Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 991 Onward to Elyrianth

Chapter 991 Onward to Elyrianth

The morning sun crept over the horizon, casting its gentle rays upon the kingdom. The sky was painted in hues of gold and pink, creating a breathtaking backdrop for the events that unfolded below. But today, the kingdom was not filled with its usual sense of anticipation and excitement. Instead, a heavy cloud of sorrow hung in the air, shrouding the hearts of its inhabitants.

News had spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of the realm. The king, a beloved and revered figure, had passed away unexpectedly the previous day. The people, still reeling from the shock, struggled to comprehend the enormity of the loss. The streets were filled with hushed whispers and mournful sigh as they tried to come to terms with the reality that their mighty ruler was no more.

In the midst of this somber atmosphere, a figure emerged from the gate palace. It was Lyon and his wife before the three students followed closely.

The atmosphere was heavy and laden with unspoken grief yet Rayus and the other two immediately felt animosity surrounding their beings the moment they entered the city. Cultivators of the Broken Rose Kingdom were not in delight seeing the likes of these two. Speculations had begun to coil and they were inside the palace when their king died.

"This feeling is very uncomfortable," Noah frowned.

Maya appeared right beside them before saying, "I already suggest Sir Lyon that it would be best to use the back door of the palace and en route toward the outer city, but he refused."

"This is for training," said Reinhard as he darted his glance toward his teacher who seemed to bask in the fury gazes of the cultivators of the Broken Rose Kingdom.

"He always teaches us in a very unconventional way," said Rayus before he shook his head. "Though, this is very overwhelming."

"Keep your heads up," said Lyon with a smirk on his face, "The whole city wanted to kill you all."

"As you expose yourself to killing intents, the more you will have a thicker heart," said Selena. "This is the most fundamental instinct that you have to train."

"Yes madam!" said all three of them together.

Lyon looked at the still crowd before he asked them, "It seems like you have something to say to me?"

"T-Teacher, I don't think that we need to instigate them, they are all suffering," said Noah.

Lyon acted as if he didn't hear Noah's words. "If you don't want to say something, then don't."

"Did you help His Majesty King Nyi to kill our king?" asked one brave cultivator.

The atmosphere grew heavier as the questions dropped. There was tension in the eyes of the crowd in front of Lyon, yet, the latter was in complete control of himself.

Lyon smirked as he approached the prepared luxurious carriage, "The answer is no."

Selena followed him before the three students took one last look at the stupefied crowd and then got in as well.

The vehicle, adorned with intricate carvings and golden accents, stood as a symbol of regality and power, a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere that enveloped the kingdom.? The horses, majestic creatures with sleek coats, pawed at the ground, eager to set forth on the journey that lay ahead. The sound of their hooves against the cobblestones echoed through the air, carrying a sense of urgency and purpose.

The carriage pulled away and Lyon was not even once peeking through the blinders of the window to see the city. The streets passed by in a blur, the once-familiar landmarks now seeming distant and detached. The people, their faces etched with sorrow, watched in silence as Lyon and his group embarked on their next adventure.

As the carriage pressed forward, leaving the kingdom behind, the landscape transformed around them. Rolling hills, adorned with wildflowers, unfolded in a vibrant tapestry of colors. Only this time that Rayus could ask Lyon, "The people here will hate you for doing something right."

Lyon smirked, "How naive, what you saw unfolding was nothing more than the true state of right and wrong— nobody is right, and nobody is wrong in a grand sense. It's just a point of view, nothing more."

Rayus was not prepared to be baptized by his words of wisdom at all. However, he could understand what he meant. In the cultivation world, the definition of right and wrong could be held by both parties or more. The king was not entirely wrong, but in the eyes of his teacher, killing him was the right thing to do, no, the necessary thing to do.

"So, what are we going to do in Elyrianth?" asked Reinhard.

"You three are going to train," said Lyon. "Don't forget how weak you were facing Ferece, you can't even make a dent on his body."

All three students had their heads bowed down and their hands gripping their knees. They were weak, and their goal was right within their reach, but it was their life that almost fleeted away. That time, they got lucky that their teacher watch over them, however, they knew that luck will run out.

"If Elyrianth is as great as Maya said to be, then you three should be in good hands," said Lyon. "They say they are good in combat, so, that should be beneficial for you."

"But... will they accept us?" asked Noah.

"They have no choice," said Lyon after he smirked. "You're no longer ordinary, and unlike your other peers that cultivate silently in that cultivation room or whatever you call them, you three are experiencing Lyon's teaching style."

( D-Did he just praised himself... ) thought Noah as he had blacklines over his head. He then glanced at Reinhard and saw that his eyes were bright as stars. His hand was knuckled to a fist and his face showed a grin.

Noah looked to the other side and saw Rayus was doing the same thing. The two of them were smitten.

"How long are we going to stay at Elryianth?" asked Selena.

"Hmm, that's a good question," said Lyon as he pondered. "I have no suggestion, how about you?"

"We shouldn't waste our time in that place for too long, the three students can learn themselves, we can ask Nyi to provide them with good armor and weapons, or scrolls to learn new arts, darling," said Selena.

"Hmm, what if we spent a month there?" asked Lyon.

Selena nodded. "That should be sufficient."

"A...A month?!" Noah asked.

"Heh, what? You can't learn anything in that time scope?" asked Lyon as he grinned. "Don't embarrass me now, Noah, use your grimoire to a good use."

"It's not like we can't leave them there," said Selena stupefying the three students.

"Elyrianth might be a safe place for now, however, remember, probably half of the Second Heaven wants me dead, according to Cae," said Lyon.

"But half of them wants to support you," said Reinhard.

"Too naive, Reinhard," Lyon clicked his tongue as he crossed his arms and shook his head. "Don't go making conclusions that dangerously."

"Teacher is right," said Rayus with a nod. "The powers in Second Heaven had gone to a stalemate for too long, and now that it was shaken, every mouth showed their fangs."

Noah sighed, "Then again, this was once again a very eventful visit."

Lyon giggled. "What, can't handle it?"

"Any sane person wouldn't," said Noah with a smirk.

"Are you sane?" asked Lyon.

"I've seen the death of great cultivators, I've seen the death of villains and a king, I've seen a city got wrecked," Noah exhaled, "I can assure you that I'm not."

"Hahahaa!" Lyon laughed wholeheartedly.

"Though..." Rayus sighed.

"What's wrong?" asked Selena.

"U-Uh nothing madam, it's just that this trip is going to last a while," said Rayus with a wry smile.

"What?" Lyon furrowed his brows with his lips frowning in displease. He asked the driver, "Hey driver, how long will it take to go to Elyrianth?"

"Y-Yes sir Lyon! The estimated time would be one week with this speed," said the driver.

"Are you kidding me?!" the carriage shook as Lyon screamed.


Lyon laid back as he sighed in disappointment. "Why can't we just fly over there?"

"It would be considered an assault against Elyrianth, and that would just complicate things," said Rayus with a sigh. "Besides, flying over there is really taxing."

"Why don't we use a boat?" asked Reinhard.

"I-I'm sorry to interrupt, but Maya said that coursing by the sea is too dangerous at this point in time," said the driver.

"Dangerous?" Lyon raised his brows. "I don't think she understood what the word means."

"Hmm..." Noah pondered, "A week is a sufficient time."

"Huh?" Lyon raised one of his brows.

"News spread like wildfire, teacher," said Noah as his eyes sharp. "By the time we arrived, perhaps the whole Second Heaven knew about how we are inside the palace the night the king... was murdered by His Majesty, King Yi."

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