Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 928

Chapter 928: Inscrutable

“What a supercilious figure,” said Cini. “I can’t believe he held his head high even though his background is less than his own students.”

“Hahaha,” Marat laughed.

“Why are you laughing Marat?” asked Rokh. “This matters to you too.”

“Matters me?” Marat raised his brows, “Don’t lump me with you lots, I have my own standard.”

“Are you serious right now?” asked Vina.

“Yes, my class is the best and will win the graduation event,” said Marat. “Just like how it was for the last few years.”

“Bah, don’t let your thought fly over your head,” said Yama. “My class has a good chance to top them all.”

“Now is not the time,” said Rokh. “We should teach the new teacher a lesson of how things work around here. He is from the Mortal World, we need to remind him what that means in Second Heaven.”

“You mean a small orientation? I agree!” Han answered.

Rokh smiled seeing Han’s reaction but one of his brows raised the moment he caught Cini’s. “Cini, you don’t look like you agree.”

“That’s because I don’t,” said Cini to the rest of the teachers’ surprise.

“Huh? Did you hear what you said?” asked Vina.

“I heard what I said, Vina,” said Cini without sparing a glance. “You can try if you want, but don’t belittle me when you fail.”

“Tch!” Han clicked his tongue, “You honestly believe that he could retaliate?”

“Do you honestly believe that you could even lay a finger on him? Remember, just moments ago in the courtyard, he could have wrung your neck,” said Cini as she leered at him.

“Kh!” Han was taken aback by hearing her words as a hint of cold sweat formed on his forehead, “He caught me off, guard! He won’t be able to do that if I know what’s coming!”

“Hahaha, that’s pathetic,” said Yama. “In nature, do you ask a tiger not to sneak on you?”

“You!” Han furiously pointed at him. “What side are you on here?! This is not talking about me, but that arrogant bastard!”

“Phew~” Vina whistled as she saw Han being consumed by rage. “Doesn’t take much to tick you off, huh.”

“Enough,” said Rokh seeing the conversation escalate in the wrong direction. “There is a matter at hand, if we keep him doing whatever he wants, one day it will be our turn to kiss his blade.”

“That’s a weird way of saying it, but you’re kind of right,” said Vina before she buried her head in her desk. “Though, it sounds really tiresome to even teach him.”

“Vina, his action does not reflect our standard,” said Rokh. “You don’t want us to be lumped together to the lights of him, do you?”

“Manner is one thing, strength is another,” said Cini. “He might not have the manner, but the latter is still questionable.”

“You still believe he is that strong?” asked Han.

“He has the benefit of the doubt,” said Cini, “I won’t rule that out.” ( Especially with the state of Old Gu’s window, until I have that answer, I will regard him as dangerous for now ).

Vina sighed before she pulled her head up and looked at Rokh, “Rokh, what benefits do you think we would have in teaching him manners? Like, the graduation event is in six months, he literally can’t do anything to save those poor poor boys from failing graduation.”

“Finally, some insight! Though I never thought it would come from you, hahaha!” Yama laughed.

“I will kill you next time, Yama!” said Vina as she sharpened her eyes.

“Forgive me,” Yama showed both palms.

“Your face belies your gesture,” Vina frowned.

Yama merely smiled at her soft aggression.

“Yama, are you not going to join us?” asked Rokh. “We could use your power.”

“As much as I was irritated by the guy, Vina has a point,” said Yama as he crossed his arms. “He could do nothing to change Class Six’s path to failure. Might as well give him a few loose freedom, after all, he will only be here after six months.”

“Really?” Han raised his brows.

“Judsah told me,” said Yama as he nodded, “Well, unless he lied of course.”

Rokh sighed, “I hate it when I see your logic here.”

“Oi!” Han called, “You’re not bailing out, are you?”

Rokh crossed his arms as he leaned back, “There is something called ‘wasting energy’, Han. He might be unruly but what can he do exactly? We don’t have any curriculum for the students in the next six months, they are on their own agendas, which means he couldn’t disturb us nor does he have the time to.”

Han was taken back before gritting his teeth, “His arrogance needs to be taught a lesson!”

“There is no mistaking that, but we are not his fathers either,” said Rokh. “Cini’s words were enough, if he didn’t change then so be it, after all, I could just stay away from him in the next six months, we are not even obliged to be in this faculty room.”

Han’s eyes bulged before his hands slowly clenched.

“You can do what you want, Han,” said Cini as she stood up. “We’re not here to stop you, nor do we even want to stop you, it’s your life, your choice.”

“And where are you going?” asked Han.

“I’m going to check on my students, they should be done basking in that cultivation pool,” said Cini as she head outside with every glance on her until she closed the door gently.

“!?” her pupils shrunk to a dot as they trembled. She was frozen in place as the air inside her lungs didn’t move. Her lips slightly parted from each other as she saw a finger. A finger was placed on top of a figure’s lips as a gesture.

“Sh~” Lyon hissed softly before smirking then shook the same finger that he used for the gesture. He turned around not saying a word before walking away whilst waving goodbye.

Then, and only then, she resumed her breath. Her legs weekend a bit but even as her knees trembled, she remained standing, all standing, except for her thoughts. Was he listening? Was he there the whole time? The questions ran circles inside her calculating head. He appeared to be bratty and doesn’t act like the job, however, was that all an act?

( What an inscrutable person… ) thought Cini as she slowly furrowed her brows. ( With six months on the clock, now you get my attention and… anticipation. What will you do, how are you gonna do it? ).

The door behind her clicked.

“Huh? I thought you left already,” said Vina. “What are you looking at?”

“Vina, you’ve been with men before, how well can you interpret one?” asked Cini.

“W-Woah?! What? Did I hear that right?” Vina rubbed her eyes and the inner canal of her ears, “Can you say that again? I must have misheard things.”

Cini shook her head without sparing a glance at her the whole conversation. She walked toward her destination, the cultivation pool.

Vina was gobsmacked looking at Cini, leaving her hanging. She put her hands on her waist as she tilted her head with one raised brow, “Is her hormone finally starting to kick in now?”

Meanwhile, inside Class Six’s classroom.

“Oi, Rayus, you need to stop looking at the windows,” said Reinhard. “There is no class today, let’s get back to our dorm.”

Rayus sighed before suddenly, the door slammed open.

Three of them jolted out of their characters before realizing that it was their new teacher.

“W-What? Are we going to have a class after all?” asked Noah.

“Reinhard,” said Lyon.


“Tell me about these bandits that you and the rest fought,” said Lyon before crossing his arms.

“B-But I thought you knew already, we all say you going to the Principal’s Office.”

“He didn’t help much, besides, I took a dump in his toilet but that’s not important! He said that you might know their identities since they don’t,” said Lyon.


“Identities, not iden-tities, hehe,” Lyon made a perverted smile before reverting back to his serious face, “Yes! They might wear uniformed cloaks or something.”

“They are bandits, though, they don’t wear anything that formal,” said Noah.

“That’s good news! They are disorganized bandits,” said Lyon. “Now, do they have something in common?”

“They’re bandits?” asked Reinhard.

“Stop being stupid,” said Lyon.

“I heard they mentioned the name ‘Burgeon Swan’,” said Rayus.

“Great! Thank you, Rayus,” said Lyon. “Now, where can we get the information regarding Burgeon Swan?”

“Perhaps it’s best to look inside the cave where we were attacked? But I wouldn’t recommend it,” said Noah.

“Good suggestion! Then tomorrow we’re going there!” said Lyon.

“But!” Noah exclaimed.

“All three of you will come with me and my wife tomorrow,” said Lyon.

“You’re bringing your wife?!” asked Reinhard.

“Hahaha! Yes! This could be my date as well!” said Lyon.

( I-I don’t think you know what date means ) thought Reinhard.

“Don’t worry though, she is a behemoth of a sword-wielder,” said Lyon. “We are safer with her than without.”

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