Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1042 It Was That Intense, am I Right?

Chapter 1042 It Was That Intense, am I Right?

As Kesya's frenzy form led the next attack, the atmosphere in the room seemed to shift once again. Her movements were a blur of speed and agility, leaving even the most trained eyes struggling to keep up. But as she closed in on the unresponsive Lyon, there was an eerie stillness about him that seemed to defy the chaos unfolding around him.

Her steps were swift and precise, her attacks a whirlwind of motion. Each strike was meant to test Lyon's defenses, to gauge his reaction, but there was no response from him. It was as if he was in a trance, locked in a state of calm and composure despite the fierce assault.

As Kesya's maze-like movements reached their peak, she gathered all her strength for a final strike. With a burst of incredible speed, she launched her leg towards Lyon's head, aiming to deliver a devastating blow.

But just as her leg was about to make contact, something unexpected happened. Lyon's pupils, which had remained still until now, suddenly dilated with a flash of recognition. In an instant, his hand shot up, intercepting Kesya's incoming attack with incredible precision.

The force of Kesya's kick collided with Lyon's outstretched hand, creating a shockwave that rippled through the air. The impact was powerful enough to send a gust of wind sweeping through the chamber.

Kesya smiled despite the failed assault and the complete block from her former master, "Only you have such strength, but sadly, you taught me more than this!"

In that split second, as Kesya's kick was held in mid-air by Lyon's swift reflexes, a new threat emerged from behind. Selena, with an incredible burst of speed, appeared like a shadow, her sword poised for an attack. With a flick of her wrist, she aimed a powerful slash with the dull side of the blade directly at Lyon's exposed back.

But even as Selena's attack descended, Lyon's awareness seemed to shift. His eyes, once vacant, now held a glimmer of anticipation and readiness. In a seamless motion, he pivoted, avoiding Selena's strike with astounding agility.

"You're too incredible," said Cecile as she revealed herself just at the right moment that Lyon dodged Selena's blow.

Cecile's movements were swift and graceful, reflecting the gift of a war goddess. As she closed in on Lyon who had yet to land, her eyes were sharp and focused, exuding a confidence that came from years of mastering her divine abilities.

The calculation was precise, were it half a second too late, Lyon could dodge the incoming palm strike. However, his feet didn't land before the palm strike arrived.

"Ha!" Cecile used the power on her legs and twisted her palm as she blasted him rotating.

As Lyon was at the mercy of the natural law, black hair fluttered. A figure that was relentless as he managed to keep up with his velocity. Kesya grinned before passing his speed.

"Graham!" said Kesya as she looked at the incoming Lyon. At the right moment, she quickly laid back and used her strong hands against the ground to kick Lyon's shoulder up, propelling him toward the roof.

Graham was already at the receiving end, hesitation was clear in his eyes. For a moment, a brief fragmented memory arose inside his mind.

"Giant Art: Mercy Fist."

Graham utilized his technique as his fist landed directly against Lyon's chest, sinking in. The impact trembled all of Lyon's meridians before his momentum was canceled. Slowly, Lyon fell from his fist. His eyes closed as he fell.

However, it was not over, Assid was already at the final receiving end and his fingers were ready.

"Sleep well, Your Majesty," said Assid before he revealed his gaze full of determination to save him, he knelt. Then Lyon bounced off the ground right in front of him. His fingers punctured his body in specific spots before finalizing at Lyon's glabella as the body finally rested.

The moment Lyon was knocked out by the combined force of his loved ones, the ominous feeling that had shrouded the banquet hall began to dissipate. Selena, Cecile, Kesya, Graham, and Assid stood around Lyon's supine form, their expressions a mix of concern and exhaustion. They had given their all in that intense battle, and now, they were faced with the aftermath of their actions. The air in the room was thick with a mixture of emotions—relief, worry, and a sense of accomplishment for having proven their strength.

As the ominous feeling dissipated from the banquet hall, a sense of relief washed over the young masters of Sixth Heaven and the other guests in attendance. However, the guests couldn't help but be astonished by what they had just witnessed. The young masters, known for their strength and prowess, were on their knees, struggling just like them. It was a stark reminder of the vulnerability that lay beneath their formidable exteriors, and it left the guests in awe and disbelief.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall once again turned palpable as the tension shifted from an ominous feeling to a mixture of relief, admiration, and concern for the young masters. The guests couldn't fathom what had caused such a powerful reaction from Lyon and the seer.

Despite the relief of no longer feeling the ominous presence, the guests couldn't fully relax. Their thoughts were consumed by what might be happening inside the chamber. They exchanged worried glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Whispers and hushed conversations filled the room, but nobody dared to approach the closed door. The young masters of Sixth Heaven had earned the respect and admiration of those present, and the guests understood that this was a moment that belonged solely to them. It was not their place to intrude or pry into the private affairs of the young masters.

As the moments passed, the tension continued to linger in the air. The guests were torn between wanting to know what was happening inside the chamber and respecting the young masters' need for privacy.

Mavis couldn't help but feel a sense of regret for inviting Lyon to the Second Heaven banquet. He had anticipated excitement and intrigue, but he never imagined that it would lead to such a mysterious and intense situation. As he looked around, he noticed that the other young masters shared the same curiosity as him, their gazes fixed on the closed chamber door.

The temptation to pry into the chamber and find out what was happening inside was almost overwhelming, but Mavis hesitated.

The grand banquet hall fell into a hushed silence as the seer, Lily, unexpectedly walked in through the entrance, her presence immediately capturing the attention of the bewildered crowd and young masters. The anticipation of witnessing the divination with Lyon was still fresh in their minds, leaving them perplexed by her sudden appearance outside the chamber.

Lily's enchanting aura and serene composure were undisturbed as she smiled gently at the concerned faces before her. "Is everyone alright?" she asked, her voice calm and soothing as if she hadn't just emerged from a momentous experience.

Mavis, Esmeralda, Lyra, Azleid, and Ning exchanged puzzled glances with one another. They were certain that Lily had entered the chamber to perform a divination for Lyon, yet here she was, back among the guests. Their minds were abuzz with questions, but they dared not approach her just yet.

"Seer Lily, are you alright? Are you hurt?" asked Ning of Red Lotus. There was indeed a sign of worry in her eyes, but there was something more hiding behind it.

"I was a bit tired, that's all," said Seer Lily with a smile before she saw Old Gu approaching her frantically.

"Ah, Seer Lily, what happened?" asked Old Gu before he was stopped from advancing further by her driver.

"That's enough," said the driver.

"Thank you for your concern, Principal Gu," said Seer Lily before she scanned the room, "I apologize for the confusion," she said, her voice carrying over the hushed room. "My divination with Master Lyon was indeed intense, and I needed a moment to compose myself before returning to the banquet."

Esmeralda was keen enough to ask, "But you were inside the chamber, how are you coming into the banquet from back there?"

"Ah..." Lily was about to answer before a familiar voice echoed out from the chamber.

"It was that intense, am I right? Beauty."

Lily's eyes widened in surprise as a voice broke the silence. The young masters and guests were equally taken aback, their gazes shifting from Lily to the chamber.

A foot stepped out before the entire figure of the enigmatic persona appeared. Lyon smirked as he rubbed his left temple before the others followed behind him. Cecile, Selena, Graham, Assid... then Kesya who seemed to be in tears clutching the top of her head as if a swollen bump was there.

Lily's heart skipped a beat as she was reminded of the Lyon she had seen in the intense divination. The image of him, sitting aloof on the throne amidst cascading clouds, flashed vividly in her mind. Her breath caught in her throat, and she felt a mix of awe and trepidation at the sight she had witnessed.

"Don't tell me..." she whispered, her voice barely audible amid the silence of the banquet.

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