Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 922

Chapter 922: Obnoxious

The classroom door was slammed open with a kick.

“Rayus!” Noah shouted.

“Huh?” Rayus turned with his heavy eyes. “What..?”

“We need you in the courtyard,” said Noah.

“Did Reinhard do something stupid again?” asked Rayus.

“No, we got a new teacher,” said Noah.

“Oh…” Rayus turned his head and returned to gazing at the scenery.

“C’mon, Judsah said that I have to bring you there and I don’t want to drag you,” Noah sighed. “Everyone is waiting, you certainly don’t want unnecessary trouble, right?”

Rayus let out a long sigh before he stood up. He walked in Noah’s direction before passing him. The latter followed through before keeping up the pace.

“What’s the use?” asked Rayus as his eyelids were as heavy as his life. “Maybe one of you might get impaired like me, you know they’re waiting for it.”

“I have no idea,” Noah answered. “Perhaps either I or Reinhard will get impaired.”

“Don’t do something stupid, me alone is enough,” said Rayus.

“Rayus…” Noah opened his eyes wide as he paused.

“Huh? Why are you stopping?” Reyus turned his head.

“Heh, nothing,” said Noah with a smile before they continue their journey toward the courtyard. ( You’re a really good guy Rayus… ) thought Noah as he clenched his fist.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard.

“Huh?” Reinhard noticed the two of his class coming, “Oi.” he waved his hand.

“Well, look’s like his burning rage is gone,” said Rayus.

“You know him,” Noah smiled wryly as he raised his hand and clapped Reinhard’s.

“Rayus,” Reinhard give him a fistbump though the receiver was not as enthusiastic as him. “We got a new teacher.”

“So, I’ve heard,” said Rayus.

“I told him, Reinhard,” said Noah.

Reinhard nodded before he looked around, “Though, where is everyone else?”

“They didn’t even try to give respect anymore,” said Rayus. “But I don’t blame them, with only six months left in this cursed place, I too would have done the same.”

“Hmm, how are you three?” an old familiar voice made all three heads turn.

All of their eyes opened wide in surprise before they showed their best behavior possible.

“Principal Gu!” said all three with head bows.

“Hahaha, you three seem to have been facing a lot of troubles lately,” said Old Gu.

( You think? ) thought all three of them before Reinhard asked, “Principal are we having a new teacher?”

“Yes, I see that Judsah has informed you,” said Old Gu with a smile.

“Who is it?” asked Noah. ( Who is fool enough to take on this ridiculous job? Or do they have a different agenda? ).

( He or she perhaps already knows the situation and wants to nibble on that bribe Mana Essence ) thought Rayus as he sighed.

“Well, you have to wait for him to show up, he will tell you himself,” said Old Gu before smiling at them. He looked around and saw nothing that breathes other than the four of them. “The others seem to be taking their time.”

Reinhard smiled wryly before he caught Rayus smirking at the old man’s principal. “I saw Jasper just now, it seems like he already knew that a new teacher is coming.”

“Oh?” the old man raised his brows, “He might be telling the others to come to the courtyard as we speak, speaking of which, the guest of honor is not in sight either.”

“He didn’t bail, did he?” asked Rayus.

“Hahaha,” Old Gu laughed. “The possibility of that happening is small, after all, he has nowhere to go.”

“Huh?” the three raised their brows before Noah asked, “What do you mean, principal?”

“Hehe,” Old Gu chuckled, “Alright, seems you three all down in the low, let me give you a spoiler of his origin.”

The three somehow had their faces slightly beaming from before. The anticipation and the wording used by the principal were inviting a miracle.

“He is from the Mortal World, hahaha!”

All three were petrified by the words coming from the old man’s wrinkly mouth. The beamed faces dimmed faster than the passing comet in the sky. They were hoping for a miracle, but they were given a massive weight instead. No words came out of their words but their eyes spoke of their dreads. Hope was lost before it even began.

“A-Are you sure?” Reinhard was trying.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Old Gu nodded. “There is no doubt about it that he is from the Mortal World, I have a trustable source.” ( Not just as an informant but also income ) thought Old Gu as he smiled inwardly.

“Wha…” Reinhard was at a loss. “I…”

Now he knew why Jasper was so adamant in informing him. Everything suddenly made sense to him. Reinhard, the hot-blooded youth out of the three, gritted his teeth and clenched his teeth. He wanted to unleash his rage but, he didn’t know who to blame for his situation. Soon he sighed as he unclenched his hands. His shoulders dropped as he slouched, slowly morning into a second Rayus.

“Hmm, perhaps I have picked my words wrong?” muttered the principal seeing the three of them react. ( Heh, never mind ) though the old man before looking into the distance.

“Hahaha,” a burst of proud laughter broke through the barrier of obnoxious came approaching.

“Jasper…” Reinhard frowned. “What are you doing here?”

“Hm? Haven’t you heard? The vice principal told us to gather here,” said Jasper with arms crossed. “So I brought my other two friends into the class as well.”

“Looks like the clowns have gathered before us, do you want to perform?” said a bald peer.

“Shut up Rodrick,” said Noah.

“Hahaha!” a peer woman laughed. “That’s a good joke.”

“Lia…” Rayus frowned.

“Alright, that’s enough,” clapping hands were heard before a man with a straight mustache across the lips came into view. His hands were behind his back as he quickly greeted the most important figure in the courtyard. “Principal Gu, good afternoon.”

“Good morning to you too, Han, well, it’s going to be noon now, hahaha,” Old Gu laughed.

“Hahaha,” Han laughed before he smiled and said, “I see that the guest of honor hasn’t arrived yet, interestingly so, he is from the Mortal World right?”

“Hahahaha!” Jasper and his friends laughed with their back arched.

“Enough!” Han said before the laughter gradually diminished. “You three are in the presence of the principal, why don’t you show some respect.”

“Good morning, Principal,” Jasper and his two friends bowed.

“I apologize for my students’ er… rude behavior,” said Han before taking a quick glance at the teacher-less class students.

“Hahaha, it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s just bantering between friends,” said Old Gu.

Reinhard and the other two couldn’t refute. The principal clearly heard their condescending words but didn’t reprimand them right away.

Old Gu raised his brows with his eyes caught something, “Ah, Judsah, welcome back.”

“Good morning, Principal,” said Judsah.

“Have you informed all of the classes and teachers?” asked Old Gu.

“Wow, such a welcoming party, reminds me of my own welcome hahaha,” Han said before he continued, “Hmm, don’t you think this is a bit grand for someone hailing from that place? I mean… it might be too overwhelming for him. We might see his eyes having a bag each, hahaha.”

“Hahaha,” Old Gu laughed. “As much as I want to believe that happening, I don’t think so… not him.”

Han’s lips slowly pulled down from his smile as his brows furrowed. He noticed the tone shifted as Old Gu mentioned the latter two words. This was also noticed by the loser class, even Rayus raised his brows instinctively.

“Who—” Han’s voice was cut off.

“I think he has not woken up yet,” said Judsah as he shook his head.

( What? ) Han furrowed his brows, “If that’s true then…” he looked at the loser class before sighing, “That doesn’t sound like a good sign.”

All three of the loser class frowned even deeper as they heard the smirk from Jasper.

“Well, he did say that he rather have the introduction at noon,” said Old Gu as he rubbed his beard as if contemplating, “But he didn’t specifically say what time of the day.”

“Coincidentally,” said Judsah. “The others are taking their time coming here. As if the worlds favor him or something.”

“Hahaha,” Old Gu said, “Well it’s sudden summon without prior announcement, they won’t drop anything at hand to rush here, after all, it’s just an introduction.”

“They will come shortly, I’m sure,” said Han.

( Yeah, as if ) thought Rayus before the corner of his eyes caught something as he rolled them. Silhouettes were coming from a direction. His eyes opened wide before Reinhard stepped in.

“There they are!”

“See,” Han shrugged proudly. ( They will come to see the new teacher, oh my, I can’t wait how their face mold once they knew where he hails from ).

“I will tell them to line up properly,” said Judsah before rushing toward the incoming group of people.

Old Gu laughed, “Hahahaha! Good! Then we can begin.”

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