Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 912 Aelina's Reverie

Chapter 912  Aelina's Reverie

Luderia, the kingdom where the gate toward Mabia was placed. The kingdom had not seen significant growth ever since the tragedy of the Crown Prince and Lyon. The story of the battle was a legend foretold over and over. The locals shared different versions of stories after each glass of liquor. However, the truth remained the same the Crown Prince had died at the hand of the King of Deo. His marshall was unmatched.

The royalties now only consisted of the Third Prince and The Princess, the latter was one of the four beauties of Deo. Her hair was brown and beautiful, she had once accompanied Lyon strolling as some people accrue to bear witness to the event. They both once played in the fountain before tragedy befell Biane and Clemora.

Inside one of the royal's chambers in the grand palace was the princess that rumored to have a very special relationship with the man that had risen to fame— far greater than the history of the kingdom itself.

She was sitting beside a small table with one of her legs crossing the other. She was smiling as her fingers coursed through the thick and fluffy fur on her lap. She rubbed and rubbed them gently as the little black wolf had his face surrendered to gravity. The little black wolf had his eyes closed— sleeping like there was nothing in this world that could harm him. Alas, half of his body was still patched up but there was no more blood emerging from the wound.

"You have recovered tremendously, Fenrir," said Princess Aelina. "The astounding growth even makes our beastmasters crook their heads." she chuckled.

Fenrir slept soundlessly on her lap with occasional hard breaths.

"Owh, what are you dreaming Fenrir?" said Aelina before she noticed his ears twitch. "Is something bothering you?"

His nose twitched before his eyelids slowly opened up. He pulled back his face and ears and slowly got up. He shook his head before yawning.

"Hm?" Aelina raised her brows before seeing Fenrir get off of her lap. "Fenrir? Are you alright?"

Fenrir cantered toward the giant window by her chamber. The clever wolf pushed open the window before approaching the edge of the balcony. The little wolf jumped on the ledge before making himself comfortable. He scratched his ears with his leg before the shadow of Aelina approached.

"What a nice breeze," said Aelina as she tugged a strand of her hair behind her ears. "What interest you, Fenrir?"

The sun was setting down as dusk emasculate Luderia. The twilight and the endless horizon brought a calming mind. No swords were raised and no blood was shed as the day was about to end.

Aelina smiled seeing the warm scenery that she had witnessed multiple times before she sighed. She rubbed Fenrir's head gently as she muttered, "I wonder what I should do, my little brother is going to inherit the throne. My sister went on with her life, it left only me. Am I really just going to be a duchess?"

"Sometimes I'm jealous of Luna," she lamented. "She has this boldness that I don't. She is brave and kind in her own way. She is the perfect princess, but she refused to be entangled with her kingdom. I wonder how can I have such courage."

"More importantly, she got to be with him," Aelina gloomed. "I wonder if he remembers our first meeting. Under the night starry sky at the balcony— which he destroyed later hehe. Then, our stroll together in the city. Visiting my uncle's shop before discovering his hidden talent after that. My, what wondrous tell it was."

She let out a weak smile, "Though..." She gulped before shaking her head. She caressed Fenrir's fur, "Do you think he still remembers? Do you think, we have that spark between us, Fenrir?"

She snorted, "Heh, look how pathetic I am. Every girl dreamt of a prince, no matter if they were a princess or someone who grew up in a slum. However, not even the princess could get her hand on one it seems."

Fenrir gradually got up before turning around.

"Eh? Fenrir?" Aelina furrowed her brows.

Fenrir faced up with his lips slightly parted before he howled. His cry echoed throughout the kingdom and made the people under the rule of the old king raise their heads.

Meanwhile, the front pair of guards stationed at the entrance inside was looking in the direction of the palace.

"What happened?" said one of them.

"I don't know man," the other one shrugged. "You know how the princess is, she marched head-on when Nostria was in danger. I don't think our level can fathom her emotion."

"That's..." the guard sighed, "It's the wolf that's howling, not the princess."

"I-I know, I'm not saying that the princess is the one howling!"

"Yeah, sure man, whatever," said one of the guards before he turned around and looked into the distant road. His brows furrowed. "Huh?"

"What? Huh?"

The two of them looked into the distance and saw an approaching carriage. One of the squinted before his eyes opened wide. He immediately took out a scroll of paper and opened it.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Here, look, don't you think they are the same person? The one coaching the carriage looks the same as in this drawing."

"Sir Graham? They have returned!"

After the howl diminished completely. Fenrir somersaulted from the ledge and saw a quick glance where Aelina was trying to reach him out with her lips parted, however, she was too late. The little black wolf swiftly trailed down with his four small legs as the patching around his body slowly opened up. The loose tangling patch was soon dangling around his body as he made a run outside. His paws were stronger than ever before, and his movement and his agility were top-class despite not being an adult yet. No eyes managed to get him in the picture for more than two seconds as he made his way toward the entrance of the kingdom with surprised looks from the passerby.

"Fenrir!" Aelina screamed before jumping down herself. Her bare foot immediately soiled but the rigid cliff didn't hurt her as she trailed down to the base. She landed with a loud thud thus garnering the attention of her people.

"Huh? Princess Aelina?!" said one of them with his eyes blinking in disbelief.

"Hehe," Aleina smiled as she rushed toward the path that Fenrir took. "Excuse me! Excuse me! Passing through!" she hastened herself before catching a quick glimpse of Fenrir passing through the entrance. ( Ah, where is he going?! ) thought the princess with her eyes furrowed.

"Hmm?" Graham stopped seeing the little black wolf rushing toward his carriage. He smiled, "Master, it seems like someone is here to greet you."

"Huh? Who?" Lyon answered from inside.

"Well, your dog."


"N-No... the other one."

"Fenrir?!" Lyon quickly opened the door of the carriage before tumbling down. Fenrir immediately caught Lyon with his eyes before immediately snuggling his head on him.

"Fenrir! Hahaha!" Lyon said before his face was licked. "Stop it."

Fenrir stopped before leaping inside the carriage and found Cecile.

"You little bastard!" Lyon frowned. "I still haven't paid you back for what you did back after I slept with Luna!"

"L-Lyon!" Luna immediately shouts her face turning red.

"Oh? I wonder what happened," Cecile chuckled as she held up Fenrir like a cat.

"That's a wolf, not a dog," said Selena.

"It's a running joke," Cecile chuckled before putting Fenrir on Luna's lap— which he didn't complain about.

Lyon got up before dusting away his garment with taps of his hands. "Honestly, I thought this would be a great reunion with a tear-jerking reaction, but no." he sighed, "Though, it's great to see you alive and kicking."

His ears twitched as he suddenly heard a quickly drawn gasp. He turned with brows raised to see a young woman standing.

Aelina had her pupils trembling as her lips were covered by both of her hands. The man she had just thought about was now standing in front of her. Unsure of what the reverie in front of her was, she asked, "Are you... Lyon?"

"En," Lyon nodded, "Princess Aelina, long time no see."

Her face glamorously turned radiant as her doubts were cleared.

"I see, another one hmm, why don't you introduce me, darling?"

A calm voice brought a shiver to Aelina's spine. She saw a young woman stepping out from the carriage. The latter was devastatingly beautiful with eyes as clear as the blue sky and sapphire ocean.

"Princess Aelina," Lyon smiled wryly as he scratched the back of his head before revealing, "This is Selena, my wife."

"Princess Aelina," Lyon smiled wryly as he scratched the back of his head before revealing, "This is Selena, my wife."

Aelina's heart sank before another figure got out of the carriage.

"Let's not be intimidating, Selena," said Cecile with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet the princess of Luderia, I've heard so much about the Four Beauties."

( It's her! ) thought Aelina as she saw the striking auburn hair.

The last woman in the carriage stepped out.

"Aelina," Luna slightly frowned as she held Fenrir.

"Luna..." Aelina responded before seeing Lyon's awkward laugh.

( Oh boy...)

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