Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1003 It Has Begun

Chapter 1003 It Has Begun

Three days had slipped away, and the day of departure towards the summit had finally arrived. The palace buzzed with an undercurrent of anticipation as preparations for the journey were set in motion. The courtyard echoed with the sounds of bustling servants, the clattering of horses' hooves, and the murmurs of advisors finalizing arrangements.? Yet, amidst the flurry of activity, Lyon's mind remained clouded by the enigmatic revelation of his lineage's involvement in the lost age.

As he gathered his belongings and approached the designated meeting point, Lyon's thoughts swirled with questions. He yearned to understand the significance of his family's past, to untangle the threads of history that seemed to intertwine with his very being. But his wife, Selena, had steadfastly refused to provide further insight, leaving Lyon grappling with fragments of knowledge and profound curiosity. The weight of this unresolved mystery pressed upon him, casting a shadow over the impending journey.

As he stood among the retinue, ready to set forth on the path that lay ahead, Lyon stole a glance at Selena. Her warm smile betrayed nothing of the secrets she held, and he couldn't help but wonder what lay behind her guarded expression. A pang of frustration tugged at his chest, longing to pry open the doors of knowledge that she seemed determined to keep closed.

With a heavy sigh, Lyon resolved to set his musings aside for the time being. The summit awaited.

He looked over his shoulders before finding his three students standing neatly aligned with their backs couldn't be any more straightened. "Aer you guys nervous?"

"O-Of course! I can't believe you invited us to the summit," said Reinhard.

"Woah never thought I heard you trembling like that," Lyon smirked. "Why not eh? It's a new experience, savor it however you can."

( Easy for you to say! ) thought the three of them.

Rew, the best archer of Elyrianth, come and greeted Lyon with a nod of acknowledgment, "Sir Lyon, I will be accompanying His Majesty with you, let's ensure his safety together!"

"Alright, alright, no need to get so worked up," said Lyon as he waved his hand sweeping away the gravity of the situation laid ahead.

"Hahaha, it's really amazing that Sir Lyon managed to keep calm even though the nobles are all having their heartbeats jumping around, truly, we couldn't feel anymore safer with you around," said Rew before he smiled.

Nyi's footsteps echoed in the courtyard as he approached Lyon, Selena, and his three students who stood waiting. The air was thick with a mix of anticipation and bittersweet farewell. Leander, the High King, and Mother Queen Isabella followed closely behind, their presence lending a regal aura to the gathering.

As Nyi drew near, Lyon turned to face him, a blend of pride and concern etched on his features. Selena stood beside him, her gaze filled with a mixture of love and unwavering support. The three students, their expressions a mix of admiration and trepidation, awaited their teacher's guidance.

Nyi's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions as he stood before his family, aware of the weight of his responsibilities as the king of Elyrianth. Leander and Isabella, their faces lined with wisdom and experience, stood beside him, ready to offer their blessings and words of wisdom.

Leander's voice broke the silence, his tone filled with a mixture of paternal pride and gentle solemnity. "My son, Nyi, may your journey be filled with wisdom, courage, and the spirit of diplomacy. The fate of our kingdom rests on your shoulders, but know that you carry within you the strength of generations past."

Mother Queen Isabella stepped forward, her voice soft but resolute. "Nyi, my dear, remember the virtues that define our lineage - compassion, integrity, and the unwavering pursuit of justice. Let these virtues guide you as you navigate the intricate web of alliances and negotiations."

Nyi nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "I will do my best, Father, Mother. Your guidance and the lessons you have imparted will be my guiding light."

Both parents nodded with pride swelling in their chests. They looked at their son, the once a baby needing to be fed had grown into a fine young man, facing a challenge with Second Heaven at stake.

"I will return triumph—" Nyi interfered with an extended hand placed itself on his shoulder. He glanced over and saw Lyon shaking his head. "Lyon... what's the matter?"

Lyon gazed at his baffled parents, "We will do our best and that's enough."

Leander and Isabella shared glances as they were confused by what was happening and so did his three students and the whole retinue. A normal flow of conversation of farewell was disrupted for no reason.

Lyon nodded in their midst of confusion and the silence of the courtyard. He gazed back at Nyi before saying, "Let's go."

Nyi was left with a gap between his lips. He helplessly saw Lyon getting into one of the luxurious carriages before Selena followed suit. Once he got himself together, he turned and looked at his parents before nodding, "I'm going, Mother, Father."

"En! Take care!" said Leander as Isabella fell into his embrace with wept tears as she saw his son get into the royal carriage.

Nyi's face turned sour as his eyes half-opened. He looked at Rew, his best archer nodding at him. He darted his glance over the window and looked at the blue sky. The curtain of his eyes slowly dropped further as the hooves of the horses became the backdrop for his nap.

As the group journeyed towards the summit, a buzz of anticipation and speculation spread throughout the land of Elyrianth. The impending summit was the topic of conversation among both commoners and nobles alike. Whispers echoed in the streets, taverns, and marketplaces, carrying tales of alliances, negotiations, and the potential outcomes that could shape the future of the realm.

"What happened to the weather?" someone exclaimed, glancing up at the gathering storm.

"The skies have turned ominous," another muttered, their gaze fixed on the darkening clouds. "Perhaps it is a sign, a warning of the challenges and conflicts that lie ahead."

As if on cue, lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a deafening crack of thunder. Raindrops started to fall, slowly at first, but soon turning into a downpour.

"The weather has taken a turn for the worse," a voice noted, their tone mirroring the concern etched on their face. "It's as if the elements themselves are reflecting the uncertainties and tensions surrounding this summit."

The murmurs of the crowd grew louder as people sought shelter from the deluge. Some exchanged worried glances, while others looked to the sky with furrowed brows.

Old Gu stood by the window, his gaze fixed on the darkened sky. Rain poured relentlessly, mirroring the storm of emotions brewing within him. He had always prided himself on remaining detached from the political affairs that plagued the realm, focusing solely on nurturing young minds at the Nirvana School. But now, with the impending summit and Lyon's involvement, he found himself drawn into a web of intrigue and uncertainty.

As he watched the raindrops cascade down the windowpane, Old Gu couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. Lyon, the enigmatic teacher whose arrival had sparked both admiration and suspicion, held a pivotal role in the upcoming events. The fate of Second Heaven seemed to rest on his shoulders, and Old Gu couldn't ignore the weight of the responsibility that had been placed upon him.


Refl, his wrists bound by a rough chain, sat huddled in a dimly lit cell. The sound of dripping water echoed through the damp chamber, matching the rhythm of his racing thoughts. He strained his ears, desperate to catch any snippets of conversation that might shed light on his captor's intentions.

A low murmur reached his ears from beyond the thick stone walls. He leaned closer to the cold bars, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and fear. The voice belonged to one of the bandits assigned to guard him, unaware of the significance of the information he possessed.

"Did ya hear?" the bandit's voice carried through the air, a mix of excitement and intrigue. "The summit's finally happenin'! All the big shots from the kingdoms are headin' there, they say."

Refl's breath caught in his throat. The summit. The mere mention of it sent shivers down his spine. It was a gathering of immense importance, a convergence of power that could shape the future of Second Heaven.

He strained to listen further, his mind racing with possibilities. The bandit's voice grew faint as he moved away, and a few words drifted to Refl's ears

"...change everything... alliances... secrets unveiled..."

The gravity of the situation sank in. The summit was not merely a gathering of kings. It held the potential to alter the very fabric of Second Heaven.

Refl muttered, "It has begun..."

One by one, the kings of Second Heaven embarked on their journeys to the summit, unaware of each other's presence. The timing of their departures was orchestrated with utmost precision, ensuring that their paths did not intersect. It was a deliberate decision, for the stakes were high, and each king carried their own burdens and responsibilities.

The storm raged on, its intensity matching the turmoil that swelled within the hearts of these monarchs. As raindrops pelted against carriage windows and lightning flashed across the sky, the kings pressed forward, their thoughts consumed by the weighty matters that awaited them at the summit.

"War," said Refl revealing a sharp gaze.

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