Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 994 Welcome to Elyrianth, Lyon

Chapter 994 Welcome to Elyrianth, Lyon

The guard stood rigidly before King Father Leander, his eyes widening in surprise as he witnessed the unexpected movement of the aging monarch. King Father Leander's gaze fixated upon the grand entrance of the palace, his brows furrowing with concern.

The guard said, "Your Highness, is something amiss?"

King Father Leander answered, "Wake my son, I need to speak with him."

The guard's astonishment quickly transformed into a resolute determination as he comprehended the gravity of the situation.

The guard replied, "At once, Your Excellency! I shall rouse His Majesty without delay."

With a deep bow, the guard swiftly turned on his heel and briskly made his way toward the prince's quarters. The urgency in the king's father's voice resonated within him, fueling his purpose as he set out on his mission to awaken the king of Elyrianth.

As he traversed the palace corridors, his footsteps resounded with a heightened sense of urgency. The guard's mind raced, pondering the possibilities of what could have prompted such an abrupt call to action. The weight of the king father's command hung heavily upon him, and he knew that time was of the essence.

Reaching the throne room he noticed that the king of Elyrianth had started to wake up. The latter rubbed his eyes and fixed his posture as he yawned. He scratched his back before looking at the guard in front of him. He frowned, "What's the matter?"

"Excuse my intrusion, Your Majesty," said the guard kneeling with head lowered. "Your presence is urgently required by your father, King Father Leander. There is a matter of great importance that demands your immediate attention."

( Shit ) thought Nyi as he belied his resolute determination on the front. He stood up and asked, "Where is my father?'

"In the Grand Hall, Your Majesty."

King Nyi nodded firmly before making his way toward the said location. His mind was occupied with questions and his pace was hastened. The guard followed behind him with great trepidation.

The king reached the Grand Hall and saw his resolute father looking at the entrance. He looked over his shoulder and cue the guard to leave.

The guard left the Grand Hall as he approached his father.

"I'm here father, the guard said something of great importance," said Nyi.

"Here," the Leander threw the earring without even looking at his son.

Nyi gazed upon the item that was in mid-air before a resplendent glow of a rainbow twitched his brows. He quickly jumped and caught the said item. He furrowed his brows before opening his palm. It was indeed a familiar item that couldn't be any more familiar. It was the royal earring that he gave to Lyon back in the Broken Rose Kingdom.

Nyi landed and caught up to his father. "He's here?"

"He is," said Leander before he leered at his son. "I probed into his cultivation just now, and he is at the bottom spectrum of cultivators in Second Heaven, a peak True God."

"Are you sure, father?" asked Nyi firmly with his brows furrowed. "I was there when he displayed his power, that was more than what a True God can do in this realm."

Leander turned and faced his son, "Are you not missing the details?"

"You mean if he is also a rune user?" asked Nyi. "Not that I know of, but he had this wild transformation that could turn him into a... well... I really can't describe it, it looks like an animal... but with armor and stuff."

"Animal... armor..." Leander contemplated. "Could it be, he got a blessing from a mystic beast?"

"Most likely," said Nyi. "However, I couldn't recall any beast like that."

"Describe to me what he looks like at the time," said Leander.

"He was surrounded with a golden hue, an armor befitting of a general but from a different culture. He wore this headdress that had a pair of really long tails, however, he also had four golden tails that seemed to be lighter than air."

Leander furrowed his brows and slightly gazed away with his sharp eyes. He was contemplating the mystical beast that best fit the characteristics.

"I can't recall any," said Leander. "I will make a visit to the library."

( Wow, even Father has something he didn't know about ) thought Nyi.

"Your guest has arrived, treat them like you would to an honored guest. Don't bring shame to Elyrianth, show them how we can host better than Broken Rose."

"That bar is too low," said Nyi as he smirked.

"Then it should be easy," said Leander before he gave a meaningful grip on his son's shoulder.

Nyi turned and saw his father walking away toward the exit of the Grand Hall. "He must be off to the library."

He yawned as he turned and made his way outside. He put up a smile and his usual kingly self before opening the door.

A wave of astonishment swept through the people of Elyrianth as they witnessed their beloved king, Nyi, stepping outside the confines of the palace to personally welcome Lyon and his companions. Murmurs of disbelief and admiration rippled through the crowd, their gazes fixed on the extraordinary scene unfolding before them.

The townsfolk watched in awe as King Nyi, accompanied by the once-aggressive guard, made his way toward Lyon at the entrance of the palace. Gasps escaped from parted lips as the realization sank in—their revered king was venturing beyond the boundaries of regal protocol to extend a warm reception to the enigmatic figure who had captured the kingdom's attention.

"He's going to greet them himself!" someone whispered in disbelief, their voice tinged with admiration.

"I've never seen King Nyi leave the palace like this before," another exclaimed, their eyes widening with wonder.

The streets of Elyrianth became hushed as the onlookers strained to catch a glimpse of this unprecedented encounter. The atmosphere brimmed with a mixture of anticipation, curiosity, and a deep reverence for the actions of their young king.

Lyon's and the king's eyes met. The townsfolk held their breath, awaiting the exchange of words between King Nyi and the enigmatic figure at the center of their intrigue.

King Nyi's voice, tinged with warmth and respect, broke the silence. "Welcome to Elyrianth, Lyon. It is an honor to have you grace our kingdom. Your reputation precedes you, and I have heard tales of your remarkable endeavors."

The people of Elyrianth watched, captivated, as the king extended his hand in a gesture of greeting. Their astonishment deepened at the display of humility and genuine curiosity from their ruler, a departure from the expected protocol.

Lyon looked down at the hand given to him. He smirked before obliging to firmly reciprocated the warm gesture.? A collective cheer rose from the onlookers, their voices blending into a cacophony of joy and admiration. The sound echoed through the streets of Elyrianth, resonating with an energy that seemed to transcend the boundaries of the moment.

"Please, Lyon, esteemed guests, allow me to extend my heartfelt welcome to the palace of Elyrianth," King Nyi said, his words resonating with regal grace. "Step inside and partake in the splendors that our kingdom has to offer. May you find comfort and solace within these walls."

( Wow, he really acts so majestic in public ) thought Noah as he recalled how he saw him arrive unexpectedly at the corridor in the palace of Broken Rose Kingdom.

Lyon answered, "I am eager to experience the wonders of Elyrianth." then he muttered, "After all, I was promised a great reception."

King Nyi smiled, "Don't worry, we will not fail you, though, it would need some time to prepare for dinner, so why not enjoy the palace in the meantime? I can assure you that our wine volume can rival the size of the lake around us."

"Hahaha," Lyon laughed. ( If I drink that, I don't have any idea what would happen to your kingdom... or this realm ).

With a regal sweep of his hand, King Nyi gestured towards the grand entrance of the palace. The ornate doors swung open, revealing a magnificent interior adorned with opulent tapestries, gleaming chandeliers, and corridors that seemed to stretch into eternity.

Noah, Rayus, and Reinhard had their pupils dilating. The scenery was vastly different from what the Broken Rosee Kingdom offered. Not just the view but also the fragrance permeating the rarity deluxe of the kingdom. It was a different class from what they had seen before.

"Enter, Lyon, and let our palace be your home during your stay," the king said, his voice echoing through the grand hall. "Explore its halls, immerse yourself in its rich history, and partake in the feasts that shall be prepared in your honor. Know that you are embraced as a cherished guest and a partner in our endeavors."

( Partner, huh? ) thought Lyon as he smirked seeing how King Nyi displayed himself as the king of Elyrianth well.

The palace doors closed behind them, separating Lyon, Selena, and the three students from the outside world.

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