Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 902

Chapter 902: Public Affection

The day started sinking as before twilight gave one last kiss at the people’s eyes. Stars started to illuminate synchronously before darkness could accumulate fully. The night sky was riddled with calmness as the vibrant clouds turned a bit sour at this point in time. The wind lightly bellowed between the buildings but the atmosphere in Myriad Devils was not extinguished.

They were merry with the nightlife. Some still working to get Adventurer Tokens, while others splurge for entertainment. Their brain explodes with dopamine whenever they remembered yesterday. However, for those that were keen, they looked at the couple who had been enjoying themselves.

The couple didn’t even have a wallet, yet they could consume the luxury that was given by the people. They offered the couple smiles and gifts. All were free, either the product or the service; not even the guild leaders could have the such regal privilege.

The couple was seen walking on the street with the man letting out a sigh.

“That’s the gist of it,” said Lyon as he felt his throat dryer than the desert.

“That’s a long tale, darling,” said Selena with a smile.

“What do you think? I’m not a good storyteller though,” said Lyon.

“I think it’s funny that you would believe me right away,” said Selena.

“Huh?” Lyon suddenly paused.


Lyon darted his glance toward the sky before his brows furrowed. He rubbed his chin as he contemplated. ( Holy shit, she is right! Why would I believe her right away? Was it because she is beautiful? Or was it because I just got transported from another world and would believe in everything? Oh wait, it was because of my situation ).

“Darling, are you okay?”

“Huh?” Lyon snapped back before glancing down and saw her worried look. He chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“If you say so,” Selena smiled before she turned around and had her hands behind her back. She took a deep cold breath through her nose as she watched the sky. She exhaled through her lips before she sighed and then smiled, “I’m glad that you finally came.”

“The feeling is mutual,” said Lyon. “Were you not there at the time of your arrival, I might not have survived in this world this long.”

“How many days have passed since then?”

Lyon shrugged and shook his head, “I have lost the track of time, and more like, I don’t really care that much.”

“Maybe a year?”

“Not that long, I supposed,” Lyon smiled before his eyes wandered.

“Darling…” she said with a bit of solemness, “Are you still worried about that woman that you owe your life to?”

“I can’t hide it, can I?” Lyon let out a weak smirk.

“You’re good at hiding, but not this one,” Selena smiled.

Lyon took a breath before they started strolling again, “I’m still at a loss for words. I don’t know what to say to her when I get back.”

“I don’t think you’re worried about that,” She shook her head. “I think you’re afraid to see her disappointment.”

Lyon snorted a smile, “Bullseye. Letting a beautiful woman down is one thing, but letting a woman whom I owe something down, just doesn’t sit well in my heart.”

“Hehehe, you know what’s funny, darling?”

“What?” Lyon raised his brows.

“You always gave all the faeries a false first impression,” said Selena.

“Hahaha, you think so?” he laughed and scratched the back of his head.

“Yes, and I want you to keep it that way,” said Selena coldly.

“Eh?” Lyon felt the wind coursing through his goosebumps before he gulped. The smile on her face only amplified her coldness. ( That’s some murderous jealousy there ).

“I would love to spend more time with darling, but it seems like we have to greet the curious cat.”

“Huh? What?” Lyon raised his brows, “Wait, don’t tell me it’s Kesya.”

Selena shook her head, “No, it’s not her. Kesya might be playful, but she won’t dare to interfere with our date like this. She might act like a child, but she knew my wrath.”

Lyon gulped. ( Now I’m even more curious about how in the Mortal World’s name I could have three wives with Selena around ).

“Seems like she doesn’t want to come out,” Selena smiled. “Darling, you must be thirsty after all that talk. Why don’t we find ourselves a refreshment.”

“Hey, that’s a good idea,” Lyon raised his brows.

“I’ve heard that they were making some new food that is unique to its taste,” said Selena.

“What? I thought you just said refreshment?” Lyon squinted his eyes.

“Well we did bite into it, but the sensation is cold in our mouth,” said Selena.

“OH SHIT!” Lyon exclaimed before he pressed her shoulders lightly.

“D-Darling?” Selena couldn’t blink as she saw his serious face. She closed her eyes and gulped before puckering up her lips.

“Where is it?” asked Lyon

“Eh?” Selena raised her brows and opened her eyes.

“Where is the food?” asked Lyon firmly. “Let’s go already.”

She frowned and pressed her bottom lip forward whilst looking away. “I thought that you were going to kiss me.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, of course, I am,” said Lyon before catching her lips by surprise. However, she was not the only one stunned. The onlookers took cold breaths as they saw their idol was taketh away in public.

Lyon raised his brows the moment the gap between his lips was filled through by her wild tongue. Selena’s eyes had turned from surprise to delight as she feign her vulnerability.

“Enough you two! This is the public road!” a woman’s voice was heard.

The familiar voice immediately broke off the atmosphere but Lyon’s lips were locked by Selena instead of the other way around. His eyes opened wide as he saw hers before he gestured for her to look to the side. His pupils ping-ponged from the middle to the right side but Selena squinted her eyes in delight instead. The latter used her hands and hold Lyon’s cheek before she pushed herself forward.


Selena’s lips finally locked off with a resounding plop. Her face was a bit red, and her lips were moist. One droplet of a droll managed to wet her outfit before she could wipe her lips with her arm.

Meanwhile, Lyon couldn’t even blink as more blood was circulating under his cheeks. His lips had drolls too but his heart raced. His eyes looked at his woman. It was supposed to be a surprise attack from his end, but he was the situation was reversed.

Selena looked over before smiling at the woman that no onlookers wanted to stand near. “Zelena doesn’t randomly shout at night, you’re making the others slightly inconvenienced.”

“Oh! So that was her twin, no wonder there was a bit off with her,” muttered one of the onlookers.

“Now that makes sense, he was after her twin sister, after all, the Fang is still available, yes!” another muttered.

“Tch!” Zelena frowned. “Selena, it’s you who is overboard this time. This is a public place!”

“So?” Selena shrugged. “I’m just kissing my husband.”

Zelena had a red hue over her cheeks, “That’s not a kiss!”

“Not the kid-friendly one,” Selena muttered. “Anyway, we are disturbing the others by talking like this, why don’t we eat something with my darling?”


Selena disregards her sister’s disbelief and stares before darting toward her still-a-shocked husband. She leaned down before saying, “Let’s go together.”

“Huh,” Lyon didn’t manage to process the situation before his hand was pulled. Selena was giggling as she approached her sister. She paused before raising one of her brows and said in an obviously teasing tone, “You are coming, right?”

“Kh!” Zelena was at a loss for words.

It didn’t take ten minutes before they arrived at the food stand that Selena had mentioned. Lyon was sitting dumbfoundedly on an available bench by the street whilst holding what seems to be a little biscuit with the shape of a bloated fish.

“Hm~” Selena pressed her cheek in light as the starburst of cold flavor roamed her tongue and basked her brain. “Zelena, you should have bought me this when I was staying there.”

“The inside would melt before I got there,” said Zelena who sat beside her. “Wait a minute! Don’t shift this conversation with ice cream!”

Selena chuckled seeing her twin taking a furious bite.

Lyon sighed before he looked down and see the face of the fish facing him. The two women beside him had started arguing about something that he didn’t care about even before he could taste the fish-shaped cone in his hand. ( Clear up my mind she said, it would be great she said ) thought Lyon before he took a chunk bite. The crunchiness of the waffle and the sweet-sour of the ice cream inside immediately made his eyelashes flutter in ecstasy.

It was not a terrible night, but it was not the best either. However, time didn’t stop and before long the dawn came approaching.

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