Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1023 Yuri, Son of Black Kirin - Cecile’s Arrival

Chapter 1023 Yuri, Son of Black Kirin - Cecile's Arrival

As the anticipation in the crowd reached its peak, a hushed silence fell upon the courtyard as a figure emerged from the distance. He moved with a grace and poise that captured the attention of everyone present. His face was calm, almost serene, with deep, soulful eyes that seemed to hold untold wisdom and mysteries. A hint of a smile graced his lips, giving him an air of elegance and confidence.

His figure was tall and slender, yet exuding a quiet strength that commanded respect. His every step was deliberate as if he moved with the knowledge of his own power, yet there was a gentleness to his demeanor that belied his formidable strength.

The crowd was mesmerized by the young master's calm and captivating presence. They could feel the aura of strength and wisdom that surrounded him, and they couldn't help but be drawn to him.

As he reached the center of the courtyard, murmurs of recognition rippled through the crowd. Whispers spread like wildfire as people began to recognize the young master before them. "It's Yuri of the Black Kirin Clan!" one person exclaimed, their voice tinged with awe.

"He's even more impressive in person," another person remarked, eyes wide with admiration.

Yuri paid no heed to the attention he received, his calm demeanor remaining undisturbed. Instead, he scanned the courtyard with his perceptive eyes, observing the other young masters and the crowd. His presence alone commanded respect, and everyone waited with bated breath to see what this enigmatic young master had to offer in the upcoming graduation event.

Nyi's smile held a tinge of nostalgia as he reminisced about the past encounter with Yuri. It was a battle that had left a lasting impression on him, not just because of the defeat, but because of the unique connection they had forged through that solitary duel in the embrace of nature.

Mavis's excitement bubbled over, and he couldn't contain his laughter as he saw Yuri's arrival. With an exuberant leap, he rose from his seat, unable to suppress his delight at the sight of his fellow young master. He pushed away the old principal and his vice without consideration, to greet him

"Yuri! You're finally here!" Mavis exclaimed, his laughter ringing through the air. "I've been looking forward to seeing you in action!"

Yuri chuckled softly, unable to resist Mavis's infectious energy. "You have a way of convincing me, Mavis, and by a way I mean, YOU. KEPT. ASKING. ME!" he replied, his voice wild but composed. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm here to see what all the fuss is about."

All the other young masters stood up before hovering over, even Esmeralda. The crowd was stunned and immediately caught on to the significant meaning behind it. Of all of them, definitely, Yuri was the most respected one.

Yuri nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze drifting toward the other young masters. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" he mused a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Time flies, and we've all grown stronger since then."

"Definitely," Azleid said with a grin, "I can't help but flex it, but Mavis always goes missing and you are always trying to break through."

"I'm afraid, I can't entertain you today," said Yuri, "Though, if you're asking, yes, I have broken through, in fact, this morning."

"Oh?!" The other young masters were surprised.

"Damn, so you are once again, one step ahead of us," said Mavis. "It would help if you slow down a bit, you know."

As the young masters continued their exchange, the anticipation in the air grew thicker. The crowd, filled with fellow cultivators and onlookers, also felt the energy building up. Each young master had their unique strengths and styles, and the graduation event promised to showcase the very best of their talents.

The three students were in awe, especially at the figure called Yuri. However, their attention only lasted for a while before Kesya suddenly called someone over. "Hey! Over here!"

Their eyes glanced over instinctively before all pupils shrunk at the sight.

Rayus, Noah, and Reinhard couldn't help but be captivated by the woman's presence as she led the group with such grace and elegance. Her auburn hair danced in the gentle breeze, adding to the allure of her appearance. Despite her friendly smile, there was an unmistakable air of regality about her, as if she were a queen walking among her subjects.

However, their eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the diverse and enigmatic individuals accompanying her.

The tall and silent man stood with an imposing presence, his muscular frame hinting at great strength. Next to him was the sleek figure wearing glasses, whose penetrating gaze seemed to survey everything around him. His calm demeanor and analytical look hinted at a keen intellect and a tactical mind. The empty seat reserved for Lyon seemed to draw his attention, and a frown briefly crossed his face.

Then, there was the woman in the cloak, mysterious and intriguing with one of her arms concealed from sight. Her presence seemed to carry an air of secrecy, making the students wonder what hidden talents or secrets she held beneath her cloak. Her eyes held a sharp glint, and she appeared ready for anything that might come her way, and just like with Kesya, they couldn't 'feel' her presence at all despite looking straight at her.

Next in the group was the one with azure fox ears, an alluring and mature presence that captivated the attention of those around her. Her fox-like features exuded sensuality and wisdom, and the students couldn't help but be curious about her background and abilities.

Finally, there was the woman with bright orange hair, her wandering eyes searching the surroundings as if she were looking for someone.

Cecile's smile was warm and captivating as she looked at the stunned students before her. With a regal-like bearing, she spoke with a graceful voice that carried an air of authority and gentleness combined.

"Greetings, young talents," she began, her eyes glancing kindly at each of the three students. "I am Cecile, it is a pleasure to finally meet the lucky students that my husband teaches."

"?!" the three students felt as if the ground beneath their feet had given way, and they were suspended in a moment of disbelief. They exchanged wide-eyed glances, unable to fully grasp the magnitude of this revelation.

"I-I'm Noah, nice to meet you!" said Noah with a bit of stutter.

"M-My name is Reinhard," said Reinhard as he wondered if he should shake her hand or not.

"R-Rayus," said Rayus as he blushed.

They were getting a contrast to the madam they always knew. One was the master of the blade, but this one, they couldn't tell even from her outfit.

As the young masters returned to their seats after greeting Yuri, the atmosphere in the crowd was still filled with awe and excitement.

"Hm?" Ning, who had been standing near her seat, accidentally caught a figure that she thought she would never see again. Her eyes widened.

Cecile felt the gaze emanating from Ning, and she couldn't resist glancing over to meet her eyes. As their gazes locked, a playful smirk tugged at the corner of Cecile's lips.

In that brief moment, Cecile conveyed a silent message through her expression. It was a look that said, "I remember you, little one." She knew that Ning had recognized her, and she was amused by the surprise that flickered in the girl's eyes. Then, she returned to conversing with the students before sitting down.

( That woman! ) Ning silently gritted her teeth and her eyes twitched. Her hands grabbed the arm of the chair ever so tightly.

Unbeknownst to Ning, Esmeralda, the keen-eyed young master, noticed the change in her demeanor. Esmeralda was not one to miss subtle details, and she was quick to pick up on the tension that had formed between Ning and Cecile.

( What a unique group... ) thought Esmeralda, before she smirked. ( I wonder what getting under her skin, it's not every day she revealed herself for a second ). She watched Cecile and the group with great interest.

Ning's thoughts raced as she made the connection between Cecile's presence and the man from her memories.

Her mind flashed back to the time she had slapped his hand away, asserting her independence and refusing to be swayed by his charm. The memory brought a mix of emotions - pride in standing her ground, but also a sense of frustration at the overwhelming power he wielded. The man with an aura that far exceeded anyone she had ever encountered, the one who effortlessly destroyed the Alchemy Union's tower in a single blow.

It all clicked into place. "Of course, if she is here, then he must be too," she mumbled to herself. The realization filled her with annoyance, but now she knew who was Mavis talking about previously.

Mavis looked at Cecile's group and nodded, the preparation for them was complete. They were the reason he took a detour and arrived late than the other two.

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