Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 998 Harsh Punishment

Chapter 998 Harsh Punishment

"Heh, as expected of Lyon's mother," said Nyi before his eyes sharpened. "During the battle with Drogan, I wish to help you, and I'm certain that you will need help."

"A helping hand won't hurt," said Lyon. "Though, are you sure about this? From what I've heard so far, Drogan will not be alone."

"Burgeon Swan is with him, at least the loyalists, and Drogan's support, not to mention his right-hand man, Ferece is with him as well and also Niamh," said Nyi. "All will be revealed at the final battle."

"So you don't know who's backing him?" asked Lyon.

Nyi shook his head, "It's not that I don't know, it's just that I'm not sure, after all, politics never revealed themselves in the truest form."

"Politics, huh."

"Everything revolves around greed," said Nyi.

Lyon smiled, "Speaking of politics, I haven't seen your father, yet today."

"My mother said that he is in the library, remember?" asked Nyi. "It's better if we don't bother him."

"I see, does he really like to read?" asked Lyon.

"The whole reason we have a library in the palace in the first place," Nyi sighed.

"Hahaha," Lyon chuckled. "He must have vast knowledge then."

"He said that he found peace in the scent of old books wafting through his nose. No noise of needy people, and he bequeathed his role of a ruler there."

"I see," said Lyon.

"Lyon, I hope you're staying here as long as you possibly can," said Nyi. "I know Nirvana Schools environment, I'm an alumnus."

"Tell me more about Nirvana School in your time," said Lyon.

"Nothing much different, one of the teachers now is actually one of my classmates then," said Nyi as he giggled. "Though that's not important, it's the same social elitism there that always brings trouble."

"Noble and commoners," said Lyon.

"Precisely," said Nyi as he nodded. "Nirvana School is actually an entity of which the Second Heaven have no control of, or... very little control."

"Because of the Six Clans of Sixth Heaven?" asked Lyon.

Nyi nodded, "The Six Clans of Sixth Heaven, I met one of their young masters once, the one that sponsored my class."

Lyon crossed his arms and laughed, "You got your ass beat?"

"Heh, that's one way to put it," said Nyi. "It's funny how my class then saw me as the rising star, the one that was chosen to settle in Paradise or something like that."

"You opened your eyes?"

"He did me good," said Nyi. "He is actually one of the reasons why I want to taste the world."

"A rude awakening, huh."

"I'm no genius, I'm just a cultivator," said Nyi as he made a wry smile. "Truly, the vast gap in our combat capabilities... I couldn't just jump over it."

Lyon snorted a smile.

"Heh, enough about me," said King Nyi. "What about you? Surely you're quite remarkable yourself, considering you hailed from the Mortal World, err... I don't mean disrespect of course."

"It's not disrespect, the place is indeed filled with thin mana compared to this one, it's highly scarce to find any Mana Essence there, and once it's found, the price is absurd, even then it's in small quantities," said Lyon as he sighed.

"Hahaha, you won't find that trouble here," said Nyi. "Though it's not cheap, it's not that rare either, and it will be even more common in the higher level of heaven... then? What else, who is Lyon exactly?" said Nyi.

"I am me," said Lyon as he gazed at the blue sky with a solemn look.

"Huh..?" Nyi was confused by his body language. The man that excelled his best archer whilst on an empty stomach, was now solemnly looking at the sky as if a huge burden shackled him.

( Aren't I? ) thought Lyon before he closed his eyes. The voice of nature gradually diminished. The troubles in his mind swept like a waterfall. His skin no longer felt, and his breath no longer smell. There he opened his eyes, gazing upon the giant door where below was the sea with phantom images flowing about in greater opacity.

The lock was no more and all it needed was merely a light push to unravel the secret of his own identity.

"Do you seek an audience with me?" a smirk appeared inside the dark hollow behind the door.

Lyon furrowed his brows. He had heard the voice before, in fact, he knew it too well for after all, it was his own.

"What are you?"

"Hah! Aren't our enemies asked us the same?" said the voice from the door.

"Cecile said that when the door is opened, my soul would collapse," said Lyon. "Is that true?"

"A tsunami of memories will burst from the door once you opened it," said the voice behind the door. "The only way to survive it is... to just pull through."

Lyon frowned. "Cecile mentioned a pill that could help me strengthen my soul, any idea what it's called? Or even better, the formulae."

"Forget the formulae," said the voice. "The ingredients needed and the mastery involved is far too high, that it's not worth it."

"Can't Graham and the others get it?" asked Lyon.

"They can't."

Lyon was taken back. Graham, Kesya, and Assid were the strongest cultivators he knew yet. However, even the three of them couldn't collect the ingredients needed.

"Are you joking?" Lyon asked.

"Haha, why would I joke about something like this?" asked the voice. "After all, the quicker you remember who you were, the better for all of us."

"... then there is really nothing that I can do?" asked Lyon. "Just open the door and... brace for impact?"

"Seems like so, though, I would advise that we do it somewhere quiet, or desolate, ah, I know the perfect place."


"It's not a pretty place," said the voice mixed with shivering, "It brings back sour memories."

"What happened?"

"I one time angered all three empress at once, and... they put me there to reflect..."

"That doesn't sound so bad..?"

"Reflect... a goddamn lightning."

"Oh... wait... aren't you strong enough to hover in a spatial storm?"

"The storm in the rift of space is nothing compared to that place, let's just say that the guy sitting beside you will turn to ash in a single zap," said the voice. "But it is the best place to awaken your memories."

Lyon sighed, "Well at least I got a place now, better than nothing... You know, I'm glad that you're me behind this door."

"I know."


"Get going, it's not safe to enter the sea memories for too long, your body is at risk."

"One more thing..."


"How did we even die in the first place? Heck, we got killed, it's just... doesn't make any sense for someone that is able to change day to night in a single snap of a finger to get killed."

The sea memories were filled with silence as the key question received no lock to turn open.

"You will know..." the voice was filled with incredible bereft.

Lyon's eyes snapped open before he heard the chirping birds once more. He felt something was gripping his shoulder tight. He looked over and saw Nyi, who had his brows furrowed, and he asked, "Lyon, are you alright?"

"Oh, don't worry," said Lyon as he stood up and took a deep fresh breath of the garden. Putting the trouble of the future in the back of his mind he turned and said to King Nyi, "Let's return, I miss my wife."

"Heh, show off," muttered Nyi with a smirk before he stood up and walked side by side.

As Nyi engaged in conversation as they exited the garden, his attention was abruptly seized by the sight of a guard rushing towards him with an urgent purpose. The guard's hurried steps and focused expression signaled a matter of importance. Nyi paused mid-sentence, his curiosity piqued, as the guard quickly approached.

Breathing slightly heavier from his haste, the guard came to a respectful halt before Nyi. With a brief bow of deference, he delivered his message with a controlled sense of urgency. "Your presence is requested immediately in the palace library, Your Highness. King Father Leander awaits you."

Nyi's brow furrowed, a mixture of curiosity and concern flickering in his eyes. The sudden summons to the palace library stirred his imagination, as he pondered the reasons behind his father's request. The library held a place of significance, harboring the knowledge and wisdom accumulated throughout generations. Nyi recognized the weight of this summoning and understood that it warranted his swift response.

The king sighed as he apologized to Lyon, "I'm sorry can't join the picnic."

"Nah, it's fine," said Lyon.

Offering a nod of acknowledgment to Lyon, Nyi made his way toward the library of the palace with the guard escorting him. The library doors loomed before him soon after. He looked over at the guard and signaled him to leave. With a deep breath, Nyi pushed open the doors and his gaze was immediately greeted by his father's frown complexion.

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