hidden any of these from me yesterday," Andromeda pointed out, taking the words out of her mouth before she could.

"I see. Okay so what are your plans? It would interest you to know they did ask to help me by ruining you and taking you out of the competition."

"Those lousy bitches," Andromeda cussed. The sheer idea of Andromeda chasing alone was strange to Lian Rui's ears but seconds later her face was filled with all smiles.

"Well?" Lian Rui inquired calmly.

"Well did you accept?"

"I wouldn't if I am here speaking with you," Lian Rui clarified.

"No. It actually it doesn't matter what they plan on doing."

"Okay how do we take them down? I plan on competing fair and square," Lian Rui stated.

"We will but I think it is time to set my own trap for Victoria and Serena."

Lian Rui let out a soft sigh at hearing that. "Okay. Do you want my help?" she asked curiously as she waited for an answer which came quickly after.

"Yes. I need it. I may need you to accept their offer."


Andromeda beamed a lovely as she focused her attention on the road. "It's going to be easy."


After the call, she placed another to Peng Xiaoli letting her know about the changes she had made about her designs and the plans she had and then called Xie Tian to confirm some things she needed.

By the time Andromeda finished driving, she headed home straight and went in to find Liu Xueyi's comb.

The second her eyes landed on the strands of hair on it, her thudding heart slowly began to calm down as her fingers picked it from the opened drawer. She took one last look around before leaving without making any noise.

She drove back into town and headed for Hong Chaoxiang's house after placing a call to him about his whereabouts.

Soon enough she found herself standing outside Gu Jun's condo unit and pressed on the bell.

"Give me a minute!" Andromeda heard his deep voice yell from within and smiled while patiently waiting by the door.

Up till then she had not gotten any word from Liu Xueyi and knew he must be busy at work or with one problem or the other.

Thanks to that, she didn't have to bother so much with her honey and focused on her own task.

Her mind was already working out the plans she had on how best to get rid of Victoria and Serena since they were still planning something against her design even now.

Her thoughts drifted towards what Lian Rui said earlier when they spoke over phone.

Andromeda felt like laughing softly but kept quiet instead not wanting to draw unnecessary attention from Gu Jun.

"Yes, I'm here," Gu Jun announced and the turned on the door knob.

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